How would a One Minute Brief work for my brand?

  1. E-mail to discuss your initial brief idea.

  2. Send over info including one sentence brief, logo, prize for winner/s, web links and blurb about the subject.

  3. Brief posted approx. 9am on the Bank of Creativity Blog and shared via Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

  4. Brief runs via @OneMinuteBriefs Twitter. We encourage client interaction throughout the day.

  5. Brief closes at 6pm (or later if requested)

  6. All entries posted on the OMB Facebook and shared with you via e-mail

  7. Taking into consideration all likes and retweets, we liaise with you to choose a shortlist to be posted on Facebook

  8. We then go through the same process to choose and post the overall winner.

  9. You may use the entries for your own social posts/blog articles.

  10. Should you wish to progress an idea further, you may do so. However, we do ask that you contact us first to see how we can help bring it to life and involve the original creator of the content where possible.


Process for entrants

  1. Brief posted each weekday as pinned tweet on @OneMinuteBriefs Twitter feed at approx. 9am GMT.

  2. Submit as many entries as you like in response to the brief. They can be scribbles, notes, sketches or can be mocked up. But it’s all about the quick idea.

  3. Tweet entries to @OneMinuteBriefs along with relevant hashtags and brand mentions. Feel free to tag more people in to help get your idea shared further.

  4. We encourage interaction with other followers and entries. Collaborate with others. And, be nice by retweeting other ads. Sharing is caring.

  5. Brief closes at 6pm unless otherwise stated. Entries outside of these times will all be retweeted but aren’t guaranteed to be posted to our Facebook.

  6. All entries are posted to

  7. Click ‘like’ on your favourite entries to submit your votes.

  8. Shortlists and winners posted to Facebook.

  9. If you are a prize brief winner, contact us on and we’ll arrange it for you.

  10. Enter again tomorrow. Inspire others and improve your creative thinking.


1. Have No Fear.
There's no such thing as a bad idea at OMB. It's all about quick thinking. Don't be scared of sharing an idea.

2. Respect

Remember, your ad reflects on your character and the OMB community. So respect everyone. A zero tolerance approach will be taken to work that oversteps boundaries. Please refrain from political tweets.
Most entries are retweeted. Retweets are not endorsements.

3. Mentions
The more people/Twitter feeds you mention in your tweets and relevant hashtags you include, the more chance you will have of people sharing it. Tweet your ideas to influencers and celebrities. And, if they RT, your entries have the potential to go viral.

4. Tags
You can now tag people into images on Twitter. If you are tagged in a tweet you're likely to share it. So get tagging people!

5. @s
Don't start your tweet with an @. It will only go to the person you are mentioning and you will be hindering it's chances of getting shared.

Wrong: @OneMinuteBriefs here is my poster.

Right: Here is my poster @OneMinuteBriefs

6. Multiple Photos.
Twitter now allows you to attach multiple photos to a tweet. But when it comes to OMB entries, don't!! Tweeting your entries separately means that you have more chance of having your ideas seen and shared.

7. Bios
Putting @OneMinuteBriefs and #OMBLE in your Twitter bio guarantees you a follow from OMB. It is also a quick shortcut for you to get involved each day. Make sure you don't miss out on those prizes!!

8. OMBook
Get yourself a copy of the OMBook here, the OMBook2 here or the OMBook3 here.
In these books you'll find OMB stories, testimonials and Halls of Fame etc.

9. Websites
Add your OMBs onto your website and portfolios. These are a great way of adding work to your book and getting recognition for being involved. And if you are an OMB winner, feel free to use the badge below on websites/email signatures etc.

10. Get involved.
Stick at it. If you don't win straight away. Look at the winners and their simplicity. Learn from them. Keep entering. Try different things. There are no rules and restrictions here apart from quick one minute ideas. Scribbles are valued as much as photoshopped ideas. The idea is king. Enter every day. Not only will you improve your creative thinking, you'll meet some amazing new friends, win prizes and experience some incredible opportunities. OMB is a fantastic community and we want you all to be a part of it. Show your love for great ads - like and retweet the best.

And finally, remember you're an OMBLE.