Special One Minute Brief category WINNER at the Chip Shop Awards:
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So, after a difficult judging process from 600 entries down to 5 nominations, we went down to London to see the results of the One Minute Briefs category on Thursday night.
It was a great night set in the Ministry of Sound Club with a brilliant opening speech by Gordon Young which really reflected what we like to do at One Minute Briefs as we are all about great ideas and not being restricted. Then, of course, was the fantastic act from Abandoman before moving onto the results. There was some great work throughout and some lighthearted, funny yet effective work too. The Grand Prix piece was quite serious though and shows that the awards aren't just a joke.
At the end of the award section the One Minute Briefs #MicroChips category came up and the winner out of the 5 nominations was chosen by a clapometer which was a really good way of interacting with the audience. The overwhelming winner was the entry below produced by Dan Burns, a copywriter at BD Network, London.
It was great to see a true 'One Minute' entry win as this proves that the idea really is king.
The idea itself is a light-hearted quick response to a topical brief which isn't to be taken too seriously yet it is eyecatching and really stood out from the others by being different.
Due to it's quick nature it is a rough scamp but we think that this art direction makes it even better!
Also, the fact that BD Network had a wall full of One Minute Brief entries for this particular brief shows that by getting involved you can produce better ideas. Andy Thirsk, Dan's workmate at BD was also in the final 5.
It was great to catch up with Dan and the others. Top guys. We'll catch up for another drink soon! Well done to everyone who was nominated and to all 600 entries. The quality was amazing. Well done Dan too. The best out of 600. Not bad!
Yes, we got to hold it too! ;)