One Minute Brief entries:
Advertise Jagerbombs
Today's brief was chosen due to Chris Smalling's ill advised fancy dress outfit where he apparently went as a Jagerbomber.
We are glad we chose it because we had 112 entries! Amazing quantity which meant we had some fantastic ideas too. We have several winners today and one really stood out to us which was @misterDJC and his stunning visual of the bull and deer colliding.
Other winners are:
@joe_from_cp with 'Match of the Day' Brilliantly different thinking.
@tomeccles with 'good nights are remembered and the best are forgotten' Love this line.
@katesteeth with this brilliant graphic using the bin symbol.
@iainthorley with 'It's about to go off' Would be a great ad for a nightclub.
and @joe_from_cp also came up with this beauty that we want to use at our OMB event. jagerbOMB.
Can't wait to do some jagerbOMBs with the jagerbOMBLES!! Will let you all know when the event is soon!!!