One Minute Brief WINNERS:
Advertise Karma
Averaging over 100 entries per day this week. You lot work us hard. We love it!
Another impressive response to an unusual brief. Some clever ideas on something that could never typically be advertised.
That's reflected with the quality of the winners which you can see below.
@lantis_85 with 'it's only a bitch if you are' Very true.
@sharpstuffbits with a lovely dominoes visual representation.
@allthatcrag with a nice before and after idea.
@little_scamp85 with a visua/copy based idea of what goes around...comes around. Nice work and also the brilliant typographic route with the word Karma reading the same both ways. Amazing.
@atalexgoddard with 'bad things come to those who hate' Brilliant line.
@lpbiesty with this stunning visual of a gun that shoots at themselves.
@KGCreativity with a funny yet serious visual using 3 fish.
Thanks to everybody!!