One Minute Brief WINNERS:
Advertise the Internet
Another topical brief with the Internet itself being in the news lately so we thought it would make an interesting brief because it seems almost impossible to advertise something that big.
However, some of the ideas were excellent and a lot of fun concepts were sent in.
Without further ado, here are the winners:
@tobyandnaomi for a fun campaign thanking the internet for lots of surreal things that wouldn't happen without it.
@dognbonesjones has been Googling himself again. Funny take on an epic idea.
@eeeyann with a campaignable idea about it not being safe out there in the real world.
@stephenhunter21 with a great visual and copy ad that shows the extremes you can go to with the internet.
@PaperJamCreate with a fantastic idea to take ads into the real world and question everything. With the internet you have your answer.
@lukeabc with a superb long copy entry
@lukeabc with a superb long copy entry
Thanks to all winners and entrants.