One Minute Brief WINNER:
Advertise One Minute Briefs are on Facebook
We were very impressed by the entries to this brief. It showed the tremendous support you all give to One Minute Briefs and being able to do briefs like this means we can make the community even stronger by using OMB in different ways. Facebook is a place where content can be shared very quickly so if work is shared on there too you have a big chance of getting it seen by a lot of people. Especially if it is topical. Therefore, we'd like you to interact more and share more on Facebook aswell as Twitter. Who knows the opportunities it could bring for you...
Like us at and get commenting and sharing!
The ideas in response to the brief were fantastic and on any other day we'd have lots of winners. However, one really stood out to us as a stunning idea that captured what we are all about in a brilliantly simple way.
The winner is @pw_bond with 'Ad Friend'