One Minute Brief of the Day:
Advertise @DrawnBlind
A couple of days ago I created a new project called @DrawnBlind and think it would be great if the OMBLES could help me get it out there into the big wide Twitter world.
The project started as part of my @_WhatTheBook_ project but there have been calls to turn it into a project of it's own right and that's what I have done.
It is as simple as drawing things with your eyes closed. It's a lot of fun and the results are often hilarious. I am hoping to get people to send me requests to draw blind and I want people to tweet in their own drawings too. My aim is to get a charity involved and eventually hold an exhibition of the drawings.
So today's brief is to advertise the project in any way you like. (Maybe it's simply to do some blind drawings yourself) Whatever it is... you MUST draw/write your poster with your eyes closed. No cheating! You can open your eyes to write the tweet though ;)
For the prize I'm offering a creative goodie bag comprising of:
- One Minute Briefs Book
- Ad Pad
- Marker Pen
- OMB tee.
Get involved and tweet your images & FOLLOW @DrawnBlind & @OneMinuteBriefs with the hashtag #DrawnBlind
Other links:
Advertise @DrawnBlind
A couple of days ago I created a new project called @DrawnBlind and think it would be great if the OMBLES could help me get it out there into the big wide Twitter world.
The project started as part of my @_WhatTheBook_ project but there have been calls to turn it into a project of it's own right and that's what I have done.
It is as simple as drawing things with your eyes closed. It's a lot of fun and the results are often hilarious. I am hoping to get people to send me requests to draw blind and I want people to tweet in their own drawings too. My aim is to get a charity involved and eventually hold an exhibition of the drawings.
So today's brief is to advertise the project in any way you like. (Maybe it's simply to do some blind drawings yourself) Whatever it is... you MUST draw/write your poster with your eyes closed. No cheating! You can open your eyes to write the tweet though ;)
For the prize I'm offering a creative goodie bag comprising of:
- One Minute Briefs Book
- Ad Pad
- Marker Pen
- OMB tee.
Get involved and tweet your images & FOLLOW @DrawnBlind & @OneMinuteBriefs with the hashtag #DrawnBlind
Other links: