One Minute Brief of the Day:
Advertise #DontStreamAndDrive Day
Today we've got a brief for a very important subject in collaboration with @SgtTCS who is campaigning against the current trend of streaming whilst driving on the likes of Snapchat etc.
Remember to put your Twitter handle in the corner of your ads and tweet to @OneMinuteBriefs & @SgtTCS
2016 is being lauded on social media as the livestreaming year. Many new platforms have appeared and existing social media giants are getting in on the act including Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook and YouTube. The use of mobile phones with faster data connections has meant that livestreaming video has gone mobile. People are now driving and streaming at the same time. Holding the phone, flipping the camera, reading and replying to comments all whilst driving. The dangers of such distractions whilst driving are obvious. I hope to help people understand these dangers and stop them from doing it.
Social web links:
Prize for winning idea:
- Idea featured in big #DontStreamAndDrive Campaign
- OMB Book.