One Minute Brief of the Day:
Advertise the #3Ps - only pee, paper and poo goes down the loo.
Today we've got a brilliant brief with our friends at City To Sea Bristol with a great prize to be won. We're looking for the OMBLES to get this fun yet serious message across to as many people as possible in lots of creative ways.
Prize: £150 vouchers.
7% of all beach litter found in the UK is stuff that’s flushed down the loo but should go in the bin. People are flushing plastic tampon applicators, plastic cotton buds, wet wipes and more … all of which are blocking drains, causing expensive callouts and ending up in our rivers and seas.
We’re running a campaign to raise awareness about the 3Ps: Pee, Poo and Paper. These can be flushed. The rest really shouldn’t be. Let’s connect our actions to our oceans.
(We can go rude, we can go silly, we can go shocking. We could even make toilet stickers.)