One Minute Brief of the Day: Campaign to promote World #AutismAwarenessWeek with the National Autistic Society @Autism

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Today we've got a great brief for an amazing cause - the National Autistic Society's World #AutismAwarenessWeek and we are looking for the OMBLES to help us spread the word!! We want positive ideas to raise awareness of what autism is and what you can do to help the cause and get involved using the examples below.


What is World Autism Awareness Week?

In the week of 1 - 7 April, we encourage the public to take part in World Autism Awareness Week – a full seven days where people across the UK take part in activities to raise money and awareness for the National Autistic Society.

What is autism?

Autism is a lifelong, developmental disability that affects how a person communicates with and relates to other people, and how they experience the world around them. Autism is a spectrum condition, and every autistic person has different strengths and challenges.

So, avoid stereotyping (no jigsaw puzzle pieces, no Sheldon Cooper and no bluewashing)! Please be sensitive with your ideas to raise awareness and make sure communication is about 'autistic people' not 'people with autism'. To find out more about how to talk about autism, have a look here.



The winner will receive £50 Amazon vouchers and a NAS T-shirt, mug & other goodies.

Tweet your posters to @OneMinuteBriefs and @Autism with the hashtag #AutismAwarenessWeek and your entries will be featured at

How can I get involved?

There are plenty of ways to raise awareness of autism and fundraise during World Autism Awareness Week. Click on the links below to get your awareness and fundraising resources. 

Why we need your support

We’ve come a long way in raising awareness about autism but there's still more to be done. We need the public’s support to raise vital funds to continue running campaigns and influencing government decision making, training and sharing knowledge with professionals working with autistic people, and so much more – and that’s where you come in.

  • £5 could pay for a recently diagnosed adult to call our helpline for support and advice

  • £40 could pay for a parent of an autistic child to have an hour long telephone consultation with our Education Rights Service

  • £200 could fund our Parent to Parent service for a day.
