One Minute Brief of the day: Create posters to bring to life #BroadbandAsItShouldBe to celebrate the launch of the brilliant new Internet Service Provider @Be_Fibre

The UK broadband scene is bursting with promises of supersonic, ultra-fast, gigafast, full fibre broadband – but don’t you ever just wish you could enjoy #BroadbandAsItShouldBe?

Enter, @Be_Fibre.

To celebrate the launch of this disruptive Internet Service Provider brand, we’re enlisting the power of the OMBLE hivemind to bring to life the notion of Broadband as it should Be.

Go WILD with your ideas OMBLES, because we want to see how you'd bring this to life. Think billboards, memes, sketches, headlines, or you might even have an idea for a mascot like some of those other broadband providers!!

One Minute Brief of the day:

Create posters to bring to life #BroadbandAsItShouldBe to celebrate the launch of the brilliant new Internet Service Provider @Be_Fibre

Tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs and @Be_Fibre with the hashtag #BroadbandAsItShouldBe

Remember to include your Twitter handle in the bottom right-hand corner of your entries. Get as creative as you like and enter as many times as you wish. Deadline 6pm BST.


1st Prize: £300

2nd Prize: £200

3rd Prize: £100

The brief

Picture this: you’re ready to submit possibly the finest OMB you’ve ever created, but just as you prepare to hit ‘send’, your housemate decides to download the new instalment of Ozark and the ‘not responding’ wheel of doom rears its ugly head. 

We know, it’s too heart-breaking to imagine. But bear with us.

Today’s OMB is all about raising awareness of ‘Broadband as it should Be’ – courtesy of disruptive Alt-Net, BeFibre.

Striving to be known as the broadband provider that keeps its promises, BeFibre is on a mission to provide full fibre broadband access to 1,000,000 UK premises, over the next six years – across 80 towns and cities.

The fibre-to-the-premises (FTTP) network will offer download and upload speeds up to 13 times faster - up to 900Mbps - than the fibre-to-the-cabinet (FTTC) coverage that currently spans most of the UK. Think the ability to upload 100 Instagram photos in five seconds, download a 1-hour TV programme in seven seconds or an entire new-release PS5 game in only 14 minutes.

The Alt-Net is providing local communities with a fit-for-the-future infrastructure that delivers the guaranteed speeds people need now and for years to come – through a brand-new network that will leave a positive legacy in society.

What’s more, BeFibre exists to change the perception that the broadband market is full of broken promises when it comes to speed, reliability and customer service. 

Some interesting insight that might help

💡 The UK has the 5th largest global economy and yet when it comes to broadband, we’re 48th for internet service provider download speeds according to World Population Review – way behind leaders Monaco, Singapore and Hong Kong.

💡 You may be paying for what you believe to be full fibre broadband (FTTP) but if the fibre stops at the green cabinet at the side of your road, it will still travel down the old copper wire on its way to your house. 

Use our speed tester to find out.

What is BeFibre’s elevator pitch?

BeFibre exists to deliver an empowering and fulfilling broadband experience based upon keeping every promise we make. We want to change the perception that the broadband market is full of broken promises when it comes to speed, reliability and customer service. 

We want to positively influence how communities live, work and play.

What are some of BeFibre’s core values?

🌐 Better network

Our full fibre really is full fibre - a connection right to your door - so customers enjoy the connectivity they pay for, not merely a proportion of it.

🗣 Better communication

How many consumers know what Mbps they really need? Who understands FTTC vs FTTP? We’re here to 'ungeek the speak' and believe in being honest, clear, transparent, and educative at all times, to help customers make better broadband choices. 

💥Better experience

This future-proofed network is already here, providing the speed, reliability and service you need, now. We adopt an unusually consultative approach to help customers select the broadband package they actually need.

🌱Better growth

BeFibre prioritises sustainable, ethical growth. We care about customer satisfaction throughout the whole lifecycle of the relationship – and won't grow by locking people into bundles. Positive word of mouth matters far more than that.

Put simply, we do what we say we're going to. We'll never knowingly make a promise we can't keep. There won't be unexpected price hikes. We're a real business, with ethics, and we want to leave a positive legacy in society.

More info and links