One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to promote Great British Creativity with @DMA_UK

Today we’ve got a great brief with #OMBLIVE6 sponsors, the Data & Marketing Association.

With great prizes to be won and a very creative brief, we’re excited to see what the OMBLES come up with!

Remember to tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs & @DMA_UK with the hashtag #GBC


  • £100 Amazon Vouchers

  • Work featured in the DMA Zine.

  • Work exhibited in DMA House & turned into stickers.



The Direct Marketing Association has rebranded. 

We are now the Data & Marketing Association (DMA). 

As the driving force of intelligent marketing, we set the standards the UK’s data and marketing industry must meet to thrive.  

We advocate for a rich fusion of technology, diversity of talent, creativity, insight – underpinned always by customer-first principles. 

Our new, expanded mission now incorporates world-renowned training from the Institute of Data & Marketing or IDM (formerly the Institute of Direct and Digital Marketing).

And through DMA Talent we build pathways for and bring inspiration and opportunity to the next generation of creative thinkers, doers and makers.


The DMA runs campaign activity in five key areas.

One of those areas is the Campaign for Great British Creativity.

The campaign mission is to champion the people who make the work we love: work that changes lives, and changes the world.

We bang the craft drum for copywriters, for designers, content makers and creatives of all shapes and all sizes.

And in the process prove the true value of great British creativity to UK business; to government; and to society today.

How do we bring the campaign to life? We offer a packed calendar of DMA events, workshops, creative catch-ups and hang outs.

We have an IDM online and offline learning portfolio that caters to creatives, and DMA Talent offers initiatives like Big Book Crits support aspiring creatives, and mentorship programmes pair up rising talent with established stalwarts. 

So now we need YOU.

 We want the OMBLES community to issue a colourful, fire-in-the-belly, be-here-now call to arms to the UK creative industries.

Let them know the Campaign for Great British Creativity is here. 

This is an awareness mission.

Our call to action must be for people to learn more, to get involved.

Tweet your posters to @DMA_UK and @OneMinuteBriefs, with the hashtag #GBC. 


We will create a quarterly digital and print zine to help support our Campaign for Great British Creativity.

In our first issue we will hero the best OMBLES work - and tell the story of your efforts to be bring the campaign to the world.

And we’ll print out and place the best posters around DMA House here in London, and develop stickers to be distributed at DMA events, workshops, learning sessions: in fact, anywhere and everywhere. 

Here’s some key links:

DMA homepage

DMA Talent homepage

IDM homepage

The Campaign for Great British Creativity homepage