One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to encourage people to take the #KindnessChallenge for #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek in support of @MentalHealthUK

Today we’re supporting #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek by taking the #KindnessChallenge and encouraging all the OMBLES to do the same. We’d love to see the creative ways you are taking part and quick-fire posters to promote the challenge to encourage even more people to get involved!!

Maybe your submissions will be inspired by the challenges and become acts of kindness aimed at your fellow OMBLES!

Tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs and @MentalHealthUK with the hashtags #KindnessChallenge and #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek.

Nominate others to take part in the Kindness Challenge by tagging them too!


Mental Health Awareness Week

18th-24th May 2020

The theme for Mental Health Awareness Week in 2020 is kindness. Something which is now more important than ever with the current situation. To mark the week, join us by taking part in the Kindness Challenge!

We’ve all had to make huge changes to our daily lives because of Covid-19. While everyone is following government recommendations around social distancing, we still have the ability to look out for each other.

Now more than ever, small acts of kindness can go a long way in helping everyone cope with our current reality. Research shows that kindness can reduce levels of stress and anxiety (Curry et al. 2018), increase happiness and self-esteem (Tashjiian, 2018) and that in only one week, counting one’s own acts of kindness can improve happiness (Otake, 2006).

Therefore, for Mental Health Awareness Week (18th – 24th May 2020) we want you to join us in our bingo-style Kindness Challenge! We’ve come up with small tasks that you can carry out by yourself from home to show kindness to others and yourself.

Here’s how you can take part:

  • Save the kindness bingo grid to your mobile or computer.

  • Highlight each task as you complete it (by editing the image on your social media app or on an editing tool like Paint)

  • Share it on social media alongside pictures of you completing the tasks to show others how they can spread kindness too!

  • Tag Mental Health UK using @mhealthuk on Instagram and Facebook or @mentalhealthuk on Twitter and LinkedIn.

  • Nominate your friends to take part in the Kindness Challenge by tagging them too!

  • Use #KindnessChallenge and #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek.

Find out more here:
