One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to encourage people to support and donate to @SolarAid by showing that small solar lights can create #BrighterFutures

One Minute Brief of the Day:

Create posters to encourage people to support and donate to @SolarAid by showing that small solar lights can create #BrighterFutures for both people & the planet. 

Enter as many times as you like. Deadline 6pm GMT.

Just make sure you tweet to @OneMinuteBriefs and @SolarAid with the hashtag #BrighterFutures & include a link to


  1. £100 Amazon Vouchers & a gifted solar light

  2. £50 Amazon Vouchers & a gifted solar light

  3. £25 Amazon Vouchers & a gifted solar light

About the campaign:

Sunshine is in abundance in Africa, but when the sun goes down the working day ends for millions of people. For millions of others, the only option is to ignite kerosene lamps and paraffin candles, which emit toxic fumes into their lungs and the earth’s atmosphere.

Yet, with the power of solar and the flick of a switch, you can change the story. When you help get one of our portable solar lights into the hands of a farmer, it means they can sort through their soya beans even after the sun sets. For a child, it means they can get ahead in school because they can actually do their homework in the evening. And for a midwife, it means she can deliver babies safely through the night. Solar lights transform lives at the flick of a switch and create a brighter future for people like John January and his family.- watch his story below.

We’ve just launched our #BrighterFutures appeal, raising money to get solar lights to as many people as possible. But we need to tell more people about the transformative power of solar lights to garner support for the appeal and secure donations from the public. That’s where the OMBLES come in.

Will you help us create a brighter future by spreading the word?

Spread the word:

All donations to the Brighter Futures appeal will be matched, meaning that your support will have double the impact! We can’t wait to see the creative ways you will show the life-changing impact of solar lights. They don’t just light up the darkness but also mean that people don’t have to rely on dirty & dangerous fuels – it’s a win-win for people & the planet!


About SolarAid:

SolarAid cares deeply about both people and the planet. And we believe in creating long-term, sustainable change in the rural communities we work with. Our social enterprise model means we’re creating local demand for solar energy markets, meaning our solar lights can reach people no one else is reaching. This approach helps instil trust in new solar technologies, maintain consumer rights and develop a lasting sustainable energy legacy.

We work closely with community leaders to find ways to make solar energy available and affordable for everyone. From our Light Libraries programme in schools to our Mayi Walas project supporting female solar entrepreneurs, our e-waste programme and our new Light a Village model – we’re doing everything we can to create a brighter and more sustainable future for all.

You can use any of the logos and imagery from this post in your entries if you wish and you can find these and more assets here: