OMB Stories: Sarah Glover-Smith

Hello! I’m Sarah, a creative from Manchester. I’ve been making stuff since I could walk but only recently decided to pursue a career in advertising. 

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I think when you’re starting your career, especially in such a competitive industry that’s infamous for being a little cutthroat, it can feel pretty daunting- especially if you’re a sensitive soul like me. I was recommended One Minute Briefs by a couple of creatives in the industry as a way to build up my portfolio, and when I started, I could never have imagined how much good would come out of it. One Minute Briefs is the reason I am now officially (!!) working in the industry as an art director after just 5 months of building up my portfolio. 

I started entering OMB back in December 2020 when I was in a really bad place with my mental health, and I doubted that I had the talent and experience to get into the industry, but I was still determined to give it a shot. At first, I found it pretty nerve wracking being amongst so many talented and experienced creatives. But, if you’re just starting out, it’s probably the best place you could possibly be. There’s no ego, no hierarchy, and it’s just a really safe space to try different things out, fail sometimes, and come back better the next day! 

Needless to say, after about a week of entering OMB I was hooked. And, after a couple of weeks I started to realise I might actually be better at this than I thought I was. With every entry I got a little more confident, my ideas came more easily, and I was happier with the ads I was making. I think the range of briefs is so great for building up your creativity as you’re really kept on your toes and you’re constantly flooding your brain with amazing creative ideas from other Ombles. I’ve also had loads of career advice, book crits and words of encouragement whenever I’ve doubted myself or felt like giving up. Over the months I’ve been able to build up my portfolio (mostly just from my entries to OMB) and land my dream job in the creative industry this week! 

One Minute Briefs has been absolutely life changing for me, not just for my career, but my mental health. Whether I’ve been struggling with job applications, or just with everything that’s going on in the world right now, One Minute Briefs has been there. It’s given me a creative outlet, something to focus on, and also just a little positive corner of the internet where you’re guaranteed support and kindness no matter who you are or how much experience you have. 

I think the biggest thing I’ve learned from OMB is that you don’t need a job title or accreditation to tell you you’re  “a creative”. If you’re out there making things every day, then you’re as much of a creative as anyone else. And, if you’re looking to get into the industry, or just wanting to start doing One Minute Briefs, don’t wait until you feel ready to start (because you probably never will) and just ask yourself, “what’s the best that could happen?”