One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to encourage visitors to respect Dorset by taking their rubbish home and not leaving it next to a full bin!! @LitterFreeDrst #TakeItHome

Today we’ve got an important brief for an issue that is happening more and more with bins in public places. We’re looking for the OMBLES to share their typically brilliant, quick and instinctive ideas to get the message across to #TakeItHome if, and when, bins are full!

This brief is Dorset focussed so we’d love to see how you can weave that into your ideas too and we want all of the messaging to be positive and even humorous in tone. We don’t want to be telling people off or showing anything negative like showing photos of litter on the beach or/and injured animals. Let’s keep it fun but share an impactful message at the same time!

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One Minute Brief of the Day:

Create posters to encourage visitors to respect Dorset by taking their rubbish home and not leaving it next to a full bin!! @LitterFreeDrst #TakeItHome

Tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs and @LitterFreeDrst with the hashtag #TakeItHome and remember to add your twitter handle on to the corner of your submissions.


£300 cash for today’s winner!!!



This Summer Dorset will be experiencing an increase in visitors. Most people respect the countryside and coastal areas and do the right thing by taking their rubbish home however there are a small minority of people who either leave rubbish on the beaches or next to a bin. The issue we want to address is the ‘tidy litterer’, this is the person who puts their rubbish on top of or next to an overflowing bin. We want people to understand that this is still littering and creates a beacon that attracts more litter.

Facebook: Litter Free Dorset

Litter Free Dorset – land, coast and sea

Litter Free aims to reduce the social, economic, and environmental impacts of litter as well as improve and maintain bathing water quality in Dorset. We use a strategic approach to create better quality local environments for everyone in Dorset. We are keen to focus on reducing litter and pollution getting to our countryside and coast in the first place, using behaviour change theory to inform our work.

Some images of Dorset you may wish to use in your entries are available below, but it’s not essential to use them. Be as creative as you like!!

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