One Minute Brief of the Day: Create eye catching, positive posters that demonstrate what #WhereYouAt does and shows how the app keeps you safe & helps you to have a stress free, fun night out.

OMBLES - we need your help to promote an award-winning safety app launching within the next few weeks. The app allows users to track and message friends offline in venues with no signal with an SOS button for emergencies in dark and crowded spaces.

One Minute Brief of the Day:

Create eye catching, positive posters that demonstrate what #WhereYouAt does and shows how the app keeps you safe & helps you to have a stress free, fun night out.

Where You At is an award-winning, Guardian Featured app for safer night clubbing. We use indoor positioning and offline messaging to allow you to find your friends in clubs (without signal), and alert your circle of friends in the event of danger.

WYA has two sides to it - it is both a safety app, and a social app. Part of WYA is making sure you get home safe. Part of WYA is making sure you don't waste time trying to find your friends in a club. Feel free to emphasise either element of the app, or strike a balance between the two. You can enter as many times as you like, and with ideas that focus on either element of WYA, or incorporate the two. We can't wait to see what you come up with.

Tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs & @WYAWhereYouAt using the hashtag #WhereYouAt and link to

Please also share your submissions via stories and posts on Instagram to @OneMinuteBriefs and @whereyouatwya with the hashtag #WhereYouAt

Winner's Prize: WYA goodie bag.


WYA (Where You At) is an app, launching in late December that allows you to find your friends in clubs - without signal. We use indoor positioning and offline messaging, so you can alert your circle of friends. We're launching with SOS and Spiked features. The more people that download the app, the more effective it is. As a result, we need marketing that retains a positive tone (nothing preachy or negative), so that freshers feel comfortable asking people they've recently met to download it. Consequently, we want to incorporate both the safety aspect and the fact that finding your friends leads to more fun on a night out. We need Freshers to feel comfortable asking people around them to download the app, so alongside the safety messaging, we need to have a focus on a social side.


- Find-my-friends style tracking but with precise indoor positioning across a venue floorplan with no signal

- Offline messaging using bluetooth

- SOS button in emergencies to alert friends if something feels wrong, offering a time and place stamp to encouraging reporting incidents and to give a picture of spots of vulnerability to venue staff

- Potential additions: Home Safe button and Spiked button

Find out more at:

App features can be found here:

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Follow our instagram - @whereyouatwya