One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters that bring to life @YorkshireWater’s ambition to become net zero by 2030 #YorkshireWaterCarbonNetZero

Yorkshire Water recently announced its strategy for reaching net zero emissions by 2030. Over the next nine years we’ll be working hard to achieve some really challenging targets to get a balance between the amount of carbon emissions produced by our business and the amount we remove from the atmosphere.

So we’re teaming up with our northern friends One Minute Briefs to help spread the word and can’t wait to see all of the fun, instinctive ways you bring this to life for the chance to win the great prizes below!


  • WINNER: £250 cash 

  • 2nd place: £100 cash

  • 3rd place: £50 cash

Make sure you tweet to @OneMinuteBriefs and @YorkshireWater with the hashtag #YorkshireWaterCarbonNetZero

Remember to include your own Twitter handle in the corner of your submissions too!!

The brief: 

Create posters that bring to life Yorkshire Water’s ambition to become net zero by 2030.

Have fun and get creative with your entries, we want them to make a splash - but try to steer away from anything political or controversial if you can! 

Feel free to create an OOH billboard, a poster, a poem, a social ad, a scribble on the back of your hand – however the inspiration strikes, we can’t wait to see your ideas.


We’ll be focusing on a range of strategies to reduce our carbon output as much as possible, including: using 100% zero carbon grid electricity and natural gas, introducing energy efficiency programmes, producing our own solar power, introducing more hydrogen and electric vehicles into our large vehicle fleet, and making all company cars electric.

We’ll also look to store as much carbon as possible, through nature based solutions such as: sustainable tree planting, peatland restoration and encouraging our tenant farmers to manage the land in a sustainable way.  

For more information go to: or check out the carbon PDF here.
