Without OMB and the community, I wouldn’t have made as much progress in advertising as I have - Guest Post by Anushan Kuddy

Nush has shown a pro-active attitude and enthusiasm to gain the knowledge, contacts and experience to get into the industry. It’s a pleasure to share his thoughts on how the community is helping to better himself as a creative. This guy is a future star of the industry.
— Bank of Creativity

I was introduced to One Minute Briefs by the man himself, Nick, who had visited our university to host a guest lecture. A special mention must be made to my advertising tutor and mentor Sally Chan, who is very proactive in the wellbeing of students. Hence inviting Nick to share this amazing initiative.

Having Nick explain to us his life and career and mainly his ups and downs was on the very same level as a TED talk. It really made me admire him from the get-go as for someone who had achieved so much at such a young age whilst still having so many obstacles. Having now been a part of the OMB community for almost a year, Nick’s first explanation of it was quite underplayed. Nick described OMB as a community and togetherness of creatives from all types of backgrounds coming together to create adverts. However seeing the impact OMB has caused towards myself and my career, it is much more than that.


I still remember being really influenced by Nick and almost fanboying towards him at the end of the lecture. Nick was the first person to explain exactly what I had dreamed advertising to be. I was also fortunate enough to talk to him afterwards, where he kindly stayed behind and answered my questions.

That day was also the first time I had submitted an OMB. It was a collaborated brief to advertise social ink. Subsequently, my submission got a lot of support from fellow members and I immediately felt very welcome. This is what motivated to keep making further submissions and it soon become a consistent part of my daily routine.

When I started, I would first submit my OMB ideas as drawings. The biggest problem I had was visualising my ideas as I wasn’t good at drawing and I didn’t know how to use photoshop. OMB gave me a purpose to learn photoshop, as every day It was a new opportunity to try a different idea. Improving my design skills every day for every entry helped me reach the level I have on photoshop today and most of it is down to One Minute Briefs.

OMB is also a great source of influence, a lot of very talented members a part of the community come up with the best ideas that are ground-breaking. Sometimes if I am struggling for ideas or motivation, looking at other creative ideas is the perfect source of influence. Therefore getting a win was a big target to me as It meant I had to stand out amongst some of the best creatives. Getting my first win was a great feeling, it took me a lot of entries but when you eventually get it, it feels amazing! Fellow creatives congratulating me on my first win also made it better as it felt more like a family being happy for one of their own.

Networking events such as the OMB meet up have also led me towards connecting with members in the industry. Through OMB, I got the opportunity to meet Theo, who is a senior copywriter at Social Chain. Theo has really helped me in gaining a better understanding into the advertising sector and his advice and tips has led me onto some great opportunities. All of this wouldn’t be possible without OMB. Fellow members such as Zed and Nirpal, who come up with some of the best ideas have also helped my progress a lot. By often checking on me and lending a helping hand by giving me tips and insights. Not to forget Lynne, who immediately makes you feel welcome and always supports your work no matter how bad some of my entries have been.

Without OMB and the community, I wouldn’t have made as much progress in advertising as I have. Although I don’t feel like I’ve achieved anything quite yet, being a part of the OMB community has definitely improved my creative skills and advertising knowledge. I would like to say a special thank you to Nick and everyone at OMB for contributing heavily towards my progress. At a time where a lot of people have very busy schedules and therefore don’t have time to respond to young creatives/students reaching out. Nick has created a community which supports and influences one another. He even recently took out some of his own time to give me a book crit. There isn’t enough people in advertising quite like Nick.

Follow Nush on Twitter here.

A Community that Changed my Life - Guest blog by Shae Shepherd

Shae isn’t just a talented copywriter, her enthusiasm and positivity towards creativity and community has set her in good stead to make the switch to the UK from South Africa. She has already developed a good contact base and is even the host of the #BankOfCreativity meetups. Check out her great story here...
— Bank of Creativity

I’m in love with copywriting. There, I said it. While South Africa is where I was born, and England is now my home, copywriting makes me feel like I belong. I’m not an extraordinary person but I hope to be remembered for doing extraordinary things. Preferably in the world of copywriting.

Don’t speak black sheep

Silence is the biggest enemy of ideas. When we feel we can’t speak our truth or put our authenticate selves into any work we do, that’s when ideas fall flat. For a lot of my childhood and even into my early twenties I didn’t feel like my voice was valid. Self-doubt, fear, shame and an inferiority complex followed me closely.

Blah, blah, black sheep. I had too much wool and so much fluff that you could spot my sheepish, apologetic copy from a mile off. Consumers see through that. See, they’re looking for a voice they can identify with. How did I get over myself and overcome my self-sabotaging uncertainty? It started with bravado and eventually became true bravery.

Not everyone has the courage to do that alone and that’s ok. But then surround yourself with people who can support and guide you along the way.


One minute, one life

Enter: #BankOfCreativity meetups. It is what it sounds like - a physical meetup of people in different places that started as an online Twitter community. A huge part of this is One Minute Briefs and speed creating/networking.

I first got involved in OMB about 18 months ago. My wife, niche healthcare and pharma copywriter, introduced me to a community that changed my life. My first entry was terrifying for me and it was terrible (image not attached on purpose). Why terrifying? Because I didn’t believe in myself - as a person, a poet, a creative, a copywriter, a photographer. It was terrible because concepts are hard, and self-doubt is easy.

Fast forward to 21 wins that I’m genuinely proud of, and a family of designers, writers, illustrators, animators that believe in me. Born out of this newly found self-belief, authentic voice and pride, I ran two meetups in South Africa. I thought that just because I wasn’t in England at the time, I shouldn’t have to miss out on the meeting of great creative minds. Now we’re here, and I’m heading up the first meetup in London this year, and hopefully many more.

Go where your dreams can breathe

Copywriting allows me to be weird in a space that affirms my quirks and uses them for greatness. Am I a great copywriter? I’m closer to discovering that every day. And when I do I will wonder if I’m extraordinary and I will pursue that with every word in me. Because I need it.

I’ve always wanted to work for a big agency that has clients who change lives - not because of the brands but because of the people who bring ideas to the light. Not because they’re selling something, but because they’re packaging life. We moved to England for a number of reasons but my career in advertising was a key influencer. I love advertising. Genuinely. I’m crazy about it - obsessed. And it just so happens that London is the beating heart of the industry in England. It’s a city bursting with ambition between commutes, where I know my passion can burn. I’ll meet some of my heroes and I’ll get to work on brands that I actually believe in.

From sheep to Shepherd

Shepherd is my surname. A shepherd is a leader, a protector and someone who knows fear and walks through it. I want to be that copywriter - leading the way in copy, protecting the art and skill of copywriting, and walking through my fear alongside other creatives. Everything is an opportunity.

Change is the discomfort of greatness

One of my favourite One Minute Briefs was for the DMA (Data & Marketing Association) - a call to creatives to get involved through work that changes lives. You can see the ad below.

Doing extraordinary things is for everyone. You have it in you. And so do I. Will you join me - us - in 2020? Will you find your voice and silence that murmur in your head that says you’re not good enough?

Follow Shae on Twitter @TheCopyShepherd

One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to promote the #KFCVeganBurger brought to you by @KFC_UKI

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We are back for another amazing brief by popular demand from the OMBLES. As soon as the KFC Vegan Burger came out we received lots of messages saying we should do another KFC collab. So here it is!!

We’re looking forward to this one!!

Remember to tweet entries to @OneMinuteBriefs and @KFC_UKI with the hashtag #KFCVeganBurger


We’ve only gone and done it; we’ve released an Original Recipe Vegan Burger. Yep, KFC is selling a vegan burger. Astonishing, right? Finally vegans and non-vegans can eat together in blissful harmony at one of our restaurants.

We want to spread the good word far and wide; this is where you the OMBLES come in. The brief couldn’t be simpler; shout loud and shout proud about the Original Recipe Vegan Burger with a creative that won’t just entice vegans; but turn some carnivore’s heads too.

The winning design/s will encapsulate KFC’s tone of voice and distinctive style. The bar has been set high with previous briefs; let’s see what you’ve got!


Get a months worth of free KFC and official KFC merch!!

Social Link:

@KFC_UKI - twitter.com/KFC_UKI


2019. An awfully great year.

What a year it has been! The first full year of solely running the Bank of Creativity and One Minute Briefs.

And, rather than pretend it’s all gone great, I must admit it’s not been easy.

Personally, it’s been an awful year from start to finish. Severe family problems at the start of the year left me numb and this coincided with a horrendous experience with neighbours from hell resulting in a year long battle to get them to leave or be forced to sell my own home. All of this leading to an inability to sleep for months on end.

Of course, all of this can affect your motivation to keep going and growing your business when it’s a struggle to even get up in the morning. But I did what I could to keep moving forward.

In between all of this, I took a break to Thailand to try and clear my head, which was going well until the worst cyclone for 60 years hit the island! We escaped to mainland and ended up being interviewed by the Manchester Evening News about what was happening. It’s at times like these you think everything is going against you but for the rest of the time, it was a holiday I so badly needed.

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So I came back relatively refreshed and just when I thought things were getting better, I slipped a disc in my back whilst playing football. Since then I’ve been in excruciating pain day and night ever since and I’m currently awaiting an operation. The pain has been unbearable and it stops you getting out of bed for fear of the pain shooting through your body as soon as you stand up.

Suddenly, the only thing you are living for is to get some comfort from the pain. You get no enjoyment from anything in life and you become unable to do the things you enjoy. This leads to depression and can only be described as soul-crushing as you can see in this article I read where this person word for word details just how bad it is better than I could have ever put it.

So what is getting me up in the morning?

Well the One Minute Briefs community is. If I haven’t posted the brief of the day by 10am questions get asked! And I wouldn’t have it any other way. The responsibility to run such an incredible, talented and supportive community is always a pleasure and has really helped me in such difficult times.

In the video of our latest OMB event, I was in so much pain but the OMBLES got together to create our best event ever. It was also on my birthday and sponsored by Jager which I’m sure helped get me through it! To see the talks and give awards to such immensely talented and dedicated people really helped to ease the pain and it showed me that maybe it hadn’t been such a bad year after all.

In the past year we’ve run One Minute Briefs campaigns with some incredible clients including Adobe, WWF, SES Water, KFC and collaborated with the likes of Jamal Edwards MBE, Bands FC, the DMA, Vincent Kompany, Andy Burnham, The Drum, Rankin, production companies, travel operators, rappers, dentists, charities, hospices and much more.

All of this whilst creating creative opportunities to showcase work, create connections and improve the creative careers of people all around the globe. My mum’s even made a map of all the OMBLES who get involved each day. Below this I’ve shared some of the highlights of this year.

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We released our third book featuring illustrations of the OMBLES on the cover…

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…Featured in the National Press for our collaborative campaign to create cards with Thortful

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…Took over the #ValentinesDay hashtag with KFC…

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…Teamed up with Rankin and The Drum for a fun ‘honest ads’ campaign…

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…Got to meet Vincent Kompany himself following our campaign against homelessness with Tackle4MCR…

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.We also built on our Bank of Creativity community throughout the year by featuring on podcasts with the likes of Tech Manchester, Social Ink, Adam Asks and Social Chain…

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…delivered talks at various universities including Man Met, Leeds and at the Birmingham Design Festival…

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…worked with Louise Chorley to publish the third @AgencyQuotes book

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…and hosted meetups around the world for creatives in London, Manchester, Birmingham, Glasgow and even Cape Town!

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We’ve worked with local communities to spread the word of the amazing new on-air, online, in-print offering delivered by Quest Media Network.

Worked with body-positivity influencer Chessie King to deliver a powerful video for Cybersmile that had over 700k views on Twitter.

Delivered a message about climate change direct to the White House for Donald Trump’s birthday with Tara Button, HeyBigMan and GAS Music.

Created a collection of videos showcasing the stunning spoken word performances of upcoming writer Emma Sykes.

Connected junior creatives with opportunities for book crits with major creative directors worldwide with Father Critmas.

Aswell as this, it’s also been a privilege to receive recongnition on behalf of everyone and pick up some awards, judge awards and even sponsor some awards this year too.

As well as joining the great team on the MPA board.

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A particular highlight was being commended by the High Sheriff of Manchester alongside the Mayor and Michael Carrick for what we are doing in Manchester and beyond for the creative scene.

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But none of this would be possible without such a wonderful community by my side. Together, we have made some amazing things happen and the smiles on everyone’s faces as the community did so well at the Chip Shop Awards.

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Just to end, another sad moment for me this year was the passing of Isabella. A huge inspiration to me and our community for her spirit and fight. But I’m very proud of everyone for getting together to share a beautiful tribute for her. It goes to show, no matter how hard you struggle, there is always someone in a similar or worse situation.

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We can only improve and move forwards by continuing to support each other and building each other up when the world can sometimes bring us down.

So, yes 2019 has been an incredibly bad year in many ways, but I’m very proud to see what this community has become and in lots of ways it has been a great year too.

All the best for 2020 everyone and thanks to every single one of you for your support.

Nick x

One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters for the #AdvancedRhymingDictionary with @Shuffle_T

Today we’ve got a great brief and prizes with our friend who we’ve worked with on some fun projects in the past. Their latest project is their first book and we’re hoping the OMBLES can get behind this brilliant idea.

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Brief: we would love you to come up with fun, vibrant posters that can include rhyming slogans, headlines or copy popping out to draw attention to our new Advanced Rhyming Dictionary!! The rhymes can be as simple or as complex as you like; focusing on multisyllabic rhyme schemes, assonance, alliteration and any poetic devices you can remember from English GCSE.

Remember to tweet @OneMinuteBriefs and @Shuffle_T with the hashtag #AdvancedRhymingDictionary

You can also get the book here: shuffle-t.com/shop

To inspire you, here’s yesterday’s rhyming challenge:


Ski mask

Free pass

Street dance

Green card


Tree bark

Flea dart


Theme park

Queen’s guards

Or, to put it another way...

We’re putting you to the test guys,
Who will make it to the headlines?
There will be a pretty intense prize,
For the best poster skills and the best rhymes.

Prizes: the winner will receive a free copy of the book with a branded pencil to go with it and one of our shirts (from our merch, not off our backs...) and hoodies.

About the Advanced Rhyming Dictionary:

The Advanced Rhyming Dictionary is the first of its kind. It offers a comprehensive list of 2 and 3 syllable rhyme and half-rhyme schemes, the more complex type used by many modern rappers and spoken word poets. It was written by writers Adam ‘Shuffle T’ Woollard and Jamie ‘Bleez’ Blackmore. Shuffle T is one of the countries most viewed battle rappers and Bleez is a hidden gem of the rap world who can rhyme anything you give him!

This book is intended for rappers, poets, songwriters, and people with a general interest in the enormous, unending puzzle that is language.

You can find more information on the book and Shuffle T on our website: shuffle-t.com/shop and search Shuffle T on YouTube if you want to spend half an hour watching battle rap, a scene where grown adults settle their disputes by rhythmically insulting one another...! Good luck with the challenge!!





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One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters for the @CreativeRehabUK zine and podcast.

Today we’ve got a special brief with Creative Rehab, who won a One Minute Briefs campaign for being the 10,000th follower on our overarching Bank of Creativity Twitter feed @BOC_ATM

So today, it would be great if all the OMBLES got involved to help celebrate the great things these guys are doing. We’ve got some great prizes to be won too!


Brief: We want you to create a brash and zany poster to advertise the publication and podcast. It can be whatever you want it to be, as long as it’s creative!

Remember to tweet your posters to @OneMinuteBriefs and @CreativeRehabUK with the hashtag #CreativeRehab


  • The winner receives a goody bag containing several issues of Creative Rehab, stickers, badges, trinkets and more.!!

  • They’ll even get a full-page ad (or feature/interview) for themselves in the Xmas issue of the publication, and their winning idea will be printed in a feature about OMB.

  • They can even come on the OMB episode of the podcast!!

About Creative Rehab:

Creative Rehab is an independant, otherworldly, DIY-punk zine made by (and for) creatives from all walks of life. It features rants, doodles, poetry, puzzles, fiction, illustrations, journalism, confessions and more.

It’s also a podcast; where creatives from different industries are quizzed on their process, their career path, and what their plans would be if they ever had to go on the run for miscellaneous crimes. Creative Rehab celebrates the folks who work behind the scenes and allows them to create something fun and spur-of-the-moment - much like OMB!

You can find more information about the zine and the podcast over at www.CreativeRehab.club and you can even download issues for free:

Issue 1 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/29199077

Issue 2 - https://www.patreon.com/posts/30566585

Here are a few links to the podcast to get a better idea about that side of things: Apple - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/creative-rehab/id1476393100

Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/35oYs8XigQQeWBIXtzTffk?si=rWsijWcyTMevTAQopC5wtQ

One Minute Brief of the Day in collaboration with @_Bands_FC: Create posters to help share our #LoveMusicLoveFootballHateRacism message to football fans across the world.

Today we’ve teamed up with our friends at @_Bands_FC for today’s brief. We’ve got great prizes to be won and an important message to send out to football fans across the world.

We have seen even more incidents of racism within football grounds recently and we want to get a message out there that it has no place in football in our own creative way, which we hope will reach as many people as possible.


Our message today in proper Bands FC style is Love Music. Love Football. Hate Racism.

And we want you to bring that to life in the form of posters. Whether it’s a scribble, sketch, note, photoshop design or something else, we want to see your ideas and spread a message of positivity and zero tolerance to racism in any stadium and beyond.

Inspiration for your entries:

Love Music:

Introducing song lyrics, band names, singers or classic music artwork.

Love Football:

Introducing football chants, team badges, player names, the teams you support.

Hate Racism:

Delivering a powerful message combining music and football to tell the world that racism is completely unacceptable and that we must not let it start to creep back into the game.

Tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs and @_Bands_FC with the hashtag #LoveMusicLoveFootballHateRacism


Winner receives a £150 cash prize and we’ll print a run of 100 of the winning design

(don’t worry if your entry isn’t fully designed…we’ll work with you to bring it to life!)

About Bands FC:

Bands FC mix football and music to come up with some fantastic designs - they’ve raised over £100,000 for charities and good causes as well as sponsoring some grass roots football teams. Their exhibition has stopped off at The Royal Albert Hall and The National Football Museum as well as travelling to New York and Dublin and all round the UK

One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to share the quotes, advice & inspiration from @JamalEdwards' talk at the #MAXCreativityTour with @AdobeUK

In the third of our #MAXCreativityTour briefs, we are focussing on the amazing interview on stage with SBTV founder Jamal Edwards last week. This was one of the highlights of an incredible line-up and great event, which a few of the OMBLES were lucky enough to attend. We know some of the OMBLES were watching the Live Stream as it happened…but if you missed this inspirational talk, don’t worry… it’s been made available to watch online right here: https://bit.ly/2RE2GWs You can see the other great talks on the playlist too.

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Brief: We want you to bring to life some of the inspirational quotes, advice and inspiration from the talk and encourage people to watch this exclusive interview.

One of the key parts of today’s brief was about Jamal’s work in helping under-privileged communities. He said it would be great if one of Adobe’s products could be made more accessible for young people to help them get more opportunities and help them into the creative industry at a young age. But the response from the host was that there already is!!!. Adobe Spark is actually free for every schoolchild in the world!!! This was great news to us and we now want to spread the word about this incredible program, what it does and how it is absolutely free for schoolchildren to help them start their journey into the creative industry early.

We’re looking for scribbles, notes, designs, sketches and more to help share some of the great advice and inspiration from the Q&A. Perhaps you could even use some of Jamal’s quotes in your entries. Give his Q&A a watch here https://bit.ly/2RE2GWs

Please include the following sentence in your tweets for the chance to win the great cash prize on offer:

‘Watch the inspirational talk from @JamalEdwards at the #MAXCreativityTour at https://bit.ly/2RE2GWs

Remember to tweet your posters to @OneMinuteBriefs & @AdobeUK with the hashtag #MAXCreativityTour


Winner receives a £100 cash prize.


One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters that unite everyone in their love for nature & encourage the public to #FightForYourWorld with @WWF_UK

Following our incredible #Connect2Earth collaboration with WWF, we’re teaming up once again to share an important message and encourage everyone to realise just how important nature is to us.

We’ve got brilliant prizes to be won and your work could feature on WWF social channels to over a million followers!!

At a time when we are in a world of political uncertainty, we know one thing for certain… that whoever forms the next government needs to take urgent action. We’re not about taking sides, we just want what’s best for the planet and we want everyone to be together, whoever they are and whoever they are supporting, it’s important we unite as one when it comes to the planet.

Remember to tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs @WWF_UK with the hashtag #FightForYourWorld


The brief:

This is bigger than party politics. We’re in a climate and nature crisis, and things are only getting worse. Our forests are burning, our icecaps are melting and our wildlife is being wiped out around the world.

In what can feel like divided times, we are united as a nation in our love of nature, our latest poll showed 81% of the UK population are concerned about the environment. The UK is one of the most nature depleted countries in the world, and our new government must take urgent action to fight for our world. Nature is not just a nice to have, it’s our life support system, vital to our food, water, air and even our economy.

We’d love to see your poster that shows:

• How vital nature is to us

• How nature is a love that unites us all

• How urgent action is needed and being called for across society

For more info click here: https://www.wwf.org.uk/updates/general-election-2019

Please make sure that your poster is not biased to any political party.

As a charity WWF must be neutral to all parties and work with all parties to stop the destruction of nature and help it recover.


1 winner will win

1 runner-up will win a WWF tee from https://wwf.teemill.com/

Web link: https://www.wwf.org.uk/updates/general-election-2019
Twitter: @WWF_UK  

We’re excited to see what the OMBLES come up with!

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One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to say #HappyBirthdayMOMBLE to @LynneMWhite1

Today we’ve got a very special brief to celebrate the birthday of my mum!

Most of you will know my mum as the most supportive OMBLE in our community. Retweeting and liking all of your great ideas every day, offering encouragement to newcomers, providing support to those who have had a bad day or felt down about their work and she even created a map to show all of the OMBLES who are participating in the daily briefs across the world. She won OMBASSADOR of the Year last year too and she has become a hugely important part of our community.

So I’d like all of the OMBLES to help me wish my mum a happy birthday in all sorts of different creative ways, whether it’s a poster or birthday card style.

Tweet them to @OneMinuteBriefs and @LynneMWhite1 with the hashtag #HappyBirthdayMOMBLE

I will, of course, be entering a few myself.


She likes motorbikes, cars, Mercedes SLKs. She’s Scottish but doesn’t like Celtic (or football) despite my Mother’s Day card that I designed for her many years ago in the image below. Random concepts and crazy art direction. No change there. Disappointed in myself with the your instead of you’re though. She does however follow the results of my team Man City and also sometimes goes by the name ‘Mumguero’.

From a personal perspective, my mum has helped OMB become what it is today by giving me support since it was created whilst I was at university in 2010. As OMB has grown, so has the responsibility and pressure it puts on my shoulders. Every single weekday, I receive hundreds of notifications and this has become a way of life rather than a job or a hobby. I had to deal with OMB growing whilst in full time jobs as a Creative Director, whilst giving talks and organising OMB events. And the person who was always there to tell me to not overdo it and take on too much was my mum.

In 2015, I did overdo it and the stress could well have been the cause of my heart attack. And the first person I called when it happened was my mum. Since then I tried to put that to the back of my mind but it is always there and can be demotivating when you want to grow and push forward. However, the first job I had when I went back to work was to do a music video for the NHS and me and my mum were both sat in tears watching it on TV on Christmas Day as it beat Justin Bieber to Number 1.

And, when you do grow, there are obstacles along the way that you do have to overcome. My mum has been there to speak to and help overcome those things. At times, when you just want to walk away from it, she has reassured me that we are doing great things and making people’s lives better with what we do. And she’s right. Mums always are aren’t they.

At #OMBLIVE6, I spoke of the last year being the worst of my life due to suffering agonising pain every day from a slipped disc, neighbours from hell and family issues that have really got me down, whilst trying to put on a brave face and keep OMB going. My mum was there to help me through it all.

In fact, I wouldn’t be in the creative industry at all if it weren’t for my mum. She’s creative herself, a qualified interior designer, works in the fashion industry currently and was fully behind my decision to do graphic design at college when my teachers were heavily pushing me to do English, History and Law. The fact I could write better than I design found it’s own way when I became a copywriter within a creative team.

Going back to when I was even younger, I used to draw cars and products when I was young and learnt to read and write by watching Countdown with my mum! I also started my first business aged 16 with my 12 year old brother, holding our first meeting with a big engineering client at the dining room table of our house whilst my mum waited in the kitchen for us!!!

So there’s been plenty of ups and downs but there has been another person behind the growth of this incredible OMB community. And that person is my mum.

I hope you’ll all join me in saying #HappyBirthdayMOMBLE

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One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters for tonight's LIVE STREAM of the #MAXCreativityTour with @AdobeUK

Last week we ran a great brief with Adobe to promote the Adobe MAX Creativity Tour as it comes to the UK with around 100 entries!! We will be at the event this evening which is being live streamed on the Adobe YouTube Channel at 7:30pm.

The previous OMB was based on the event itself and today’s brief is focussed on the LIVE STREAMING of the event and how this opens up the event to the entire world. How can we spread the word of the live stream and get every creative tuned in at the same time to experience this great event as it’s happening?

We’re hoping all the OMBLES will be tuning in tonight and getting involved to communicate all things LIVE!!!

Logo on transparent background to be used on entries.

Logo on transparent background to be used on entries.

Logo on black background to be used on entries.

Logo on black background to be used on entries.

Please include the following sentence in your tweets for the chance to win the great prize on offer:

‘Watch the MAX Creativity Tour London live online at http://bit.ly/34DAkzk tonight and get inspired to the MAX!!’

Remember to tweet your posters to @OneMinuteBriefs & @AdobeUK with the hashtag #MAXCreativityTour


Winner receives a £100 cash prize!!!

About the MAX Creativity Tour London 2019 Live Stream

Save your place for creative inspiration.

Join us LIVE tonight to catch the MAX Creativity Tour. Get inspired by top creatives and experience first-hand the best of Adobe MAX – The Creativity Conference, where we announced the latest innovations and updates to your favourite Creative Cloud apps.

On the night, you’ll see in action a selection of the best new releases to Adobe Creative Cloud that will empower the way you create. For example, take your creativity to new places with Photoshop on the iPad, discover a completely natural painting and drawing experience with Adobe Fresco and hear all about Adobe Aero, the most intuitive way to view, build and share immersive AR experiences.

You will also hear inspiring stories from our amazing guest speakers to spark your creativity.

These include:

  • Octavia Bromell

Illustrator & Adobe Creative Resident

  • Rufus Deuchler

Principal Manager of Creative Cloud Evangelism at Adobe

  • Jamal Edwards MBE

Founder of SB.TV

  • Leo Burnett & Passion Animations

The creative team behind this year’s McDonald’s Christmas ad ‘Ellie and Archie’.

When and where?

Date: TONIGHT!! 3 December 2019

Time: 7:30pm to 9pm

Place: Adobe UK YouTube channel

To make sure you don’t miss out… click on the Live Stream Link now http://bit.ly/34DAkzk where you can also set a reminder to tune in at 7:30 this evening!!



One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to encourage people to make a pledge to improve the lives of others in their own unique way with @1mlives #1mLives

Today we’ve got a very special One Minute Brief to help encourage people to make a pledge to improve theirs or the lives of others in their own unique way with @1mlives #1mLives

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Patient engagement agency, COUCH Health, has recently launched an epic initiative to improve the lives of one million people by 2022. They’re currently working on a number of campaigns, events and creative ideas to help improve peoples’ lives. And they’re also encouraging others - absolutely anyone who would like to get involved - to make a pledge to do something that will improve others or their own lives.

It can be as simple as giving your time to having a conversation with someone, and truly hearing what they have to say. It can be sharing something on social media to help raise awareness. It can be pledging to do something for charity or a good cause. Baking a cake for someone, a simple phone call or helping someone in need in any way you can think of.

Your job is to create something that inspires people to make a personal pledge for the #1mLives campaign. (Why not make your own pledge while you’re at it!)

Remember to tweet your ideas to @OneMinuteBriefs and @1mlives with the hashtag #1mLives  

Share your pledges with us too in your tweets!! Feel free to share at @COUCHhealth_co too!!

Prize: £125 cash prize for the winner. Which we will match with the same amount with a donation to your chosen charity. £250 in total!

About the 1mLives Campaign:

It’s a campaign that will help keep the team at COUCH Health focussed on improving the lives of others in everything they do. The goal is to improve the lives of at least 1million people by 2022. It will be approached through a combination of personal pledges, creative awareness campaigns, support events, social change initiatives and innovative advertising projects. COUCH Health is working to improve health information, education and accessibility and the 1mLives campaign is one way to push for better in the healthcare industry and beyond. Absolutely anyone can benefit from the mission. The hope is for it to become a movement that inspires others to both improve their own lives, and the lives of others.

Web link: https://www.1m-lives.com/pledge

Agency website: couchhealth.co

Twitter: @1mlives @COUCHhealth_co

Instagram: @1mlives

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One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters for the #MAXCreativityTour with @AdobeUK

Following our previous creative collaborations with Adobe, we’re back with more to coincide with the incredible Adobe MAX Creativity Tour as it comes to the UK. We’re hoping all the OMBLES will be checking it out, registering and getting involved in today’s and upcoming creative Adobe OMBs!!

Logo on transparent background to be used on entries.

Logo on transparent background to be used on entries.

Logo on black background to be used on entries.

Logo on black background to be used on entries.

Today’s brief is all about spreading the word of this great event with your fun, creative posters and getting as many people as we can involved to enjoy the great speakers etc.

Please include the following sentence in your tweets for the chance to win the great cash prize on offer:

‘Register to watch the MAX Creativity Tour London live online and get inspired to the MAX!! https://bit.ly/2OEsFdv

Remember to tweet your posters to @OneMinuteBriefs & @AdobeUK with the hashtag #MAXCreativityTour


Winner receives a £100 cash prize & a pair of exclusive tickets to the MAX Creativity Tour event in one of London’s most iconic venues.

Runner-Up also receives a pair of exclusive tickets to the MAX Creativity Tour event.

About the MAX Creativity Tour London 2019 Live Stream

Save your place for creative inspiration.

Join us live online on 3 December to catch the MAX Creativity Tour. Get inspired by top creatives and experience first-hand the best of Adobe MAX – The Creativity Conference, where we announced the latest innovations and updates to your favourite Creative Cloud apps.

On the night, you’ll see in action a selection of the best new releases to Adobe Creative Cloud that will empower the way you create. For example, take your creativity to new places with Photoshop on the iPad, discover a completely natural painting and drawing experience with Adobe Fresco and hear all about Adobe Aero, the most intuitive way to view, build and share immersive AR experiences.

You will also hear inspiring stories from our amazing guest speakers to spark your creativity.

These include:

  • Octavia Bromell

Illustrator & Adobe Creative Resident

  • Rufus Deuchler

Principal Manager of Creative Cloud Evangelism at Adobe

  • Jamal Edwards MBE

Founder of SB.TV

  • Leo Burnett & Passion Animations

The creative team behind this year’s McDonald’s Christmas ad ‘Ellie and Archie’.

When and where?

Date: 3 December 2019

Time: 7:30pm to 9pm

Place: Adobe UK YouTube channel

To make sure you don’t miss out, sign up for a reminder to watch the MAX Creativity Tour London live online and get inspired to the max.


Details and registration here:



One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to encourage people to #GoSolo with @TucanTravel

Tucan Travel are an adventure travel tour operator where over 60% of their travellers are solo passengers! We are looking for some brilliant, creative posters to promote the theme of solo travel! Tucan Travel's tours go to Latin America, Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe. We’re excited to see how the OMBLES tackle this very different brief!


Remember to tweet your posters to @OneMinuteBriefs and @TucanTravel with the hashtags #GoSolo & #TucanTravel

Prize - £150 Amazon Vouchers

About Tucan Travel:

Operating small group tours since 1987, Tucan Travel are passionate about helping travellers experience the world in an exciting and authentic way. Our purpose is to provide adventures with passion, that open people's eyes to the diversity of people, cultures and habitats across the world.

Tucan Travel tours are for anyone who is open to the idea of adventure. Whether it is hiking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu or spotting lions stalking the Savannah, our tours aim to provide an experience which will stay with you for life.

Over 60% of our travellers are solo passengers - and on the majority of the tours there is not a compulsory single supplement meaning you can share with another fellow traveller of the same gender. Travelling solo doesn’t have to be lonely! While many people travel as a couple or with friends, over half of Tucan Travellers travel solo as they know they will meet friendly, like minded people along the way.

That’s why we are hoping you can help us spread the word today!!

Regions visited: South America, Central America, Africa, Asia, Europe

Web link - www.tucantravel.com

Twitter @TucanTravel

Facebook - @tucantraveladventures

One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to show how @EUAutomation help save money and the planet with reconditioned parts for businesses #ReconditionedNotReplaced


Today we’re collaborating on a brief with EU Automation with a great prize to be won. It’s a tricky brief as not everyone knows a lot about the world of automation!! However, we’re sure the OMBLES are up to the challenge and can bring this subject to life in lots of fun ways!!!

EU Automation supply obsolete and reconditioned automation parts to their customers, which helps save money and also the planet. This keeps businesses running as they don’t have to buy new machines or have to deal with the upheaval of replacing them.

We’d ultimately like to create a film to show how ourselves and the manufacturing world are taking climate change seriously and how our products help business owners do their bit to help the environment by changing their mentality from automatically replacing machines to fixing them instead. So we’re looking for OMBLES to help us spread the word and help communicate that with posters, headlines and more.

Because we don’t want it to look all doom and gloom, something with a comedic twist would be amazing in true OMB style.

Remember to tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs & @EUAutomation with the hashtag #ReconditionedNotReplaced

Prize: £100 cash prize for today’s winner!!


About EU Automation

EU Automation was established in 2009 and has customers in over 154 countries worldwide. Essentially, we are an automation parts supplier, providing a service to customers in breakdown situations. So, anyone anywhere in the world that has a manufacturing facility will require our services at some point. Our USP as a business would be our service and ability to source obsolete or reconditioned parts through a strong international network of suppliers. 

Why EU Automation

If it wasn’t for us supplying the manufacturing world with hard to find obsolete parts the alternative would be for manufacturers to rip out entire production lines and start from scratch, as the parts required to keep their production lines running are no longer being manufactured. We are able to scour the globe to find these parts and usually get them to our customers (who are sometimes in critical breakdown situations losing a lot of money) next day. 


Machines break and downtime can cost companies millions in lost revenue. Our multi-lingual team scour the globe to find quality obsolete, new and reconditioned parts to get industrial machines back up and running at the best price. Whether it's service, speed or delivery, we always deliver more.

Social and Web Links:

twitter: https://twitter.com/euautomation

facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EUAutomation

linkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/eu-automation

web: www.euautomation.com


One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to promote saving water this Winter with @SESWater #WinterWater

In our second great brief with SES Water, we are looking for some brilliant creative ideas and headlines to get across the importance of saving water this winter, whatever the weather!!

With everyone used to water saving messages during Summer, we’re excited to see what the OMBLES come up with!!

Remember to tweet your posters to @OneMinuteBriefs and @SESWater with the hashtag #WinterWater

Prize: £200 high street voucher and a wealth of water saving goodies!

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Yes, it does rain a lot in England. But the south east receives 50% less rainfall than the rest of the UK, meaning there is actually less rain per person than Morocco which classifies the region as ‘water-stressed’. In our area each person uses around 160 litres a day which is much higher than the national average of 140 litres. Despite some very wet days recently, it may surprise you that over the last two years we’ve had less rain than normal. Combined with last summer’s heatwave which significantly increased demand for water, this means that our groundwater reserves are now well below average.

Like all water companies, we depend on winter rainfall for the water we supply to our customers as underground aquifers – rocks which act like a giant sponge – only usually fill up between October and March when there is less plant growth and evaporation. We are concerned that another relatively dry winter will not sufficiently replenish our groundwater stores. That means we need to let our customers know how important it is to use water wisely this winter, whatever the weather. But it’s easier said than done - all life depends on water but the average person thinks about their water service for less than ten minutes a year. That’s a big problem for the world’s most consumed resource.

There are lots of little things that people can do that will make a big difference such as having a shorter shower, fixing dripping taps or fitting a meter. But the water industry has been sharing water-saving tips for years so we now need to do something more creative to capture attention:

Every drop counts – done.

Save water and save money – done.

Save water and shower together – done.

Web link: www.seswater.co.uk

Twitter: @SESWater

One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to promote how @YunoJunoHQ unlock the #TruePotential of freelance.

Today we’ve got a great brief with one of our #OMBLIVE6 sponsors YunoJuno. With a great prize to be won, we’re hoping for loads of fun, creative ideas!

Remember to tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs and @YunoJunoHQ with the hashtag #TruePotential for the chance to win.


We want to tell the creative & tech world about YunoJunoHQ and their brilliant offering that helps Creative & Tefh freelancers unlock their #TruPotential to find work and help clients find people who can deliver that work.

This isn’t just for any freelance jobs… it’s for the creative and tech industry. So we’re looking forward to see how this can be brought to life.


The overall winner wins a £100 cash prize!!


What is YunoJuno?

YunoJuno is revolutionising the future of work. What started out as a curated marketplace for the creative industries has grown into the leading platform for London's elite freelance creative network. Our platform supports the entire engagement lifecycle, from finding the perfect freelancer for your brief, through transparent and direct communication (no intermediary), to contract and time management, billing, and analytics.

We have a single bold mission: Unlock the true potential of freelance.

Why is YunoJuno a city-based marketplace?

We see tangible benefits in hiring freelancers to augment an existing team. A person who can appreciate — and build on — the dynamic of other people working on the same problem, in the same room. So for us, that happens when both parties are physically accessible to each other. London and New York were the most logical launchpads to streamline our service for the ever-increasing creative workforce. But every day sees more incredible creative professionals, from designers to developers, strategists to project managers, from all over the world register on YunoJuno to influence where we go next.

Shib Mathew is the CEO and Co-Founder of YunoJuno. Starting his career in advertising in the early '90s, he dove head first into the internet in 1996, founding two internet companies in his hometown of Sydney, Australia. After relocating to London, he continued in the creative and tech sector when in 2012 he teamed up with two ex-colleagues to launch YunoJuno.

Why creative & tech? Why not all kinds of freelancers?

We believe creative & tech people own the future of work. YunoJuno stands for these unique individuals who think, design and build that future from a position of independence and tactical engagement.

Our team

There's no point saying you have an answer for the global shift in freelancing if the people building that solution don't have first-hand experience of what's going on. Just about everyone working at YunoJuno has experience as a freelancer or in working with them.

Every iteration of YunoJuno has not only been heavily influenced by the freelancer community — the platform has been built by freelancers from the YunoJuno Network. From design to development to communications, we've wanted to practise what we preach.

When we started YunoJuno in 2012, we selfishly wanted to build a company that we ourselves wanted to work for. We had each been in companies that not only made the day-to-day experience enjoyable, but also empowered people to collectively achieve a common goal. We thought that was a pretty decent place to start in recreating that same environment for YunoJuno.

One Minute Brief of the Day: Campaign to celebrate the relaunch of on-air, online and in print with @WeAreQuestMedia #WeAreTameside #WeAreOldham #WeAreGlossop

Today we’ve got a great brief for something we have been involved with through the Bank of Creativity for a little while now with the creation of re-brand messaging and 11 films featuring some amazing people in Tameside, Oldham and Glossop!

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Below is the film that shares a message about the refreshed offering delivered through the voices of local people and the services that they provide.

There is also a film featuring staff telling the story about the rebrand here:

We’re looking for you to help bring this relaunch to life in typical OMB style and the best ones will be featured in an online article and potentially in the paper!

Quest Media are also sponsoring the #OMBLIVE6 event and will be doing interviews with OMBLES on the night to feature on the website too!

Remember to tweet your ads to @OneMinuteBriefs and @WeAreQuestMedia with the hashtags #WeAreTameside #WeAreOldham #WeAreGlossop

Prize: £100 cash prize for the winner.

About the relaunch:

The Tameside Reporter, Oldham Reporter, Glossop Chronicle and Tameside Radio are now working collaboratively to provide a seamless offering across on-air, online and in print for the local community. We are much stronger together and that will benefit local businesses and people.

Last night we hosted an event featuring a unique celebration of our rich heritage as we look forward to an exciting new beginning for our publications, radio station and website...

We are looking to widen our appeal and attract a new, younger audience with a fresh new look for our newspaper while continuing to appeal to our traditional readers. We are also committed to 10 pages of local sport per week!

We’ve introduced new features & columns including holiday / countryside / nostalgia and veteran, as well as new columns for the radio presenters & promoting our podcasts

We also have a Weekended section featuring what's on, reviews / views / lifestyle columns - in an eight page supplement.

Having been previously paid for, we will be delivering the paper completely free to 21,000+ homes and the paper will also be free to view online every week.

The radio station now has even more entertainment, content, info, games and, of course, brilliant music. Being as one with the newspaper, they will be able to share news as and when it happens and help celebrate local people with interviews and podcasts.

Now we want to spread the word!!

Our manifesto is:

We are hungry for that front page story,

the deliverers of that back page glory.

We are the producers of the best day in, day out,

Celebrating our people is what we are about.

We are the go-getters,

We are the do-betters.

We help local businesses thrive,

every time we go Live.

We are free for everyone to enjoy,

Yet worth so much to every woman, man, girl or boy.

We are the writers of meticulous reports,

The sharers of inspiring thoughts.

We are the glue that connects our community,

providing our local heroes with support & opportunity.

We are…





And we’ve been here for 164 years

We are here, there, everywhere

On air, on line, in print.

We are Quest.


One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to promote the #IndoorPlantRange from @Tree2MyDoor

Today we’ve got a brilliant brief that is sure to inspire loads of fun ideas with a subject we’ve not covered before. Excited to see what the OMBLES come up with on this one with a great prize to be won!

Remember to tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs and @Tree2MyDoor with the hashtag #IndoorPlantRange for the chance to win.


With their new Indoor Plant Range, Tree2mydoor want the world to know that they now have gifts for everyone: from the city-dwelling student to the rural grandparent and everyone in-between. Let’s help celebrate the new and improved Tree2mydoor gift service by creating a poster to spread brand awareness.


The overall winner wins a £100 gift voucher to spend at Tree2mydoor and an afternoon with the Tree2mydoor team.



Tree2mydoor is a gift company with roots! In 16 years, they have delighted thousands of customers with thousands of trees. And why not? Trees are everything a gift should be: living, lasting, and full of meaning.

Foliage, fruits, and flowers have grown across the UK and Ireland for all manner of people and occasions. But many of their trees and shrubs are for people with gardens in suburbia, so flat-dwelling students, graduates, young professionals, and pensioners are missing out.

Now, Tree2mydoor is proud to launch its brand new Indoor Plants Range - a wonderful collection of exotic plants perfect for growing indoors in the UK and Ireland. These indoor plants are grown by expert nurseries in the UK and Europe and supplied in taller sizes and larger pots than other online competitors.

Psstt. If you love what Tree2mydoor do and want to get involved, email your CV to jobs@tree2ydoor.com (Tree2mydoor are looking for someone to be their new Business Development Manager.)







One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to promote #PaperStraws with @IntrinsicPaper

Today we’ve got a great brief with the guys at Intrinsic Paper to promote the use of a product that is extremely important in protecting our environment. We are looking forward to seeing the amazing creativity that the OMBLES come up with for this and there is a great prize on offer to the winner.

Remember to tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs & @IntrinsicPaper with the hashtag #PaperStraws


The brief…

Campaign to spread the word that the paper straws are a sustainable, eco-friendly alternative to single-use plastic straws, which are due to be banned in the UK from April 2020.

About Intrinsic Paper Straws

Intrinsic are a UK manufacturer and supplier of high quality paper straws. Our journey into paper straws was very much influenced by the documentary ‘Blue Planet II’ which was broadcast in 2018. To see the damaging impact that plastic waste (especially plastic straws) is having on our oceans and wildlife is quite heart-breaking viewing. To help with the global initiative to reduce plastic pollution, Intrinsic has been setup to focus on developing plastic alternatives starting with paper straws.

We believe paper straws are a sustainable, eco-friendly alternative to plastic straws. The paper straws we provide are made from sustainably sourced papers which are biodegradable, and only contain inks and adhesives that are both food safe and environmentally friendly. Also, our straws have been designed to deliver outstanding durability during use, so consumers can enjoy that all important beverage without worrying about issues such as sogginess.

However, there is a perception with paper that it has a negative impact on the environment, but in truth it is a sustainable product. Paper is based on wood, a natural and renewable material. As trees grow they absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. Furthermore, as a wood product, paper also continues to store carbon throughout its lifetime.

Website: intrinsicpaperstraws.com

Twitter: @IntrinsicPaper


Instagram: @intrinsicpaperstraws