One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters for the @CreativeRehabUK zine and podcast.

Today we’ve got a special brief with Creative Rehab, who won a One Minute Briefs campaign for being the 10,000th follower on our overarching Bank of Creativity Twitter feed @BOC_ATM

So today, it would be great if all the OMBLES got involved to help celebrate the great things these guys are doing. We’ve got some great prizes to be won too!


Brief: We want you to create a brash and zany poster to advertise the publication and podcast. It can be whatever you want it to be, as long as it’s creative!

Remember to tweet your posters to @OneMinuteBriefs and @CreativeRehabUK with the hashtag #CreativeRehab


  • The winner receives a goody bag containing several issues of Creative Rehab, stickers, badges, trinkets and more.!!

  • They’ll even get a full-page ad (or feature/interview) for themselves in the Xmas issue of the publication, and their winning idea will be printed in a feature about OMB.

  • They can even come on the OMB episode of the podcast!!

About Creative Rehab:

Creative Rehab is an independant, otherworldly, DIY-punk zine made by (and for) creatives from all walks of life. It features rants, doodles, poetry, puzzles, fiction, illustrations, journalism, confessions and more.

It’s also a podcast; where creatives from different industries are quizzed on their process, their career path, and what their plans would be if they ever had to go on the run for miscellaneous crimes. Creative Rehab celebrates the folks who work behind the scenes and allows them to create something fun and spur-of-the-moment - much like OMB!

You can find more information about the zine and the podcast over at and you can even download issues for free:

Issue 1 -

Issue 2 -

Here are a few links to the podcast to get a better idea about that side of things: Apple -

Spotify -
