One Minute Brief of the Day:
Create a@TheDrum #DoItDay ad for the Financial Times

Top line brief
Create an encourage business leaders unknown to The Drum to get involved with #DoItDay in 2018 which would help them amplify their Corporate Social Responsibility.
Target Audience
Business leaders, Marketing Directors, CSR Directors of Brands and large Corporate Organisations
- Quarter page advert in the Financial Times w/c 30th Oct
- Shout Outs on The Drum event and social media pages.
- 2 x Free tickets to The Drum Creative Awards
The Drum
The Drum is a global media platform and the biggest marketing website in the world. We publish a global monthly magazine, website, and run a number of industry events, including Do It Day.
Our mantra is that marketing can change the world. In fact you’ll find this written on every front cover of the magazine. It’s a statement that expresses our belief in marketing’s transformative powers, and calls on the industry to consider the effect its work has on the world at large.
What is Do It Day
Do It Day is a live manifestation of The Drum’s core belief that Marketing can change the world. Each year we choose a social good cause to help promote to the world, and invite a number of relevant companies and charities to set marketing briefs around it. This year, we’ve focused on ‘Destigmatising Mental Health’. A number of mental health charities in London, NY and Singapore were invited to set a brief on our hack day 2 weeks ago on 10th Oct, and professionals from the marketing and advertising industry set about coming up with campaign ideas to solve them. The best ideas that came out of the day will now be implemented on #DoItDay, 16th Nov by the delegates who took part on 10th Oct. These campaigns are not just one-off stunts but will provide a legacy going forward. To see a write-up of all the winning ideas see the links section below.
More depth on the brief
We feel that Do It Day can act as a great platform not only for charities also for businesses (not only agencies, but brands and corporates) to amplify and inject some creativity into their CSR programmes. Quite often we see Corporate Social Responsibility as box ticking and not very innovative. The general public is very unaware of what causes they support and how they are supporting them. We want to engage business leaders now with a view for taking part next year and setting a brief around the social cause that we choose.
These business leaders most probably have never heard of The Drum and never considered that marketing can in fact change the world.
We want to show them that:
1. Marketing and creativity along with The Drum’s Do It Day can help amplify their CSR programmes
2. It will inspire their team to see it as a reinforcing the view that doing good can be good for business
3. It is definitely worthwhile sponsoring this Initiative.
Call to action: Get in touch to discuss plans for next year
Show them what we are doing this yearLet’s demonstrate to them how Do it Day 2017 is gearing up to make a difference by highlighting what we have been up to this year.
We’re destimatising Mental Health in on Do It Day, 16th Nov, across three continents. As well as all the charity campaigns being launched, The Drum will launch its own umbrella campaign which ties up everything we’re doing around the world with #iamnotok which will encourage people to interact with us via our Do It Day hub and say it’s ok to say #iamnotok.
Create a
Top line brief
Create an encourage business leaders unknown to The Drum to get involved with #DoItDay in 2018 which would help them amplify their Corporate Social Responsibility.
Target Audience
Business leaders, Marketing Directors, CSR Directors of Brands and large Corporate Organisations
- Quarter page advert in the Financial Times w/c 30th Oct
- Shout Outs on The Drum event and social media pages.
- 2 x Free tickets to The Drum Creative Awards
The Drum
The Drum is a global media platform and the biggest marketing website in the world. We publish a global monthly magazine, website, and run a number of industry events, including Do It Day.
Our mantra is that marketing can change the world. In fact you’ll find this written on every front cover of the magazine. It’s a statement that expresses our belief in marketing’s transformative powers, and calls on the industry to consider the effect its work has on the world at large.
What is Do It Day
Do It Day is a live manifestation of The Drum’s core belief that Marketing can change the world. Each year we choose a social good cause to help promote to the world, and invite a number of relevant companies and charities to set marketing briefs around it. This year, we’ve focused on ‘Destigmatising Mental Health’. A number of mental health charities in London, NY and Singapore were invited to set a brief on our hack day 2 weeks ago on 10th Oct, and professionals from the marketing and advertising industry set about coming up with campaign ideas to solve them. The best ideas that came out of the day will now be implemented on #DoItDay, 16th Nov by the delegates who took part on 10th Oct. These campaigns are not just one-off stunts but will provide a legacy going forward. To see a write-up of all the winning ideas see the links section below.
More depth on the brief
We feel that Do It Day can act as a great platform not only for charities also for businesses (not only agencies, but brands and corporates) to amplify and inject some creativity into their CSR programmes. Quite often we see Corporate Social Responsibility as box ticking and not very innovative. The general public is very unaware of what causes they support and how they are supporting them. We want to engage business leaders now with a view for taking part next year and setting a brief around the social cause that we choose.
These business leaders most probably have never heard of The Drum and never considered that marketing can in fact change the world.
We want to show them that:
1. Marketing and creativity along with The Drum’s Do It Day can help amplify their CSR programmes
2. It will inspire their team to see it as a reinforcing the view that doing good can be good for business
3. It is definitely worthwhile sponsoring this Initiative.
Call to action: Get in touch to discuss plans for next year
Show them what we are doing this yearLet’s demonstrate to them how Do it Day 2017 is gearing up to make a difference by highlighting what we have been up to this year.
We’re destimatising Mental Health in on Do It Day, 16th Nov, across three continents. As well as all the charity campaigns being launched, The Drum will launch its own umbrella campaign which ties up everything we’re doing around the world with #iamnotok which will encourage people to interact with us via our Do It Day hub and say it’s ok to say #iamnotok.
See link here that came out of hack day:
Assets to include:
The Drum Do it Day logo
Link to Do it Day information:
Assets to include:
The Drum Do it Day logo
Link to Do it Day information:
You can also include the hashtag #iamnotok if you wish to include elements of this year's theme.