With 170,000+ subscribers, Stephen Hendry’s #CueTips Youtube Channel is already on it’s way to becoming the biggest Snooker channel in the world. And, today, we’re teaming up with the OMBLES to help spread the word.
Having won the World Championship a record 7 times, Stephen is putting a lot of effort into creating something different for the fans. So how can we help the King of the Crucible, become the King of YouTube?
We’re excited to see how this community can bring this to life and there are some great prizes to be won too!
“Stephen is my sporting hero and a huge inspiration for the dedication it takes to succeed in everything you do. I just wish I could play snooker like him!
I am delighted to share the opportunity with our community to support his brilliant YouTube channel, which gives a unique and personal insight into the lives of great snooker players and celebrity guests. I have binge-watched every single video already and look forward to seeing much more. I’d love to have a frame and a chat with Stephen myself!
I really hope the OMBLES can get behind this one...”
One Minute Brief of the Day:
Create posters to promote the official #CueTips Youtube channel of seven-time World Snooker champion, Stephen Hendry.
Tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs & @SHendry775 with the hashtag #CueTips & include a link to youtube.com/@stephenhendryscuetips…don’t forget to click subscribe on the channel yourself too!
We’d love to see you sharing your entries via stories & posts on Instagram too. Make sure you tag in @OneMinuteBriefs & @CueTipsOfficial
Be as creative as you like… and accompany it with eye-catching headlines if you wish!
Remember to add your Twitter handle in the bottom right-hand corner of your entries! Deadline 6pm BST.
£200 cash
2 tickets to a World Snooker Event for you and/or family & friends
There will also be the opportunity for a meet and greet with Stephen Hendry himself too!!
About the Youtube Channel:
We deliver content across both entertainment and tips under 4 pillars…
1 – ‘Cue & A’ -
We interview both current and former Snooker players along with other well-known athletes and celebrities that are Snooker fans. A relaxed conversation over a frame of Snooker.
2 – ‘CueTips’ –
The very best tips and advice from both Stephen and the best players in the world to help improve your game.
3 – ‘Challenges’ (Currently the Tough Table Challenge) –
Players get to compete in a challenge series to post their score on the leader-board.
4 – ‘Quick Questions’ –
Stephens audience get to send in their random questions for that week’s guest and Stephen chooses the best.