One Minute Brief of the Day: Create billboard-style posters for brands featuring deliberate hilarious mistakes, where the only positive is that #AtLeastItsOnBrand!!

Frontify is a digital asset management platform that is home to some of the world’s biggest brands, and greatest brand builders. Our recent campaign, “At Least It’s On Brand”, explores the challenges modern brand builders face to stand out in an AI-powered world and what it means to be “on brand”.

One Minute Brief of the Day:

Create billboard-style posters for brands featuring deliberate hilarious mistakes, where the only positive is that #AtLeastItsOnBrand!!


  • The designer left Lorem Ipsum in

  • Wrong font

  • Typo

  • Wrong size/format

  • Completely wrong brand ambassador

  • Old logo used

  • Words missing.

  • Wrong slogan.

  • And whatever else you can think of that could go wrong. But on this brief… oh so right!!

Tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs & @Frontify with the hashtag #AtLeastItsOnBrand

Be as creative as you like… and enter as many times you wish! But don’t forget to put your X handle in the top left corner of your entries.


WINNER: £300 CASH!!!

2nd Place: £200 CASH!!

3rd Place: £100 CASH!

About Frontify:

We’re the brand for the people behind brands, on a journey to create a home where all brands can thrive – so that everyone can be a part of building beloved brands (including yours).

More than fancy words, they underpin all that we do. It’s why we care so much about providing the best brand management platform around.

Find out more at

What problem are we solving?

As automation and AI transform how brands communicate with their audiences, this new reality has made it easier than ever for brands to replicate traditional branding elements without substance or true brand identity. As a result, the old benchmarks of branding — technical consistency and rigid adherence to a set aesthetic — are no longer enough to differentiate a brand or make it resonate on a deeper level. 

To start a conversation about this challenge, Frontify - the brand building platform - has launched its first ever billboard campaign, targeting the thriving London creative and agency community by getting them to engage with an all too familiar fear of getting something wrong for a major launch. The campaign has launched across prominent billboards in Shoreditch with a notable mistake - a chunk of classic Lorem Ipsum text left in the headline of what is otherwise an “on-brand” asset. However, what might first seem like an oversight is actually a deliberate and carefully crafted campaign that seeks to spark a conversation about the future of branding and what it means to be "on-brand" in today's fast-paced and AI-powered world. The campaign challenges traditional notions of “on-brand” as flawless consistency and encourages marketers to rethink their approach to brand-building as emotional connection.

Tone of Voice:

Irreverent, light-hearted, smart, innovative

What can you play with?

Pick any iconic brand in the world as your starting point and imagine a mistake that would make any marketer wince. It should be a believable error that would fill a marketer with genuine horror! Use the tag line "At Least It's On Brand" as your punch line!

Draw inspiration from Frontify’s own “At Least It’s On Brand” campaign HERE

Social / Web Links:

See a few quick examples we did earlier below along with Frontify’s billboard campaign images!