One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to celebrate the incredible #ImmuneSystem!!

Your immune system is incredible. It deserves your attention.

It is made up of billions of cells, constantly working together to identify and eliminate infection, disease and even cancer.

IMU will help you discover its superpowers and show you ways to look after it so it can look after you.

That’s why we’re calling on the OMBLES to celebrate the incredible immune system with quickfire creativity to bring to life the amazing things it can do. We’re looking forward to seeing scribbles, sketches, headlines and more. Enter as many times as you wish to win the great prizes!!

One Minute Brief of the Day:

Create posters to celebrate the incredible #ImmuneSystem!!

Tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs and ….. with the hashtag #ImmuneSystem


1st: £100 cash, a copy of the ‘IMMUNE’ book & and a FREE IMU Test (worth £300)!!

2nd & 3rd: FREE IMU Test(worth £300 each)!!

Why your immune system is incredible

Understanding the immune system has led to some of the greatest innovations in medicine; from the rapid development of covid vaccines, to the development of the latest and greatest generation of cancer treatments. As a scientific field, immunology offers a very broad and very detailed understanding of how the immune system functions in principle. This understanding encompasses a whole universe of beautiful complexity.

Despite the wealth of knowledge we now have on how the immune system works, it will surprise you to learn however that we have very limited understanding of how an individual's immune system works and on a personal level and what that means for an individual's health.

When it comes to our immune systems, things get very personal. Our immune system knows us inside out on a molecular level. It is capable of recognising and remembering everything that makes you, you. Your immune system can recognise every virus and bacteria that will ever exist and it's able to tell the difference between the two, but that’s true for everyone. It is truly a remarkable construct of evolution.

When it's working well, your immune system is truly a superpower but when it's not working well, it can leave us exposed to a wide array of infections, cancers and even cause disease itself.

Make up
Your immune system is made up of billions of cells with huge variation in their purpose and design. These cells work together through complex communication channels that monitor your environment and respond to the multitude of threats from foreign bodies trying to make you their home. This battleground for your good health occurs in and under your skin 24 hours a day!

Your first line of defence
Innate immunity is the first line of defence, using identical mechanisms to fight all types of pathogens and foreign antigens. It is rapid and initiated within minutes or hours after encountering antigens, involving white blood cells (immune cells) such as neutrophils, basophils and natural killer cells. To call this unsophisticated is wrong but another level of sophistication exists within your adaptive immune system.

Your immune system never forgets

When innate immunity needs more assistance, it calls on your adaptive immunity to provide a more specific response towards a pathogen, at the same time building up memory to fight the same pathogen more rapidly and efficiently upon re-exposure.

Many of the immune cells involved in adaptive immunity circulate in your bloodstream, such as T and B cells, which migrate to the site of infection to either directly kill infected cells or help produce antibodies against the unwanted intruder.

Your immune health
Through more understanding of every immune system but specifically, your immune system, you will learn to appreciate the effects of vaccines, medical treatments, ‘immune boosting’ techniques, disease, sickness, historic illnesses, diet and exercise and how these all impact on the effectiveness of your most incredible system

If you nurture your immune system to a state of good balance, you will be more prepared to deal with the unsettling threats we have to live with. We believe in empowering the immune system to best serve you on your journey to good health and that starts with understanding.

Discover more here.

About IMU:

In a world of constant and unsettling threats - your immune system deserves some recognition. Billions of cells are constantly working together to identify and eliminate infection, disease and even cancer. Right now it is working hard to keep you alive. It is an incredibly powerful system, it is your superpower.

IMU is a brand new product from Melio Health that gives people insight into the health of their own immune systems and provides customers with an immune fitness score from a blood sample along with actionable insights aimed at keeping people healthy and their immune systems optimised.

IMU are looking for 1000 initial people to take the test and be the first in history to get to know their own immune system.

Find out more here:

You can download fonts to use here.