One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters that communicate how equality creates a better future for everyone. With @Oxfam #InequalityKills

Today’s One Minute Brief is an important one in collaboration with Oxfam and there are some great prizes to be won!! We hope the OMBLES will help share this important message and encourage action.

One Minute Brief of the Day:

Create posters that communicate how equality creates a better future for everyone. With @Oxfam #InequalityKills

While inequality is killing people and our planet, and has been turbocharged by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. We seek for an economic model that works for everyone, not only a very few rich and powerful people.

Please tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs & @Oxfam with the hashtag #InequalityKills


  • First Place: £200 cash!!

  • Second place: £100 cash!!

What is the cause, who is being harmed, and who is benefitting?

The wealth of the world’s 10 richest people has doubled since the pandemic began. The incomes of 99% of humanity are worse off because of COVID-19. Widening economic, gender, and racial inequalities—as well as the inequality that exists between countries—are tearing our world apart.

This is not by chance, but choice: “economic violence” is perpetrated when structural policy choices are made for the richest and most powerful people. This causes direct harm to us all, and to the poorest people, women and girls, and racialised groups most. Inequality contributes to the death of at least one person every four seconds.

But we can radically redesign our economies to be centred on equality. We can claw back extreme wealth through progressive taxation; invest in powerful, proven inequality-busting public measures; and boldly shift power in the economy and society. If we are courageous, and listen to the movements demanding change, we can create an economy in which nobody lives in poverty, nor with unimaginable billionaire wealth—in which inequality no longer kills.


We want to use the 2022 WEF as an opportunity to push for economic, gender and racial equality and change. Inequality means people are needlessly losing their lives to poverty, gender-based violence, lack of access to health care and climate crisis. These are the violent consequences of the uncontrolled power and influence the richest individuals and companies have over our economies.

For the future to be more equal for all of us, we must redistribute both wealth and power..

The question we want to pose to the creatives engaging in this brief is: 

Inequality affects us all, is killing people and the planet. Imagine a real sustainable, poverty-free, violence-free world, where human rights are respected and people can thrive regardless their cast, gender, origin, nationality or racialised context. Overcoming extreme inequality means all humans have the ability to pursue their dreams. 

How would you depict this? How can we showcase how a more equal world with better economic models would work for the benefit of us all?

It is important that we showcase how a more equal economic model will work for everyone and not just the few who are currently hoarding resources.

Find out more in the Inequality Kills report here.

Feel free to use any of the colours, backgrounds and logos in your entries.

Font also available to download here.