One Minute Brief of the Day: Create billboard-style posters to highlight the fiery potency of @Mojudrinks Halloween limited edition ‘Really Ginger’ shots #mojudrinks

Packed with fresh pressed ginger root and double the strength of regular MOJU Ginger shots, this is pure fire power in every shot. This time we’ve also made it available in super-sized dosing bottles so there’s no escaping the burn. 

Thought the heat was horrifying before? Now it’s super-sized, it’s DEADLY. Really Ginger III is bigger, badder and about to unleash terror on your tastebuds one last time. Could this be the end of life as we know it?*⁠

*Probs not. But your mouth? 100%.⁠

One Minute Brief of the Day: 

Create billboard-style posters to highlight the fiery potency of @Mojudrinks Halloween limited edition ‘Really Ginger’ shots #mojudrinks

Please tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs and @Mojudrinks with the hashtag #mojudrinks.​ We look forward to seeing your Halloween inspired entries.

Remember to include your Twitter handle in the corner of your ads too!!


  • WINNER: £100 cash + a MOJU bundle!!

  • Runner-Up: A MOJU bundle!!

Keep all entries positive and have fun. Enter as many times as you like and share each other’s work!

Our story:

There’s never been many ingredients to MOJU. In the beginning, it was just two mates. One beaten-up VW Golf. Zero experience. Armed only with simple, homemade cold-pressed juices and a mad ambition to mix up an industry.

Why? Well, something was bothering us. In this busy, modern world, we work so hard to be healthy and active. Yet products that say they’ll help you out? They kind of… don’t. Artificial ingredients. Heavy processing. Loads of sugar. It’s not what your body needs. Busy lives deserve better.

So, we made it our mission to provide exactly that. We went back to nature, back to millions of years of evolution. To reconnect people with powerful flavours and potent natural ingredients. To do what we can to get you performing better. No miracle cures. Just some of what you need to get you feeling gooooood.

It’s never just been about the drinks at MOJU. We’re here to give life our best shot.

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