One Minute Brief of the day: 'Everyone' is talking about ''Web3'' - but does 'anyone' know what it is? Create posters demonstrating how easy it is for anyone to access web3 with a Near wallet.

About today’s brief:

Web3 sounds exotic.... or plain confusing!

At Near we believe it should be the opposite and we're keen to engage creative people in finding ways to do that. Web3 is really about decentralisation.

What does that mean?

It means that instead of a 'centralised' organisation like Amazon, Twitter, Facebook, Google etc owning, harvesting and selling your data (Web2), you own that data and all transactions yourself. There's always beena. tradeoff in user experience for Web3, until now. Near has created 2 things that make decentralised Web3 much more simple than ever before:

- Fast Authentication (in plain english - super easy to create a wallet in just a couple of clicks ) you can then make a name for your wallet e.g. 'JoeBloggs69' giving you an identity and easy to remember account name. Before this innovation, users had to remember a long passphrase and the experience was way more clunky. 

- BOS - Blockchain Operating System - this sounds like something from the film Tron, but it's less scary! It means that absolutely anyone can find cool decentralised apps (dApps) in 1 place, any blockchains can be used (e.g. Polygon, Etherium) and entrepreneurs and developers can use all the code available on the blockchain to make their own products, services and businesses. 

'Everyone' is talking about ''Web3'' - but does 'anyone' know what it is?

That's the exciting challenge for today's OMB - promoting Web3 to a wider audience! Working with we're looking to explore ways in which seemingly complex idea of Web3 can be communicated in a simple and relevant way.

One Minute Brief of the day:

Show how Near will enable Web3 to be accessible for the world. 

Create posters for Near and/or its 'Blockchain Operating System, demonstrating how easy it is for anyone to access web3 with a Near wallet.

Tweet your entries to @oneminutebriefs and @NEARProtocol and the hashtags #NEARistheBOS with a link to 

Enter as many times as you wish, remember to put your twitter handle in the corner of your entries to be in with a chance of winning. 


1st Place: $1000 in NEAR directly into your own Near Wallet. (keep or convert it to cash or any other crypto)

2nd & 3rd Place: $500 in NEAR  (keep or convert it to cash or any other crypto)

(If you don't have a Near wallet set up, don't worry - the team will help you if needed but anyone can open a wallet here

  • NFT voting! As an exciting twist, the shortlisted 10 entries will be voted for via an NFT - making your work truly Web3 forever and allowing every voter to take part in a decentralised experience. 

More about Near:

Main page 

Easily open a wallet 

A nice Twitter thread on the Blockchain Operating System 

The founder talking about it (video) 

Twitter page 

The Near social (decentralised) landing page