One Minute Brief of the Day: Create campaign posters that bring to life the power of renewable energy & show how it can be cheap &/or secure. #ThePowerOfRenewable

Today we’ve got a brief from an organisation called E3G which wants to show that renewable energy (and green homes measures like energy efficiency and heat pumps) is the most secure and cheap form of energy. Right now there is a public discussion about how the UK should respond to the energy crisis and move away from importing Russian gas. Some are still arguing for further investment in fossil fuel extraction which would not improve the UK’s energy security or do anything for the sky high energy bills we’re all facing.

The only way to avoid price shocks like we’ve seen recently is to transition to renewable energy as quickly as possible while also insulating our homes and switching to heat pumps.

One Minute Brief of the Day:

Create campaign posters that bring to life the power of renewable energy & show how it can be cheap &/or secure. #ThePowerOfRenewable

You can use headlines, slogans, memes, designs, GIFs and more to show that renewable energy (and green home measures like energy efficiency and heat pumps) is secure AND/OR cheap energy.

Your entries could also reference how remaining reliant on fossil fuels is helping to fund global conflicts and/or wield power over the UK.  

Tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs with the hashtag #ThePowerOfRenewable

Remember to include your Twitter handle in the corner of your ads. Deadline 6pm GMT.

Prize: £200 cash prize for today’s winner!!!

We’re looking for ideas to be used on social media to help communicate the idea that renewable energy is a national security issue. Part of your work could be a slogan which captures this idea.

For that reason you may want to avoid bland pictures of wind turbines or solar panels (unless using them in an interesting way). For obvious reasons we don’t want anything too militaristic but a sense of British identity and pride could be very much incorporated. 

The more entries the merrier and be as creative as you like! 

Why are energy bills so high? 

Global demand and geopolitics - in particular, Russia restricting global supply - are driving soaring gas prices. Although the UK imports only 4% of its gas from Russia it remains vulnerable to price shocks happening in the rest of the world. That is why simply replacing Russian gas imports won’t create energy security or lower sky high energy bills. 

Some are arguing that the best way to tackle the energy crisis and fight Putin is to extract oil and gas from the North Sea and fracking in the UK. However, this is misleading because these industries can only produce a tiny fraction (if any in the case of fracking) that we need and the energy companies which extract the oil and gas would be able to sell it to the highest bidder in the global market.

The only way to create a secure energy supply and tackle high energy bills is by investing in renewables, insulation and supporting people with their bills.

Some example campaign posters below. We’re looking for strong headlines and simple graphics that deliver the brief message in a powerful yet responsible way.