One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to encourage people around the world to maintain #SocialDistancing. Brief ran in partnership with @ITVPeston & @LoveYourNHS

Following all of our powerful One Minute Briefs lately, we are today collaborating with ITV’s Peston for a subject we’ve not yet covered. It’s important that everyone is staying home where possible, but if you are out when shopping or exercising it is vital to maintain #SocialDistancing.

So today we’re looking for fun, positive and creative scribbles, headlines, notes, designs, sketches and more to encourage people to stay at least 2 metres apart from anyone they encounter whilst outdoors.

The official scientific advice isn’t cutting through with younger audiences, and the UN has also recently issued a call for creatives around the world to mobilise and turn public health messages into work that people will engage with. And we’re responding to that call today. We hope all the OMBLES will join us!


Tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs @ITVPeston with the hashtags #SocialDistancing & #HomeWithPeston

You can also tag any of the following in your tweets.

@UN // @LoveYourNHS // #Peston // #LoveYourNHS


Winner receives a tour of the studios at the Television Centre and a place in the audience at the Live show (once this all blows over of course) 

Winner & Runners-Up will have their tweets featured on TV this evening during the show this evening.


Last week on ITV’s Peston, we found out that over 3.6 million people in the UK are still refusing to social distance, with the biggest culprits being people under 28. What may seem like a cheeky meet up with mates is putting extra strain on an already under pressure NHS. Our actions as individuals are more important than ever right now to help flatten the curve.
So let’s see what the OMBLES community can come up with. Create and share your posters and graphics encouraging people to maintain #SocialDistancing and, in turn, protect the NHS. The best ones will be shown on Peston’s Live Twitter Stream of the show on Wednesday night at 10:45pm. 


Maintain physical distancing

Maintain at least 2 metres (6 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing.


When someone coughs or sneezes they spray small liquid droplets from their nose or mouth which may contain the virus. If you are too close, you can breathe in the droplets, including the COVID-19 virus if the person coughing has the disease. Also danger of surface contamination - hence importance of personal hygiene.

Where advised, stay home and avoid gathering in groups or with people who may be more vulnerable such as the elderly and those with underlying health conditions.


● Balcony concerts while social distancing

● African artists are creating catchy songs to promote awareness about coronavirus

● Social Distancing - matches

● Coronavirus: Indian greeting namaste goes global

● HOMEcoming Rewatch Party

● Together, At Home concert series - toolkit

● WHO explainer


Fact based, educational, common humanity, shared experience, collective wellbeing, mental and physical health

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