One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to encourage less online hate & more love, unity & acceptance on #STOPCYBERBULLYINGDAY with @CybersmileHQ

We're delighted to once again be official partners with Cybersmile on Stop Cyberbullying Day alongside the likes of Twitter, Instagram & Facebook. This year’s theme is all about unity and acceptance and we’re hopeful that all of the OMBLES will get involved and spread positivity across social media at a time it is more divisive and volatile than ever.

Today’s brief is a really important one for myself personally and on behalf of the One Minute Briefs community. Having been on the receiving end of online bullying in the past, we know that negativity and nastiness online can have a serious impact on our mental health. Whether it’s directly or indirectly aimed at you or at others, the negativity and hate online is creating an incredibly hostile place that is hard to enjoy these days. I am actively avoiding using Twitter myself and trying to stick to the positivity bubble that is One Minute Briefs. I’ve seen people hounded off Twitter because of their opinions and they’ve been bullied to the point where they feel the need to escape. I know this feeling. It’s an overwhelming feeling that is very real and can push you into serious depression. Although, they have since said that their mental health is much better as a result. But what if you rely on being on social media for your job or business like we do? How do you get away from it without the doom-scrolling? It’s almost impossible. Social media has never been so divisive. The feeds have become full of hate. People actively looking to cause harm to anyone who is different or has an opposing opinion to them. Covid times have exaggerated this divide too. That’s why it’s important for the OMBLES to show that social media can be a place for good. A place we can all help each other build confidence, careers, contacts and turn social media into a fun, creative place like it used to be.
— Nick Entwistle - OMB Founder

We're calling on the OMBLES to do what they do best, and share their ideas to make a difference and get people talking about #STOPCYBERBULLYINGDAY in a positive way that promotes less online hate and more love, unity & acceptance.

Scribbles, notes, designs, sketches etc welcome. Let's get some positivity out there!

The winning idea will receive a £100 cash prize.
Tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs @CybersmileHQ with the hashtag #STOPCYBERBULLYINGDAY


Stop Cyberbullying Day is an annual event that brings millions of people together from around the world to celebrate and promote a truly diverse and inclusive internet.

Founded in 2012 and co-ordinated each year by The Cybersmile Foundation, Stop Cyberbullying Day is a global day of awareness and activities on and offline. Every third Friday in June, Stop Cyberbullying Day encourages and empowers millions of people around the world to show their commitment toward a truly inclusive and diverse internet.

Stop Cyberbullying Day brings together internet users, brands, academics, educators, media outlets, nonprofits, governments and public figures from around the world. The annual event provides a perfect platform to demonstrate or renew commitment to a kinder, more inclusive internet. Social media users are encouraged to include #STOPCYBERBULLYINGDAY across social platforms to voice their support for the event.

With your help, together we can ensure that everybody has equal opportunity to access and enjoy the benefits of our connected world.

Friday 18th June 2021 is Stop Cyberbullying Day, where everybody can get involved and make a difference both on and off-line. We are asking everybody who cares about cyberbullying, online hate campaigns and the future of the internet to join our growing movement for action and to help us create a diverse internet free from abuse. This year, our focus is on unity and acceptance because together - we can change the world.

Find out more at:


The Cybersmile Foundation is a multi-award-winning non-profit organisation committed to digital wellbeing and tackling all forms of bullying and abuse online. They work to promote kindness, diversity and inclusion by building a safer, more positive digital community and encouraging people to realise their full potential without the fear of ridicule and abuse.

Through education and the promotion of positive digital citizenship, The Cybersmile Foundation reduces incidents of cyberbullying and provides professional help and support services to children and adults around the world.

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A video produced and directed by OMB was shared by Jordan Henderson, Liverpool Captain & England International, last month.