OMB Stories: Nirpal Bansel

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I was introduced to OMB by a T-shirt. Dave Holcroft’s to be precise (@PaperjamCreate). OMB! emblazoned across his chest. Curiosity go the better of me, I had to ask what it meant. I guess the explanation followed thereafter, for the next 4 years.

July 2018. My first entry for #MovieQuoteAds. I couldn’t’ resist a quote from my favourite film franchise. That’s where my OMB journey started. I remember being a Twitter newbie and not knowing how to tweet my entry. Luckily, Nick was there to help. After that, wins for Young Lions and O2 really boosted my own self-esteem.

I gave up on the creative industry, way back in 2004. After 10 years of struggling in agencies and as a freelancer,  I re-qualified to become a primary teacher. I wanted to give something back, to a worthy cause – helping the next generation to proser. This path in education also led me to lecturing at university and mentoring students.  

I still feel I have unfinished business with the creative industry. OMB has rejuvenated this belief and given me hope a Creative Director will appreciate my conceptualising and portfolio. In an industry renowned for its cut-throat, ruthless image OMB has been the shining light in providing a non-judgemental platform for me to share my concepts, without the fear of being ridiculed and build self-confidence. More importantly, it’s great fun and a great way to sharpen your creative thinking. It’s helped my design skills too – and let me tell you I’m no art director or designer – but my ideas come to life on my phone. 

In fact, the OMBLEs have welcomed me with open arms, always supportive, encouraging and appreciating my concepts. OMB has a family feel, even with in access of 34k followers, there is no other online community like it. I’m honoured to be part of this creative community, a proud OMBLE and OMBASSADOR, where diversity and inclusion are celebrated daily, on a global scale, from people of all walks of life and careers. That’s what makes OMB so unique and inspiring, equality is the key.  

The last 16 months were exceptionally tough, school closures meant my supply work dried up. I focussed my energy on OMB, which helped me fine-tune my creativity – giving yourself a minute really tests your ability. I enjoyed this challenge and also kept active networking through the OMB platform on LinkedIn, which I helped to expand. This time was valuable to develop concepts and improve my portfolio. 

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More importantly, I helped other OMBLEs, sometimes just to chat and check they were fine. with to chat and catch up. I was hoping I would make a difference, or just give them opportunity to air their circumstances. I know Lockdown really affected me, so this release also helped my own mental well-being and welfare. It also gave me opportunity to mentor, and I was delighted to help others achieve their dreams and start careers in the creative industry. 

2021 has been highlight year so far. My concept initially created for an OMB brief was shortlisted as a finalist at this year’s The Drum Chip Shop Awards. My kit-Kat ad, I create during the first lockdown, highlighting the plight of home-school learning. I didn’t pick up a Vinegar or a Chip Shop Award itself, but I felt proud going up against multi-national agencies and ad schools. It was a great feeling just to be nominated, this felt like a win for me.

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So that’s my story. A huge thank you to Nick and the OMBLE community in believing in me. You strive each other on every day – proving creativity has no boundaries to your talent. Looking forward to seeing you all again at the next OMB Live.

Thanks for reading. 

Nirpal aka @Nirpy_B

P.S. Creative Directors out there, get in touch.