One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to help River continue his journey #SpreadingTheLoveOfFootball whilst on the road to recovery from Cancer.

We are delighted to be running another brief to support River Rhodes on his journey to recovery from cancer. We previously ran a brief for him in February when he was undergoing radiotherapy and at the same time visited a couple of football teams to spread the joy of football.

He has since gone on to be mascot at Soccer Aid and meet David Beckham, whilst adding many amazing current and ex-players to his meg list including Patrice Evra and Jamie Carragher. He even added the one and only Tyson Fury to the list too!

So today, as training starts with all the latest transfers happening.ahead of the new season, we are asking the OMBLES to create posters to help River visit every team in the Premier League and beyond.

We’d like you to come up with posters and tag in teams encouraging them to have RIver as a guest at one of their games this season or meet players past and present and keep his dream of #SpreadingTheLoveOfFootball as far and wide as possible, whilst he continues in his recovery.

We want to keep supporting River to do this and show that the Cancer can and will be beaten by staying positive, determined and focussing the energy he has into what he loves most and inspire other people going through hard times.

River is winning in his battle and is on chemotherapy until December. He has another scan in August to see whether or not to operate on the remaining cells.

Please tag your own team that you support in your tweets and/or other teams/players to get them involved.

One Minute Brief of the Day:

Create posters to help River continue his journey #SpreadingTheLoveOfFootball whilst on the road to recovery from Cancer.

Tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs & @RiverTheChamp with the hashtag #SpreadingTheLoveOfFootball


£50 cash prize + £50 matched donation to River’s donation page from OMB.

River’s Story:

This is River, earlier this year River had a poorly eye, his mom, called the doctors who treated it as blepharitis, a bacterial infection and was told to just bathe it. Days passed and still no improvement, his mom asked to see a doctor but was refused as they were only doing telephone appointments, but asked to send in a photo of Rivers eye.

The doctor then prescribed antibiotic drops, but still no improvement, in the end Rivers mom took him to the hospital who thought it may be hayfever and sent him home with hayfever drops to take for a week, Rivers eye seemed to be getting worse so he was taken back to the hospital only to be told that there was a lump that could be cancerous so an MRI and biopsies were needed.

River went home to celebrate his 7th birthday with all his family & friends because the next day he was in surgery having biopsies taken. Waiting for the results was very difficult for Rivers family and friends as they were all praying for good news. Unfortunately River has been diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma, a cancerous tumour and has currently started an intense course of chemotherapy for the next 12 months, after this River will have to have radiation which could either potentially take partial sight or full sight of his eye.

You can donate here to help with the financial strain of daily hospital visits, parking fees and to enable us to buy things that would bring a smile to Rivers face and hopefully make memories for him that will outeigh the trauma of chemo, radiation and endless hospital visits, which result in River missing out on so much of his young life.

Here are some photos of River with football players. Feel free to use any of the pics within your entries!!