One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to raise awareness of the cyber security risks that lurk when we work remotely. @VapourCloud_ #RisksLurkWithRemoteWork

Today we’ve got an exciting brief with an important message to get across. Times have changed over the past year and it has highlighted a workplace problem that we want to draw attention to in typical OMBLE-style with lots of quick, instinctive and fun creative ideas. There’s a great prize for the winning entry too!

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One Minute Brief of the Day:

Create posters to raise awareness of the cyber security risks that lurk when we work remotely

Tweet entries to @oneminutebriefs & @VapourCloud_ with the hashtag #RisksLurkWithRemoteWork


Winner receives £200 cash!!!


Picture this: you’re ready to submit possibly the finest OMB you’ve ever created, but just as you prepare to hit ‘send’, some sneaky cybercriminal hacks into your server and steals all your ideas – and your data too.

We know, it’s too heart-breaking to imagine. But bear with us. 

Today’s OMB is designed to get people thinking about the cyber security risks lurking in the background when we’re away from the traditional workplace.

The hybrid world of work is here to stay and brings a raft of benefits with it. But we can’t forget the data security risks that come with being away from the usual corporate setting. 


About the brief

Millions of people are working from home using their own broadband routers, which may be several years old, are unlikely to have had any security updates since they were installed, and are probably using the standard factory settings/passwords as when they first arrived! Hardly belt and braces! 

And have you ever wondered what dangers lurk when you head to a café or co-working space and connect to an unsecure open WiFi network?

Cloud technology specialist Vapour has launched today’s brief to encourage businesses to think about the millions of employees who may be unwittingly putting corporate network and data security at risk – just by doing their job!

You wouldn’t leave your front door open along with a sign saying: ‘Security free house, come in and help yourself’ – so why do the same with your tech?

This long-standing security concern isn’t going to go away – in fact, with the death of the traditional office 9-5, it’s only going to get bigger. Businesses that think they’ve got a robust hybrid working set-up, just because their colleagues can log on from anywhere, need to pay much sharper attention to their network and data security.

That’s why Vapour has launched a hybrid working solution, that integrates endpoint and network security through state-of-the-art SD-WAN technologies, to reduce organisations’ exposure to cyber threats, regardless of where employees decide to work from one day to the next.

So, OMBLES, let’s try to get to the route(r) of the problem!

The winning design will…

…cleverly highlight the cyber risks associated with hybrid working, if organisations don’t better protect their colleagues’ devices.

Who is setting today’s brief?

Established in 2013, Vapour is the hidden technology behind powerful business. 

The organisation has been cloud-focused since day one - disrupting, innovating, demystifying. They work with organisations to unlock growth, drive change, boost productivity and remove headaches, with high-performance strategic technology at the heart. Simple. Clever. Always there.

Clients include ambitious micro-businesses and SMEs through to renowned high street brands such as JCT600 and Betfred.

