One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to #SupportNursesAndMidwives for @WHO on #WorldHealthDay

Today we’re supporting #WorldHealthDay and hope all the OMBLES will join us to share your creativity and positive messages to #SupportNursesAndMidwives around the world.

Tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs, @WHO, @LoveYourNHS and @UN with the hashtags #WorldHealthDay #SupportNursesAndMidwives

You can also tag @ICNurses @NursingNow2020 @World_Midwives @UNFPA and include hashtag #Covid19


7 April 2020 is the day to celebrate the work of nurses and midwives and remind world leaders of the critical role they play in keeping the world healthy. Nurses and other health workers are at the forefront of COVID-19 response - providing high quality, respectful treatment and care, leading community dialogue to address fears and questions and, in some instances,  collecting data for clinical studies. Quite simply, without nurses, there would be no response.

In this International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife, World Health Day will highlight the current status of nursing and around the world. WHO and its partners will make a series of recommendations to strengthen of the nursing and midwifery workforce.

This will be vital if we are to achieve national and global targets related to universal health coverage, maternal and child health, infectious and non-communicable diseases including mental health, emergency preparedness and response, patient safety and the delivery of integrated, people-centered care, amongst others.

We are calling for your support on World Health Day to ensure that the nursing and midwifery workforces are strong enough to ensure that everyone, everywhere gets the healthcare they need.

The tagline for World Health Day is: #SupportNursesAndMidwives.

More info:


One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to share how @WolfAndBadger #SupportSmallBusiness & provide a place to discover independent ethical brands worldwide.

Today we’ve got an amazing brief with a brilliant and ethical brand who are doing great things in their sector. We’ve also go a great prize for today’s winner too!! We can’t wait to see how the OMBLES get creative with this! We’re looking for fun, positive, scribbles, designs, notes and headlines etc that help share the story!

We support under-the-radar independent brands who make genuinely unique products (our store when it was open was called “more fun than a museum”), connecting them to our ethically conscious customers through our cutting-edge online marketplace (& lifestyle stores, when they’re open). We’ve genuinely built a real sense of community between our brands, our customers & our team. Designers also get the majority of the revenues so they can keep on innovating.
— Wolf & Badger

Prize: £150 prize to be spent on the Wolf & Badger online store.

Tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs and @WolfAndBadger with the hashtag #SupportSmallBusiness

Wolf & Badger is the destination to discover independent ethical brands worldwide. Now supporting more than 1,000 independent designers, we provide a platform which takes the effort out of finding and sourcing sustainably and ethically produced jewellery, fashion, accessories, homeware and beauty, without compromising on quality and design. Think limited-edition runs, with products made to last.

We want to create a forward thinking global community built upon the age-old pillars of skill, craftsmanship and quality. In the ten years since we began, consumers have become increasingly aware of the need for sustainable and ethical retail practice. We are on a mission to ensure that the future of retail is a responsible one, where independent designers are incentivised to manufacture and source sustainably and ethically and that we, as a retailer, uphold these values. #supportsmallbusiness

  • Also, we are very grateful that we can safely look after our entire team whilst continuing to support independent brands through our online marketplace without interruption to our service. We’re one of the more fortunate businesses that don’t rely on the use of warehouses or distribution centres, with designers sending orders out directly from their individual studios and workshops. Thanks to our delivery partner DHL, we're also able to offer no-contact deliveries with the utmost safety. We continue to ensure all our designers are adhering to best-practice guidance and following government directions; ensuring the safety and wellness of our community is ultimately top of mind at this time.

Wolf & Badger’s Philosophy:

'We founded Wolf & Badger with the intention of disrupting a deteriorating high street, and solving the problems of physical retail in a digital world. We provide a platform which takes the effort out of finding and sourcing sustainably and ethically produced jewellery, fashion, accessories, homeware and beauty, without compromising on quality and design. We aim to foster all things innovative, from avant-garde fashion to store design to business practice to food. We want to create a forward thinking global community built upon the age-old pillars of skill, craftsmanship and quality. In the ten years since we began, consumers have become increasingly aware of the need for sustainable and ethical retail practice. We are on a mission to ensure that the future of retail is a responsible one, where independent designers are incentivised to manufacture and source sustainably and ethically and that we, as a retailer, uphold these values.'

You can find out more about Wolf and Badger here:

Other links: 

Twitter: @wolfandbadger


One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to encourage people around the world to maintain #SocialDistancing. Brief ran in partnership with @ITVPeston & @LoveYourNHS

Following all of our powerful One Minute Briefs lately, we are today collaborating with ITV’s Peston for a subject we’ve not yet covered. It’s important that everyone is staying home where possible, but if you are out when shopping or exercising it is vital to maintain #SocialDistancing.

So today we’re looking for fun, positive and creative scribbles, headlines, notes, designs, sketches and more to encourage people to stay at least 2 metres apart from anyone they encounter whilst outdoors.

The official scientific advice isn’t cutting through with younger audiences, and the UN has also recently issued a call for creatives around the world to mobilise and turn public health messages into work that people will engage with. And we’re responding to that call today. We hope all the OMBLES will join us!


Tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs @ITVPeston with the hashtags #SocialDistancing & #HomeWithPeston

You can also tag any of the following in your tweets.

@UN // @LoveYourNHS // #Peston // #LoveYourNHS


Winner receives a tour of the studios at the Television Centre and a place in the audience at the Live show (once this all blows over of course) 

Winner & Runners-Up will have their tweets featured on TV this evening during the show this evening.


Last week on ITV’s Peston, we found out that over 3.6 million people in the UK are still refusing to social distance, with the biggest culprits being people under 28. What may seem like a cheeky meet up with mates is putting extra strain on an already under pressure NHS. Our actions as individuals are more important than ever right now to help flatten the curve.
So let’s see what the OMBLES community can come up with. Create and share your posters and graphics encouraging people to maintain #SocialDistancing and, in turn, protect the NHS. The best ones will be shown on Peston’s Live Twitter Stream of the show on Wednesday night at 10:45pm. 


Maintain physical distancing

Maintain at least 2 metres (6 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing.


When someone coughs or sneezes they spray small liquid droplets from their nose or mouth which may contain the virus. If you are too close, you can breathe in the droplets, including the COVID-19 virus if the person coughing has the disease. Also danger of surface contamination - hence importance of personal hygiene.

Where advised, stay home and avoid gathering in groups or with people who may be more vulnerable such as the elderly and those with underlying health conditions.


● Balcony concerts while social distancing

● African artists are creating catchy songs to promote awareness about coronavirus

● Social Distancing - matches

● Coronavirus: Indian greeting namaste goes global

● HOMEcoming Rewatch Party

● Together, At Home concert series - toolkit

● WHO explainer


Fact based, educational, common humanity, shared experience, collective wellbeing, mental and physical health

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One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters & share ideas that promote global solidarity and build a #KindnessContagion

Today we are running a brief in response to the United Nations’ Global Call Out of Creatives. They want creatives to promote a #KindnessContagion and there are no people better at spreading positivity and togetherness than the OMBLES.

With this call to action the UN is aiming to inspire "creators, influencers, talent, networks and media owners" who can take its key messages and instil their own unique magic to them - "a creative twist, a cultural quirk, an interpretation which helps amplify them to audiences we are not yet reaching". 



The affect of Covid-19 threatens literally everyone and, in turn, has become the worst global crisis since WWII. Yet, there are groups who are more vulnerable and need the protection of those in a more comfortable position. Therefore this brief is asking for the creativity community to think about how to promote a #KindnessContagion, pointing out how we need to work together “to propagate global solidarity”.

As a result this brief is asking for participants to consider “resetting the narrative” by acts which could highlight “the need for global and collective cooperation to face the pandemic”. Creative responses should both “inspire and spotlight acts of humanity” in this case, in both big and small ways. This approach is also inline with the UN’s “Global Goals” which include no poverty, zero hunger, quality education and gender equality.

The tone for this brief should engage with common humanity, mental health, be caring and offer solidarity, empowerment, destigmatisation, inclusivity and joy.


● Kind Canadians start “Care-mongering” - BBC

● Stock up on [Love] - Priyanka Chopra

● Postcard bid to help self-isolating neighbours - BBC

● Examples of Human Awesomeness in a Global Crisis - Upworthy

● Message to Myself - 10 Days Ago (Italy) - The Atlantic

● PM Solberg of Norway holds Press Conference for Children

● Solidarity & Resilience in Times of #Coronavirus - UN

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Combining Creativity & Communication to help Combat Coronavirus through the The Power of Community

3 weeks ago today, I was on the daunting stage at the Comedy Store talking about Emotion in Storytelling. Coronavirus was on people’s minds but in typical British style, and in a befitting venue, a few jokes were made to make light of the issue.

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2 days later I was at the Digital City Festival talking about the ‘Power of Community’. I was in a place full of people talking, meeting, shaking hands and carrying on as normal. That afternoon, everyone received an update on their phones as Coronavirus was confirmed as a pandemic by the World Health Organization.


We were stood there in Manchester Central. The place that is now being re-purposed as a hospital for Coronavirus sufferers with upto 1000 beds.

This was all getting very real.

Everything in our lives began to change quickly day on day and, along with the rest of the creative industry and beyond, our calendar bookings began to evaporate.

One after the other, events began to get cancelled including talks, creative meet-ups and workshops I had planned with universities and organisations.

Our client filmshoots, photoshoots and other work projects were cancelled. One big project we had been working on for months was postponed indefinitely overnight.

Immediately, you are left with the prospect of no income… and, as the government locked down the UK more and more, no hope of booking in any other work in the near future.

Suddenly you are bombarded with brand and agency messages. Negativity. Warnings. Advice. Cancellations. Guides to WFH…

I deleted every single one as I felt overwhelmed by the whole situation. And, I didn’t want to add to the noise.

So I thought… what’s the best thing to do?

My conclusion… Nothing.

I stepped back for a week whilst staying indoors and doing some of my silly art for my Insta. I did the ‘Toilet Roll Kick-Ups Challenge’ and used the One Minute Briefs feed to cheer people up each weekday with fun briefs for subjects like card games, rubber ducks and even ‘create posters using a picture of a smiling dog’. I felt it was important to do these briefs to lift the spirits of the community, some of whom had messaged me feeling low about what was going on. That’s why, despite all that was going on, we showed our support to Action Happiness with an #InternationalDayofHappiness OMB campaign. A great show of positivity to one another that helped to strengthen our unity and resilience.

The heavily engaged spirit and community on show made me think that we can use this time of uncertainty and fear to send important messages out to the wider public at the same time as having fun and being creative.

So we ran briefs for:





Scriba saw the briefs we were doing and got in touch to collaborate and respond to a call to action from Labour to Stop Panic Buying. The campaign featured in PR Week.





We also ran a brief for an initiative for an online pub called the Staying Inn. This was a fun project about bringing people together but with a serious underlying message to stay at home. We ran this in partnership with The Drum and the story was feature here.

‘The Staying Inn’ #StayHomeSaveLives:




Off the back of this brief, a certain Guinness ad that wasn’t a Guinness ad became a Guinness ad and went viral across the world with the stay at home message right at it’s heart. Brilliant work by @redballoonluke.

Here is the original OMB entry:

Featuring in:

Guinness have since posted it themselves on all their worldwide channels. I was really impressed by their approach as they embraced the way it was created and shared full credit in their post. And, above all, this has helped to share a very important message with a huge amount of people globally.


Without forgetting other world issues, on Friday/Saturday we delivered a campaign with the WWF for Earth Hour that encouraged people worldwide to get creative and involved in the event at 8:30 pm Saturday. We asked the community to share their ‘lights-out selfies’ and we even set up our own mini-event on Houseparty.

#EarthHour Brief with the WWF:




And I think the most emotive brief of the week was a show of support for the NHS. We received masses of ideas that showed their appreciation and we made it even more engaging by running it with one of our other feeds Love Your NHS and our friends at NHS Million. I have since spoken to the NHS Comms team and we might be able to help get more positive messages out there in the coming weeks!

NHS #LoveYourNHS #StayHomeSaveLives #ClapForOurCarers:

Entries here:

Winners here:


As you can see, from taking a step back and having some fun, it has helped to galvanise the community and give them an outlet to be creative amidst all of the doom and gloom. This togetherness has inspired some incredible campaigns that have been overwhelming to the point where I am now receiving calls from the press and seeing the OMBLES gaining the recognition they deserve in articles across the world.

On a personal level, all of this has helped me immensely. Although it has become very intense and relentless at times, I have been kept busy with constant waves of positivity, powerful messaging and support through our social feeds. The support is nothing like I have ever known. Our following has risen by 2000 in two weeks and we are getting more and more people getting involved internationally. As you can see on the OMBLE map that my mum constantly updates.

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As I live on my own in Manchester City Centre without a garden, I had been very worried at the beginning of this lockdown period but as the week went on I felt strangely at ease. This is very much down to the support of the community but also down to friends, team-mates and family.

During this time, the group chats have been on fire and making me laugh every day with constant updates, memes and general stupid content.

I speak to my family face to face more than ever through Houseparty. I’m even chatting to people I’ve not spoken to in years as people have more time on their hands and less pressure on their work.

There have been concerts played from rooftops nearby for all of the neighbours to get involved in from their windows and we all joined in with #ClapForOurCarers. Most of the time neighbours don’t speak to each other but now we have never been so united. The crisis has created moments of solidarity like we have never seen before.

We are now all in the same boat. All at home and all hierarchy goes out of the window. No longer is everyone trying to compete and out-do each other with the experiences they are sharing online. And more focused on creating places where people can get together online and create their own experiences instead. It’s a learning curve but amazing to see how quickly people adapt.

No longer is the ‘fear of missing out’ increasing everyone’s anxiety. Because there’s nothing to miss out on.

We are no longer all living in a social competition. We are using social media for good. Going back to the message I shared at the start about the power of emotion and community, it has never been so important to stick together and show we care for the sake of humankind.

In a very short space of time, people who have been forced apart have never been so close to one another.

When all of this is over, I hope that continues.

One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to show our appreciation & support for all @NHSuk staff with @LoveYourNHS

Today we want to do our bit in OMBLE style to create posters, designs, scribbles, sketches, notes, headlines or anything else that will show our support for the NHS during the Coronavirus crisis. Imagine a billboard right outside their hospital for them to see when they finish their long shift. How would you lift their spirits and show them we are thinking of them?

Consider messages to the public too. A call to action for volunteers…encouragement to stay at home…maintaining social distance and washing hands.

This is a chance for the OMBLES to really show what the NHS means to the UK. And, if you’re not from the UK, show your support for your own amazing healthcare systems at this incredibly difficult time.

Make sure you get involved in the brilliant initiative to #ClapForOurCarers tonight too at 8pm.

Set those alarms and join in with your neighbours.

Tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs, @LoveYourNHS and @NHSMillion with the hashtags #LoveYourNHS #ClapForOurCarers and #StayHomeSaveLives


Other ways to show your support for the NHS.

Become an NHS Volunteer

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The NHS is “rallying the troops” for the war on coronavirus, with volunteers being called up to help vulnerable people stay safe and well at home.

The nation is looking for volunteers to help up to 1.5 million people who have been asked to shield themselves from coronavirus because of underlying health conditions.

People can become an NHS Volunteer Responder and join the NHS’s trusted list of volunteers by visiting and adding their details to the NHS section.

Full article here.

Share a Thank You to the NHS

Check out and share the #ThankUNHS video created by our friends at The Gate, which has been re-purposed to share the important #StayAtHomeSaveLives message.

The video features Johnny, Shaun Ryder, Julie Hesmondhalgh, Sadie Frost and Mickey P Kerr together with Little belters children’s choir and many more of the Great British public.

One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to #BecomeWhatYouBelieve with @Become_UK & @BecomeANZ

Each year, we run a competition with Become, in which we challenge our social media audiences to respond to our brief with fresh, fun and meaningful creativity. At a difficult time, it’s never been more important to remain positive and believe in yourself.

Today’s OMB is about exactly that. And, there are some great prizes to be won too!


Last year’s winner below was @BhaveshVadukul, with his brilliant entry showcasing his creative talent!


This year, we’ll be expanding our reach and running a global campaign for both Become UK and Become ANZ.

This means there are two sets of Amazon vouchers up for grabs, ensuring as many people as possible can show off their creative skills.

To enter our competition, simply create a graphic or poster that fits the brief, then tweet your entry mentioning @OneMinuteBriefs, @Become_UK and @BecomeANZ along with the hashtag #BecomeWhatYouBelieve.

This competition will run for 24 hours from 9am GMT to make sure as many people as possible can get involved worldwide.


The two winners will each receive £150/$150 in vouchers of your choice!


For our 2020 campaign, we are very excited to announce that our brief is…

*cue dramatic drum roll*

“Believing in yourself with your career choices”.

With this brief, we really want to focus on how to #BecomeWhatYouBelieve & share positive/inspirational imagery and headlines.

In today’s creative industries, it’s crucial for you to work for clients and brands that you’re passionate about, as this will let your skills shine more brightly than ever. Too many people are stuck in a job that doesn’t match up to their values; we can often end up settling into roles that fail to stimulate us, or perhaps don’t suit our preferred way of working.

We want to change that and give our candidates the chance to find their dream roles. #BecomeWhatYouBelieve with the job you really want.

Good luck!

One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to encourage the nation to #StopPanicBuying

Labour has issued a call for Britain’s advertising and PR industries to mobilise in the fight against panic-buying.

Shadow ministers accused the government of failing to act fast enough to stop supermarket shelves being stripped bare - leaving health workers unable to buy supplies - and said it was time for advertising professionals to step up to help persuade people to observe social distancing rules.

They contrasted the absence of a national advertising campaign to promote considerate shopping to the £46 million spent on last year’s Brexit readiness campaign for an exit date which was later delayed.

The party said it was issuing a pitch to all agencies to divert their efforts to drawing up campaigns free of charge to get the message across that people should stay at home as much as possible, shop sensibly and keep at a safe distance from others when leaving the house.

So that’s what exactly what we’re doing. Let’s see what the OMBLES can come up with to share creative messages with the general public and encouraging them to #StopPanicBuying

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Prizes for today’s winner:

  • A secluded night away here (once all this blows over)

  • Donation of time from OMB & Scriba to your chosen charity

  • Bespoke Neon Sign created just for you from

Remember to tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs and @Scriba_PR with the hashtag #StopPanicBuying

Please also include the hashtags #covid19advert and #dontshoptillyoudrop. 


Shadow environment secretary Luke Pollard said: “Panic buying is causing real harm to vulnerable groups and creating anxiety amongst all. We need people to shop sensibly and that is why Labour has been calling for a new national advertising campaign from the government. 

“Ministers have not reacted fast enough or far enough, and that is why Labour is calling for a mobilisation of advertising and PR agencies to create new TV adverts, newspaper, digital and billboard advertising to take on panic-buying.

“Those who specialise in persuading us to buy products now have the opportunity to save lives with their work. Please step up and help. We need people to do the right thing at this time of national crisis: shop sensibly, stay at home and slow the spread of the virus.”

And shadow culture secretary Tracy Brabin added: “Britain has the very finest creative sector in the world. Many people in the creative arts and digital sectors want to help and put their skills to use.

“We need you now. While our frontline staff help those with Covid-19, we need Britain’s creatives to help the national effort and discourage panic-buying and encourage people to stay at home.”

Full article in:

One Minute Brief of the Day: Create pub posters to convince the nation to enjoy #StayingInn - an online pub where everyone feels at home - because they are.

Today we’ve got a brilliant brief with an important message behind it. We want all the OMBLES to get creative in order to spread the word and, in turn, reduce the spread of the virus that is causing so much disruption in all of our lives. Share your fun notes, scribbles, designs, sketches GIFS and whatever else that comes to mind to help everyone enjoy #StayingInn.


Prizes for today’s winner:

  • 2 cases of lager and a multi-packet of crisps.

  • Your poster pinned up in the #StayingInn

  • The eternal gratitude of hospitality businesses and the NHS.

Remember to tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs and @The_Staying_Inn

‘Join the fun at the #StayingInn - an online pub where everyone feels at home – because they are.

(You can also help spread the word by tagging in our campaign partners @TheDrum, @LoveYourNHS #LoveYourNHS and #PayItForward) 

Bonus consideration for tagging any friends or celebs you’d like to invite along and have a Quarantini with!



Pubs are a British institution.

The place where we gather to whinge, to laugh, to date, to throw pointy things at circular boards, push coloured balls into holes. To enjoy music, comedy, and of course - crisps.

 Due to current circumstances, pubs and bars across the country are closed.

So we decided to open one.

We are The Staying Inn: the UK's number one online pub, where you can have a drink with anyone in the world. Self-isolating? So what. WFH? Works for us. Mates in other countries? Invite them over.

Supporters of the Campaign:

Pub business yourself?

We’re partnering up with PAY IT FORWARD.

The Government has closed pubs, restaurants and theatres. This will have a massive impact on one of the things that makes Manchester great – its nightlife and its people!

#payitforward is a promise between the people of Manchester and its hospitality and nightlife industry.

We are looking to roll this initiative our nationwide.

It’s simple, you buy a voucher that is redeemable after COVID-19 has run its course – this will help keep our legendary social scene thriving through these trying times.

For every booking, £1 will be donated to the Hospitality Action charity, which supports Manchester’s hospitality professionals.


All of our hard-earned home drinking is supported by Love Your NHS – because we’re helping those who are staying at work, by #StayingInn.


Cheers to all of you:

How can you get involved outside of this brief? Join our Facebook page and invite your friends! Post photos or videos of you and your mates drinking remotely. Tag yourself in our establishment. Suggest entertainment. Meet new locals! Wherever you are, whatever your circumstances, we want you to feel a part of a fun community in this difficult time. And we’re doing everything we can to give you a laugh, and the hospitality industry a boost to boot.

So - get yourself a bevvie and enjoy some good quality (virtual) pub time with your mates.

And remember, by #StayingInn, we’re really helping the country out.



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One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters with positive messages of togetherness for #InternationalDayOfHappiness with @ActionHappiness

This week we have seen solidarity, humour, togetherness and OMB has been used a nice getaway from all of the bad news out there. So today, despite the adversity we face, we are looking to create messages of positivity and do our bit for #InternationalDayOfHappiness in typical OMBLE style.


Remember to tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs and @ActionHappiness including the hashtag #InternationalDayOfHappiness.


Winners receives signed copies of the ‘10 Keys to Happier Living’ book

& places at live events/course once they are back up and running!


Keep Calm. Stay Wise. Be Kind

March 20th is the International Day of Happiness.

As we face a global crisis together, let’s find positive ways to look after ourselves and each other.

As you'll see at we have a new "Coping Calendar" of actions people can take to look after their wellbeing during the crisis. And we also have a new free "10 Days of Happiness" email-based coaching program for people who want to have more in-depth support.

More info and links here:

Check out the Action for Happiness app for iOS and Android:

The hashtag for IDOH is #InternationalDayOfHappiness

3 Positive Steps for #InternationalDayOfHappiness

  • Here are 3 positive steps we can all take when facing difficult times:

  • There are lots of things outside our control. Let’s remember to breathe and focus on what really matters so we can respond constructively.

  • Making wise choices helps everyone. Let’s choose positive actions that support our wellbeing and help others to do the same.

  • We’re all in this together, even when we’re forced apart. Let’s stay connected and reach out to help others who may be in need.


One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to help & encourage people to stop smoking for #NoSmokingDay with @HistoryMakersGM

We've teamed up with Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership for a campaign to help people stop smoking on 11 March for #NoSmokingDay and we’ve got a great cash prize for today’s winner!

We’re looking for scribbles, designs, sketches, notes and impactful headlines to get this serious message across.


The overall winner will receive a £100 cash prize!


Remember to tweet your ideas to @OneMinuteBriefs and @HistoryMakersGM with the hashtag #NoSmokingDay

Make sure you include your Twitter handle in the corner of your entries too!


Smoking rates in Greater Manchester have fallen significantly over the years which is incredibly positive. However, smoking is still the biggest avoidable cause of deaths. In Greater Manchester alone 4,500 adults will die each this year from smoking related causes.

Smoking is also estimated to cost the Greater Manchester economy up to £785m pounds a year in healthcare costs and lost productivity. Meanwhile, the tobacco industry makes more money than Coca Cola, Disney, Google, McDonalds and FedEx put together!!

Our research is showing that smokers are increasingly unaffected by ‘traditional’ stop-smoking campaigns focusing on the serious health harms, but also that supportive and inspirational messaging on its own is not enough. Help us find the right balance to make smoking history in Greater Manchester and beyond.

Although the YOU CAN! stop smoking campaign runs specifically across Greater Manchester, it’s more about the people than it is the place – this is all about the no smoking message first and foremost!’

Find out more at

Twitter: @HistoryMakersGM | Facebook @MakingSmokingHistoryGM | #NoSmokingDay

Previous examples of banners and posters below:

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One Minute Brief of the Day: Create Mother's Day cards/posters to inspire the next generation with @Thortful – #MyMotherSaid

Today we've got a great brief that is part of a trending topic this week and the opportunity to generate some positive content online. We're also pleased to announce a great prize is on offer to the winner too!

Remember to tweet your ideas to @OneMinuteBriefs and @thortful with the hashtag #MyMotherSaid

Make sure you include your Twitter handle in the corner of your entries.



Create inspirational, thought provoking Mother’s Day cards/posters.

22nd march is Mother’s Day in the UK.  thortful an online greeting card marketplace, providing a platform for independent creatives to sell their designs from all over the globe is supporting Chasing the Stigma.

We would like the One Minute Brief community to design cards with advice from a mother that would inspire the next generation, things they’ve learnt, inspirational quotes, mantras to live by…..

What would your mum say to a younger you?


The overall winner will receive a year’s supply of cards from and £100 cash prize!!!

The top three winning designs will be produced into Mother’s Day cards and sold on

Plus, the winner and three runners up will become part thortful’s growing community of independent creators.

100% of the profits on the cards will be donated to Chasing the Stigma


One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to celebrate @CareersWeek #NCW2020

Today we’ve got an important brief with National Careers Week to celebrate their brilliant initiative that offers careers guidance and free resources in education across the UK. Their aim is to provide a focus for careers guidance activity at an important stage in the academic calendar to help support young people leaving education.

Remember to tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs and @CareersWeek with the hashtag #NCW2020

Prize: £50 Amazon Vouchers to the winner!

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About #NCW2020

With youth unemployment remaining high and employers citing that young people are ill prepared with the basic skills needed for employment, there has never been a more need for careers guidance to be promoted and celebrated in education. National Careers Week is a great platform to inform and inspire the next generation as they enter the world of work.

National Careers Week takes place between the 2nd and 7th of March 2020, encouraging education providers to bring together students, local employers and advisers through careers events and activities.

What NCW does


Providing quality free CEIAG resources and linking education with the world of employment to ensure students get an important insight to the future of work and further learning. Better informed students result in better decision making.


All of our resources are free to use in classrooms and colleges. You can be assured that by being mapped against the Gatsby Benchmarks, they will enhance and support the work you do. Our website shares some great case studies of how teachers and advisers around the UK have been inspiring young people during Careers Week – feel free to get some ideas.


The opportunities for organisations to promote their training or careers opportunities to future generations are limited; schools and colleges have little time for extended CEIAG activities. This is why NCW is so important – we create the time and provide the opportunity for Organisations to engage and inspire.
We believe in the power of Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance as a driver of change within society, improving life choices and empowering people to take control of their future. All it takes is a pledge, a commitment to provide an insight or opportunity.  If we all make a pledge, we passionately believe by working together we can make a real difference in 2020 and beyond.

Find out more at:

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One Minute Brief of the Day: Advertise the #UKYoungLions Competition with @Ad_Association and @Cannes_Lions

Today we’ve got a great brief for the OMBLES to get involved in and we hope lots of you will be entering the #UKYoungLions competitions yourselves this year!!

We simply want you to create posters/scribbles/notes/designs/sketches and whatever else to promote UK Young Lions and encourage people to get involved in this great competition.

All the info about the competition and how to enter is below! We look forward to seeing what the OMBLES come up with!

Tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs & @ad_association with the hashtag #UKYoungLions

PRIZE: The winner will receive a ticket worth over £400 to the Ad Association’s annual event…LEAD 2021!! Check out this year’s event and line-up here!!!


About Cannes Young Lions:

Fancy going head-to-head with the next generation of creative stars?

Enter our UK Young Lions competition and win the chance to represent the UK Advertising Industry this summer in Cannes!

As UK Representative for Cannes Lions, we’re looking to find the very best young creative talent to compete on behalf of the UK at Cannes Lions in June against other young advertising professionals from around the world.

Read all about the 2019 UK Young Lions Competitions here


This is where the next generation of creative stars go head-to-head. If you’re under 30 the Young Lions competitions are one of the best places at the festival to celebrate your creativity on a global stage. Taking place live in Cannes, there are competitions to suit people from every corner of the communications industry. Read all about the Cannes competitions here.


We are running 6 competitions – Design, Digital, Film, Marketers, Media and Print. The competitions are free of charge and teams work on the briefs remotely.

Together with our partners we will be flying 12 young people (compromising of 6 teams of 2) to Cannes to compete in the global Young Lions competitions.

Register your teams here!

Registration for the competition will close at 18:00 on 9 March 2020


Participants must be 30 years or younger (born after June 26 1989).

Entrants must be a current employee within the advertising/marketing industry, be a UK resident or have a valid UK work permit, and be aged between 18 and 30 on 26 June 2020. The full entry criteria and terms and conditions will be sent with the competition brief to registered teams.


One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to help @AndrewG14u get a date!! #DateAndrew

A billboard was spotted in Manchester this morning and we were tagged in to a tweet to see if we can help…

So that’s exactly what we’re doing.

Today’s brief is to Help Andrew Get A Date!!

Tweet entries to @OneMinuteBriefs and @AndrewG14u with the hashtag #DateAndrew. Please also include in your tweets.


About Andrew:

Looking for love, the ‘one’, my soul mate, the woman of my dreams!

I’m Andrew, 6ft tall, I live in Cheshire UK, and have businesses in property and recycling

as a businessman since the age of 18, it has been harder to meet the ‘one’

I’ve tried online dating, and the traditional ways of meeting people (I have made some good friends along the way)

I’ve now taken the scary step and bought billboard advertising at a prime location…
(on Regent Road in Salford, a major route into Manchester city centre)

I’m friendly, loving, caring, and considerate

and intelligent, open minded, sincere and unconventional.

I rarely drink (alcohol) and don’t smoke… please check out the rest of my site for more details...

Find out more info including…interests, compatibility and full photo gallery on the link below.

One Minute Brief of the Day: Campaign to celebrate #JIFLemonDay with @JIFLemonJuice

To celebrate Pancake Day, we’ve got an extra special brief with none other than JIF Lemon Juice. You can also win a lifetime’s supply of JIF! What’s not to love?!

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Remember to tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs and @JIFLemonJuice with the hashtags #JIFLemonDay and #PancakeDay


You must be flippin’ mad we said… there’s only 6 days before Pancake Eve we said… 

That was our reaction to the last-minute request to start a branded Twitter channel for everyone’s favourite (and arguably only UK based) lemon juice brand, JIF.

Ever since, ahead of JIF’s ‘big day’ we’ve been looking to mix up a recipe for creating social mischief. We’ve followed only those called Lemon (we see you Keith) to spoofing Burger King’s recent ‘artificial ad’ to almost awarding Piers Morgan and Kate Hopkins ‘Britain’s Biggest Tossers’ – we realised that was a bit too far.

Everything is about creating as much noise around the 24 hours of pancake day or #JifLemonDay (as we liked to call it) as possible.

Now we want the OMBLES to join in and get creative to stir up some fun and good will around Jif and pancakes on this very special day.

The winning design/s will encapsulate our meta / knowing / comedic tone of voice and distinctive style – leaving them crying (with laughter) into their pile of piping hot pancakes.

Social Handle:



One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters that show what #GetsOnYourNerves whilst sharing an important #MSUncovered message for @MSTrust

Today we are pleased to share a film we have been working on with the MS Trust in support of their #MSUncovered campaign. An idea that came out of an OMB campaign we ran three years ago has now been brought to life in partnership with COUCH Health and The Gate Films. Filmed and edited by Olivier Richomme and co-directed by Nick Entwistle & James Clancy.

The idea is simple. We asked people what gets on their nerves… and below are the responses.

(Make sure you watch til the end)

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We are looking for your fun scribbles, notes, designs, GIFs, posters and more to share some of the everyday things that get on your nerves and how they pale into insignificance to what people with MS have to deal with every day. We want to hear about your traffic problems, pet peeves, carpet spillages and whatever else #GetsOnYourNerves whilst delivering a serious underlying message

Remember to tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs @MSTrust and @COUCHhealth_co with the hashtags #GetsOnYourNerves and #MSUncovered

About MS:

130,000 people in the UK are living with multiple sclerosis.  That’s around 1 in every 500 people. Every week, around 130 new people are diagnosed.

Multiple Sclerosis is a condition that affects the nerves in the brain and spinal cord. It is a lifelong condition, usually diagnosed in people in their 20s and 30s, and can cause a wide variety of symptoms, including eyesight problems, fatigue, balance problems, altered sensations and cognitive issues. There is a wide range of disease modifying therapies, but there is currently no cure.

Most people have heard of MS, but many don’t realise how it can affect you and what it’s like to live with it day to day. We want to change that. This week (February 24-March 1), we are launching our #MSUncovered campaign to sort the facts from the myths, to show the different faces of MS and raise understanding, now and in the future.

Together, we can help uncover the truth about MS.

To find out more about MS, visit

Follow #MSUncovered for the latest updates.

One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to promote the launch of #WeBuiltThisCity podcasts with @RDPRTweets

Today we’ve got a great brief with our Manchester neighbours @RDPRTweets. We’ve got a brilliant prize on offer too!! We’re looking forward to seeing those quickfire ideas, sketches, scribbles, designs and more to capture the message of a brand-new podcast offering that will show pioneers from Manchester and reach far beyond.

The posters will be to celebrate the March 26th launch of the ‘We Built This City’ podcast, which will be a weekly series about the Purposeful Relationships and the people that created and continue to create the best city in the world (Manchester 😉).

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Remember to tweet them to @OneMinuteBriefs & @RDPRTweets with the hashtag #WeBuiltThisCity for the chance to win!

Prize: The winner will receive a £100 cash prize!!

Manchester is built on the people that come together day in day out and the purposeful relationships they forge. We Built This City focuses on how these extraordinary Mancunians have built something that impacts lives, the stories and values that have driven them to do it, and how they have built thriving businesses that embody their beliefs. 

Celebrate our grit, determination, loyalty, diversity across culture, arts, politics, sport, music and business.

Guests include Gary Neville, John Thomson (Cold Feet), Clint Boon, Ged King (Skullfades), Diane Modahl MBE, Damian Hughes (How to Think Like Sir Alex Ferguson/The Barcelona Way), Sacha Lord, Tom Bloxham MBE, Vincent Kompany, Freddie Flintoff MBE, Chris Brindley MBE (Chair of RLWC2021), Michael Carrick etc etc.

Posters can include the following.

  • Reflect Purposeful Relationships, celebrate and be curious about the people behind the city of Manchester.

  • We want to thank those amazing Mancunians, born, bred and adopted, who have contributed their passion and work to make our city so unique

  • To reveal and explore it’s great big beating heart

  • To hear the stories of remarkable people who have helped create modern Manchester since the IRA bomb in 1996.

  • Music

  • Regeneration

  • Sport

  • Education

  • Politics

  • Charity

  • Business

  • Media

  • Arts and Culture

  • Fashion

  • Pride

We want to get to the heart of how purposeful relationships and human connection has enabled them to reach their own individual potential.

How they collectively contribute to the personality, resilience, diversity and passion for which Manchester is known world-wide.

About RDPR:

Lisa Morton - set up Roland Dransfield in 1996 one month after the IRA bomb in Manchester. We opened an office in London late last year and as an agency we create ‘purposeful relationships’ for our clients.

They create connections for and through stories and do so by cultivating clear communication campaigns by asking meaningful questions and understanding your story.

Their podcast aims to reflect these values and ‘The Roland Dransfield Way’… which you can see in the image below.

It’s aimed at Mancunians born, bred or adopted, who have a love for this city which we know to be completely unique – and it’s a series of interviews with some of those amazing Mancunians who have helped to put the heart into modern Manchester since the IRA bomb in 1996 – when Lisa started Roland Dransfield.

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