One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to inspire people to #BringTheWildInside & promote beautiful fine art photography prints during a time that many cannot freely access wild places.

Today we've got a very exciting One Minute Brief with Wild Spaces plus an amazing cash prize to be won. After a year spent largely indoors or under restriction, we are joining forces today to celebrate the great outdoors and the idea of bringing it inside. Exposure to the natural world is proven to support mental wellbeing, be it through direct experiences or indirectly, through photography and art associated with nature. Wild Spaces exists to support both creators (independent photographers) and recipients of beautiful images that serve to inspire us.


One Minute Brief of the Day:

Create posters to inspire people to #BringTheWildInside & promote beautiful fine art photography prints during a time that many cannot freely access wild places.


  • £200 cash prize

  • £100 credit towards a Wild Spaces Print

  • Wild Spaces T-Shirt

Please tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs and @SpacesWild with the hashtag #BringTheWildInside & include the link

We’d also love you to share your entries today on Insta @OneMinuteBriefs and @Wild.Spaces.Collective

About Wild Spaces:

Wild Spaces is a photography collective launched at the end of 2020 to support talented independent photographers who specialise in visual storying telling linked to wilderness and the natural world.

Our photographers mostly specialise in one of the outdoor / adventure / ethnographic areas and their work serves to inspire millions, especially at a time that so many people around the world are restricted and in many cases unable to access wild places, the impact of which is still to be fully understood.

We are passionate about wilderness and the lesser known areas of our planet. To support with the protection and restoration of wilderness areas, we have committed 10% of our revenue to the World Land Trust (WLT), an extraordinary organisation with numerous programmes focused on reversing the impacts of human activity on the natural world.


Feel free to use any of the imagery below within your submissions and there are plenty more you can use from our website here:

One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to promote the @Social_Day’s Social Media Marketing Awards 2021 #SocialDay

Today is the #SocialDay!!

We’ve got an exciting brief lined up for you today with our friends at Social Day for their Social Media Marketing Awards… which One Minute Briefs are sponsoring!!!

We’re looking for the OMBLES to go crazy with their typically brilliant instinctive ideas that celebrate the world of social media and encourage people to enter our awards and get the recognition they deserve! Enter as many times as you wish with designs, scribbles, GIFS or whatever else tickles your fancy.

One Minute Brief of the Day:

Create posters to promote the @Social_Day’s Social Media Marketing Awards 2021 #SocialDay

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Tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs and @social_day with the hashtag #SocialDay 


The top 2 OMBs will each win a free ticket to SocialDay’s annual 3-day Social Media Marketing Festival in September 2021. Each ticket is worth £250.

About the Social Media Marketing Awards

The Social Media Marketing Awards are an annual celebration of the very best brands, agencies, creators, campaigns and tools in the industry. Our unique awards ceremony is dedicated to recognising the incredible work of social media marketers as well as their hard-working teams across the UK and Europe. Our awards ceremony is unique; we acquire expert judges who have a deep understanding of social media marketing and the hard work that goes into achieving success. 

Entries to the awards close on 30th April 2021.

More info & how to enter:

Other links:

About the Social Day Festival:

SocialDay’s 3-day Social Media Marketing Festival brings together the brightest minds and biggest brands in the industry to share, learn, network and discuss the latest trends and updates in social media. A ticket to SocialDay will grant you access to all of the live sessions, workshops and panels, as well as networking with attendees from organisations and brands such as Oxford University, McDonald’s, BBC, On The Tools, Natwest and more.

Enjoy the brief OMBLES and Good Luck!!

One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to advertise your #DreamJob with @Become_UK

Each year, we run a competition with Become, in which we challenge the OMBLES to respond to our brief with fresh, fun and meaningful creativity. At a difficult time, it’s never been more important to remain positive and dream big!!

Today’s OMB is about exactly that. And, there’s a great prize to be won too!


To enter our competition, simply create a poster that fits the brief, then tweet your entry mentioning @OneMinuteBriefs, @Become_UK with the hashtag #DreamJob


£150 cash!!!


For our 2021 campaign, we are very excited to announce that our brief is…

*cue dramatic drum roll*

“Create posters to advertise your #DreamJob WITH @Become_UK”

With this brief, we want you to share positive/inspirational imagery and headlines.

Think about:

  • What did you dream of being when you were 5 years old?

  • What would you dream of doing if you were in a totally different industry?

  • What would your dream job be in your industry? Perhaps this is your chance to let your dream employers know!!

  • What would be your dream scenario? Does the job even exist? If not…make one up!!

Dream BIG!! The more fun and creative the better!!

In today’s creative industries, it’s crucial for you to work for clients and brands that you’re passionate about, as this will let your skills shine more brightly than ever. Too many people are stuck in a job that doesn’t match up to their values; we can often end up settling into roles that fail to stimulate us, or perhaps don’t suit our preferred way of working.

We want to change that and give our candidates the chance to find their #DreamJob

Good luck!

One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters that give us the best clue on where the #MarmiteDynamite lid has landed next. 

Today’s brief is gonna pop off!!!

We’ve been wanting to join forces with Marmite for a One Minute Brief for a long time and we’re excited to see all of the OMBLES getting involved today in a brief we’re sure you’ll love!

We’ve all seen ‘that billboard’ where the Marmite Dynamite lid landed on a car windscreen. It was great to see a return to ambient media advertising and seeing the reaction it received online. With some people wanting to see it re-purposed.

So, on April Fool’s Day, we want to show how the Marmite Dynamite jar has been fooling around and flipping its lid in all sorts of other places.

That’s where the OMBLES come in….


One Minute Brief of the Day:

Create posters that give us the best clue on where the #MarmiteDynamite lid has landed next. 

We want to see all the creative places you might see it. So we can retrieve it!!!

  • On top of the Eiffel Tower?

  • Will you be wearing it as a hat?

  • Flying around as a UFO?

  • Has it been recycled into something else completely?

  • Or could it be anywhere else in the world… or universe!?

Be as creative as you like…and accompany it with eye-catching headlines if you wish!

You can enter as many times as you like.

Just make sure you tweet to @OneMinuteBriefs and @Marmite with the hashtags #MarmiteDynamite & #AprilFoolsDay

Don’t forget to include your twitter handle in the corner of your submissions.


WINNER: £300 cash & a year’s supply of Marmite Dynamite!

2ND PLACE: £200 cash & Marmite Goodies!

3RD PLACE: £100 cash & Marmite Goodies!

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Below are a set of flipping brilliant transparent lid PNGs for you to use in your entries!!


One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to #CelebrateDifference with @Friendship_MCR and help empower people to feel comfortable in themselves & build life-changing friendships.

We’re delighted to be part of an exciting project with a very important charity who are doing amazing things for their members. Hoping all of the OMBLES will take part today for the chance to win prizes and potentially be part of a film which is being launched in the run-up to Sunday the 23rd May 2021 to coincide with their 36 hour crowdfunding campaign! (More info on this at the bottom of the page) We may even be able to get a local billboard to feature the winning idea too!!


One Minute Brief of the Day:

Create posters to #CelebrateDifference with @Friendship_MCR and help empower people to feel comfortable in themselves & build life-changing friendships.

Please tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs @Friendship_MCR with the hashtag #CelebratingDifference and & link to

We’d also like to see powerful messages using our campaign idea…

‘I am _____’

For example, I am independent. I am talented. I am someone’s friend. I am ME. #IamMe


Everything we do has an uplifting feel to it. People with disabilities are not to be pitied, they are viewed in a positive light and there is a feel-good factor to everything we do.


Winning Idea will receive a £200 cash prize

Runner-Up will receive a £100 cash prize


The Friendship Circle enriches the lives of children and adults with disabilities in our community through a range of fully integrated social and recreational programmes. These experiences are essential building blocks for each individual to gain skills, confidence and lead a more fulfilling lifestyle.

Together with our vast network of volunteers we encourage a culture of understanding and acceptance, helping to transform the landscape of attitudes of towards people with disabilities.


‘We offer something totally unique to the community that is not provided for by other existing charities.’  

It is widely recognised that people with disabilities struggle socially and have difficulty forging lasting relationships. Loneliness and isolation is rife and the long term consequences can be devastating. 

13 years ago The Friendship Circle was established to bridge a major gap in the social, emotional and cultural provision for people with special needs.

130 adults, children and their families are supported by The Friendship Circle. Vulnerable people with physical and learning disabilities, Down syndrome and Autism, as well as many others on the fringes of society who receive very little support elsewhere.  

‘At The Friendship Circle we celebrate difference and empower people to be comfortable in their own skin.’ 


7 Vibrant Programmes a week Jam packed with colour, excitement and opportunity, designed to build skills and provide stimulation. These include; dance, singing, art, music, health & wellbeing, discussion groups, fitness and baking. Activities such as wall climbing, Krav Mega or modelling in our annual fashion show builds confidence and encourages members to go beyond their comfort zone.  

100 Volunteers and 50 One-to-one Buddies Enabling us to create a warm and loving community within a community. Volunteers enrich lives by befriending members and helping them integrate into mainstream society. Our inspirational volunteers are experiencing first -hand the diversity of people with disabilities and including them in their lives. 

An Inclusive Community People with disabilities have as much to offer as everyone else and we provide them with the opportunity to ‘give back’. Our Volunteering Programme is breaking down barriers, whether delivering parcels for the homeless, visiting the elderly or litter picking with interfaith groups.  

Changing Perceptions The Friendship Circle are about putting people with disabilities firmly on the map. We believe that communities are stronger when everyone has the opportunity to be heard on issues that are important to them, which is why we launched our Equal Voices Forum.  

Challenging Stereotypes Our Education Programme in Schools teaches children about the beauty of being different and encourages them to think about issues people with disabilities are faced with – building a more inclusive community for the future.  

STAYING CONNECTED In March 2020 we launched our STAY CONNECTED campaign and did everything we could to adapt to this new reality. Moving our physical connection to a virtual one, we made sure each and every member had their individual needs met. 

5,000 Zoom sign-ins. Daily zoom classes, parties and get-togethers have given structure and stimulation to never ending days. 

2,000 Pick-me-up packs lifting spirits and providing endless activities have been delivered. 

10,000 Phone Buddy calls, video chats and socially distant walks by over 80 committed volunteers giving emotional and practical support.  

  • 90% felt The Friendship Circle helped reduce their anxiety. 

  • 80% said The Friendship Circle reduced feelings of loneliness. 

  • 90% rated the activity packs as ‘VERY GOOD or EXCELLENT’ 

  • 92% said they felt supported by their phone buddy during COVID. 



Hannah’s Story 

Because of The Friendship Circle I have gained so much confidence in myself and I have overcome a lot of obstacles. I’ve come out bigger and stronger and I don’t let people intimidate or bully me anymore, just because of how I look. 

Growing up I had very low self-esteem. I was scared of people judging me because I was different. I struggled to make friends and I was often bullied. 

When I was 18 I joined The Friendship Circle and my life completely changed - for the better; I made loads of friends and it has made a massive difference to my life.   

At the Friendship Circle no one is judged because of their disability, everyone is equal. The Friendship Circle has helped me grow as a person. It has given me the ability to go out and do normal, everyday things, without worrying what other people think of me.  

The Friendship Circle is a safe place where me and my friends can be comfortable in our own skin and celebrate who we are.  

Without it I wouldn’t be who I am today. 

 ‘The Friendship Circle gets the message across that just because we have special needs, it doesn’t mean we can’t do things that normal people do. It just may take us a little longer.’  

Michael & Alayne’s Story 

‘Friendship. It’s not a game they play, it’s in their DNA. Friendship - it’s what The Friendship Circle do.’  

Hannah is our first child, and when she was born we became familiar with another world that existed in parallel to much of what went on around us. For us, stepping up to our responsibilities took on a different meaning, which meant finding a new type of courage for the lifelong challenges ahead.  

There were a number of occasions when people sympathetically said to us, “I’m so sorry,” when telling them about Hannah. Yes - life can catch you unawares. We know that life doesn’t follow a straightforward path and sometimes, not always for the best. But there’s no reason to be sorry. 

In those early years, all parents need as much support around them as they can get. And as our children grow, develop, mature and look to find their own path in life, they look for meaning in their lives. They look for friendship. 

The Friendship Circle is all about happiness, joy, truth, honesty, love and compassion. They teach us about human dignity, a zest to take enjoyment from whatever life has to offer, an honesty that is pure. The Friendship Circle tell it like it is and the ripple effect of their incredible work helps to make the world a better place 

There are so many lessons that Hannah has taught us, there are so many lessons that the members of the FC teach us all such as patience, tolerance, respect and understanding, lessons that mean much more than we realise.

What next?

On Sunday 23rd May 2021, The Friendship Circle will be running a 36 hour fundraising campaign to raise much needed funds to ensure the charity can continue to offer adults and children with physical and learning disabilities the support, friendship and inclusion they deserve through the provision of fully integrated recreational and social opportunities.​


We are running a Crowdfunding campaign (a bit like Sir Captain Tom did for the NHS), but with a difference!

In our campaign all donations are MATCHED, and it's timed for only 36 HOURS, from 9.00am Sunday 23rd May to 9.00pm Monday 24th May. 


A matched Crowdfunding campaign has proven to bring in 30-40% more donors than a non-matched campaign. A donor giving £5/£50/£500, will be doubled by our matchers to £50/£500/£5,000. This incentivises the donor to give.


By running the campaign over a short period of time, it adds to the urgency as the campaign gathers momentum. 


The Crowdfunding campaign is made up of 100+ different team leaders, each reaching out to their own contacts asking for donations. 

Each team is urged to reach their personal goal, which then all count towards one main goal. 


The content that OMB are creating will be sent out to the 100+ teams who then send it out to all their contacts via their social media networks. This way we get to reach 1,000s of potential donors and maximise funds.

We’re excited to have the OMBLES involved in something so amazing and hope each submission makes a difference. Please get involved and enter as many times as you want!!

One Minute Brief of the Day: Create beauty advertising posters to show the power of removing the effects of stress on skin with @LoumBeauty #LockdownSkin 

One Minute Brief of the Day:

Create beauty advertising posters to show the power of removing the effects of stress on skin with @LoumBeauty #LockdownSkin 


Our science is unique and truly game-changing. But it’s new and needs education around it to make an impact.

The objective of this brief is to drive awareness of the impact of stress on skin and the power and importance of removing it, ahead of Stress Awareness Month in April

We are looking for OMBLE-style impactful headlines, visuals and copy that capture what we are all about. Feel free to use our logo and imagery within your submissions.

Please tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs, @LoumBeauty with the hashtag #LockdownSkin


  • 1st - £250 + LOUM product hamper

  • 2nd - £200 + LOUM product hamper

  • 3rd - £100 + LOUM product hamper

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Our minds and skin are closely connected, meaning we wear our stress on our skin.

Our adrenaline levels rise – our pro-inflammatory response kicks in, causing dryness, sensitivity and redness.

Our stress causes the release of neuropeptides – our skin increases sebum production, causing oily skin and breakouts.

Our cortisol levels spike - our collagen is damaged and ages prematurely, causing fine lines and wrinkles and loss of firmness. 

And over the last year, #LockdownSkin has made us more aware of the effects of stress on skin than ever before. But too often we treat the symptoms and not the cause.

LOUM Beauty of Calm is the first line of skincare clinically tested to dial down and reverse the effects of stress hormones on skin, so it’s like the stress never happened.

Developed by a leading Psychodermatologist (an expert in the mind-skin connection) and leveraging 30 years of psychodermatology research it lifts away the effects of stress to leave skin, smooth, balanced and glowing with inner calm.

About LOUM:

LOUM is co-founded by Kat Bryce, a senior beauty executive who saw the toll stress was taking on her skin and was determined to lessen its effects. This drove her to combine her expertise and passion to create LOUM. The brand has been incubated by Present Life, a new wellbeing & beauty company led by Camillo Pane, the former CEO of Coty. Present Life builds and acquires purpose-led, natural self-care brands that don’t compromise on performance or the planet. LOUM is available exclusively at Cult Beauty in the UK and EU.

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One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to encourage businesses to sign up for @DiaryBooker to save time booking in customers for appointments #Saving1MillionHours

Today we’ve got a brilliant brief and great prizes to be won through our collaboration with - who are on a mission to Save One Million Hours A Month For SMEs!!

And, we’re going to help them OMBLE-style!!!

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One Minute Brief of the Day:

Create posters to encourage businesses to sign up for @DiaryBooker to save them time booking in customers for their appointments, especially now that non-essential businesses are starting to plan to reopen in April for customer visits and services.

Please tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs and @DiaryBooker with the hashtag #Saving1MillionHours


  • £100 cash to the winner

  • £50 cash to 2nd place

  • £25 cash to 3rd place

  • Every entrant also receives LIFETIME ACCESS by way of a coupon code we will send to each via DM after the campaign at your request. This can be redeemed by you or forwarded onto friends or family.


At we live by a simple philosophy, “time saved booking appointments leads directly to happy customers.”

As SMEs begin to reopen, we know full well that business owners and staff are going to spend a huge amount of time in the next few weeks and beyond calling up customers and clients to book them in and to send reminders. will save them that time and relieve a massive headache.

As part of the lockdown lifting, we want to SAVE A MILLION HOURS in the next month by helping SMEs to be able book in their loyal customers for their appointments and send reminders quickly, efficiently and cost effectively.

Find the full list of features and benefits here:

Special Offer:

As a special reward for all those SME owners who have been knocked form pillar to post over the last ten months and shown incredible resilience and patience during lockdown, we are offering LIFETIME ACCESS to the system for a ONE TIME PRICE of just £67 FOR LIFE along with a bundle of x number of reminder texts to send to their customers, instead of the usual £120 per year.

Types of Businesses who you may wish to reference in your entries

  • All types of beauty trades

  • Mechanics

  • Driving instructors

  • Professional - such as solicitors and accountants

  • Personal trainers

  • 1 to 1 instructors, consultants and therapists


One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters using the @EarthHour clock motif to encourage people worldwide to put the spotlight on our planet & take part in #EarthHour, tomorrow at 8:30pm

Our last campaign #WorldWithoutNature had reach of 300 million. So we’re expecting a billion in reach today!! We’re excited to see how the OMBLES take on this one!!

One Minute Brief of the Day:

We’re looking for the OMBLES to create posters using the clock motif provided to encourage people from around the world to put the spotlight on our planet and take part in #EarthHour, tomorrow evening at 8:30pm. 

The winning post will be featured on the OMB channel in a short film that we will release tomorrow.

We’re excited for all of the different creative uses of the motif and would like to see all sorts of different backgrounds, sketches, GIFS, accompanying headlines and more to bring it to life.

You can use it in any way you like. The more creative the better!!

Black & White Transparent PNGs are available at the bottom of the page to help with your submissions.


Please tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs @earthhour with the hashtag #EarthHour

Please include this call to action in your tweets: Get the world talking and join the #EarthHour Virtual Spotlight tomorrow, 27 March at 8:30 pm by taking one simple action:


While doing it for the one place we call home is reward in itself, we will also pick:

1 winner will receive £250 cash and a tee from the Earth Hour shop. (Announced 27th in the Virtual Spotlight Video)

2 runners-up will win a tee from the Earth Hour shop. (Announced 29th/30th)

Messages to consider in your posters:

  • Nature matters to us all, it is the planet’s life support system and gives us everything we need from the air we breathe to the water we drink to the food we eat.

  • This past year has reminded us that health truly is wealth. And our health depends on the health of our planet.

  • 2020 and the COVID Pandemic taught us just how important distance is, but the state of our planet and the scale of issues facing us can only be solved if we unite and come together to solve it, not just in 2021 but beyond.

  • The united global response to the COVID-19 pandemic has shown that we have it in us to work together towards a common goal. Now let’s make that goal the protection of our planet.

  • The good news is that we have the power to create positive change! Every small action makes a big difference to build a brighter future for us all.


About #EarthHour:


#EarthHour is a symbolic lights-out event that happens every year on the last Saturday of March, 8:30 pm local time. It is one of the world’s largest grassroots movements for the environment, engaging millions of people from over 180 countries & territories to speak up for nature and inspire global action for the environment.

More info here:

Twitter: @earthhour

Let’s get the world watching and talking!!!

How to take part in Earth Hour:

Black ‘Spotlight’ icon on transparent Background:

EH Motif_Version 3_Black.png

White ‘Spotlight’ icon on transparent Background: (it is there below even if you can’t see it on the site’s white background!!)

EH Motif_Version 3_White.png

One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters or @metoffice to encourage people to #StaySafeInTheSun and remind them that even if it’s cloudy they should protect themselves from #UV.

One Minute Brief of the Day:

Create posters or @metoffice to encourage people to #StaySafeInTheSun and remind them that even if it’s cloudy they should protect themselves from #UV.

Help raise awareness that people can be prepared using UV forecasts on the Met Office weather app and website. Do it in a visually exciting way while making it unique to the Met Office… and have fun! 

Tweet your submissions to @OneMinuteBriefs & @metoffice with the hashtag #UV #StaySafeInTheSun


  • £200 CASH




The sun's rays can be strong enough to burn in the UK from around April to September.

A small amount of UV radiation is essential in the production of vitamin D, however too much exposure to the sun can have serious effects on your skin and eyes. It is important not to be caught out by the sun so use our forecast to plan your day, keep covered and wear a hat and sunglasses, spend time in the shade and use a high factor sun cream with good UVA protection to protect yourself.

Up to 80% of the sun's UV rays penetrate light clouds so even if it's cloudy it's important to protect yourself.

Get UV forecasts for UK and worldwide locations on the Met Office weather app. The UV forecast shows the UV index for the next 7 days and an hourly forecast for the next 2 days.

More info here:


  • Use the Met Office colour palette and logo;

  • Keep it simple and impactful;


  • No referencing political agendas;

  • Reference catastrophic weather events

  • Do not mock up any National Severe Weather Warning content using the Met Office logo


  • Best posters will be unique and inspire people to think about the effects of UV even when it’s cloudy, highlighting that UV forecasts are on the Met Office app and website. The best posters will clearly position us as weather and climate experts.

Social Links:







Snapchat: metoffice

Feel free to use Met Office logo in your entries. Note that the preferred positioning of this on graphics is in the top left.

Brand colour codes can be found at the bottom of the page.


One Minute Brief of the Day: Create billboard-style posters for @CurrentBody’s #TheOtherMask campaign that celebrates celebrates their LED Light Therapy Mask as the go-to beauty product.

Today’s brief is an exciting one with CurrentBody, who have just launched #TheOtherMask campaign. Everyone’s talking about protective face masks and face coverings but there’s another mask people are talking about too that will make your skin glow and we want to bring that to life in the form of impactful billboard-style simple posters.


One Minute Brief of the Day:

Create billboard-style posters for @CurrentBody’s #theothermask campaign that celebrates celebrates their LED Light Therapy Mask as the go-to beauty product during the last 12 months, loved by Hollywood A-listers like Renée Zellweger, Kaley Cuoco, celebrities Lily Allen and Suki Waterhouse as well as thousands of customers. Showcase the CurrentBody Skin LED Light Therapy Mask as a convenient and effective home-use beauty treatment.


Winner will receive:

  • £100 cash

  • CurrentBody skin LED Light Therapy Mask worth £349. 

  • Entries could also be featured on CurrentBody’s Twitter Account, as well as the opportunity to be featured in comms in over 17 international territories & maybe even feature on the UK’s largest outdoor digital screen in Manchester!


#TheOtherMask is a just-launched campaign from CurrentBody, playing off conversations that we’re all having about wearing protective masks and spinning it into an idea that wearing #TheOtherMask will make your skin glow. As we edge closer to the end of lockdown, use #TheOtherMask to treat skincare concerns as we continue to adapt to a new way of life.


CurrentBody skin is a clinically-proven flexible silicone mask that hugs the face using red and near-infrared LED light therapy to treat a variety of skincare concerns including anti-ageing, inflammation and skin texture with a 10-minute treatment recommended for 3-5 times a week for four weeks.

There are many benefits to using the CurrentBody Skin LED Light Therapy Mask listed below (additional information here):

  • Clinically-proven results

  • Treats a multitude of concerns including wrinkles, fine lines, inflammation, scarring and skin texture

  • Takes only 10 minutes per treatment

  • Visible results in 4 weeks

  • Hands-free treatment with rechargeable battery pack

  • Can do light household tasks or relaxing whilst wearing it

  • Suitable for all skin types and skin tones

  • Can complement your existing skincare routine


  • Use the CurrentBody logo

  • Have fun with it

  • Think outside the box

  • Position CurrentBody as an expert authority


  • Split the word CurrentBody

  • Make light of salons/clinics being closed

  • Make light of masks

  • Put the mask in any hazardous environment like a bath or driving a car

Instagram @currentbody

Facebook @currentbody

Twitter @currentbody

YouTube @currentbody

TikTok @currentbody

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One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to encourage people to make a simple swap to #UpgradeYourBreakfast & use Kefir instead of milk in their daily morning cereal or breakfast of choice.

Kefir is the fastest growing diary product & fast becoming the biggest health food trend in the UK!!!

So, we’re very excited to be teaming up with Biotiful today to share that story and bring the benefits of Kefir to life in typically brilliant OMBLE style for the chance to win some great prizes!!

One Minute Brief of the Day:

Create posters to encourage people to make a simple swap to #UpgradeYourBreakfast & use Kefir instead of milk in their daily morning cereal or breakfast of choice.

Please tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs and @Biotiful_Dairy with the hashtag #UpgradeYourBreakfast


1st Place:

£200 cash prize and a month’s supply of Kefir!!

2nd Place:

£150 cash prize!!

3rd Place:

£100 cash prize!!



Kefir is a cultured Dairy drink.

Dairy is delicious. And cultured dairy? Delicious of course. But it also means gut-friendly bacteria – billions of them. Protein – a lot of it. Our Biotiful Kefir is made with British milk and no sugar added.

Originating from the Caucasus mountains, Kefir has been a trusted dietary staple for over 2,000 years. The word literally means ‘feel good’, and with over 40 strains of gut-friendly cultures in our Biotiful Kefir we understand why.

We love Kefir for breakfast or as a snack. It’s great in smoothies or poured over cereal.


Kefir is made with an ancient fermentation method which is amazing yet simple.

It starts with Kefir grains, which are essentially a cluster of beneficial bacteria. These live cultures areadded to fresh warm milk, kick-starting the fermentation. Inside of a tight container away from light, the lactose in the milknourishes the grains, allowing them to grow and reproduce, whilst starving the grains of oxygen.

Once the Kefir is fermented, the remaining Kefir grains are strained before bottling, leaving you with a smooth, delicious cultured Dairy drink.


Kefir is a naturally fermented food made with live cultures, and it’s believed these fermented foods can provide a dose of live microorganisms to support healthy digestion. Other examples of fermented foods include kombucha, kimchi and sauerkraut.

Digestive function is just one of the benefits associated with a healthy gut, learn more in our article: Kefir and the link with Gut Health.


Additional Messages we’d like to share:

Immunity support, naturally*

Gut friendly Cultures**

*Kefir is a source of Vitamin B12, which contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system.

**Kefir is also source of calcium, which contributes to the normal functioning of the digestive enzymes.

Green is our core colour 369c. Feel free to use any of the images or logos in your submissions.

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New Logo Oct 20.png
Range Liquids Kefir complete.jpg

One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to help educate consumers on why they should switch to an electric vehicle.

We’re excited to launch another brilliant brief with our partners Clear Channel. With a great prize to be won, we cannot wait to see all of the creativity on display today!!! You also have the opportunity to have your idea featured on billboards across the UK next week as the nation begins to re-introduce the public back to the #GreatOutdoors.

One Minute Brief of the Day:

Get your motors runnin’! Create posters to help educate consumers on why they should switch to an electric vehicle.


Ambitious government plans will see the end of petrol and diesel vehicle sales by 2030, however meeting this deadline will be challenging for the car industry.

We want to show how Out of Home can help car manufacturers position themselves as leaders in the electric race, showcasing their latest model while aligning with the wider environmental conversation.

COVID-19 has accelerated several changes throughout our cities, from increased pedestrianisation to new and safer cycle lanes. We are also seeing a switch in public attitudes to electric vehicles. Following the environmental improvements in cities as a result of the national lockdown, many people do not want to go back.


However, there is still a lack of education in the market and consumers often don’t have enough information to make the switch to electric. In fact, 43% of consumers stated they don’t know enough to consider the purchase, highlighting a need for greater consumer education.

A recent survey from Ford highlighted three main areas of concern:

  • 37% of consumers cited Range Anxiety as the main barrier to switching to electric

  • 53% say affordability is their main barrier to entry

  • 51% are concerned that the charging infrastructure is not robust enough

Ford’s Managing Director Andy Barrat believes that:

“While the move to electrification is gathering pace, there’s no mistaking that this is a huge task ahead of us that will require fundamental efforts to ensure consumers are taken on the journey, and the first step is understanding what their options are”.

Winning Criteria:

We’re looking for fun, impactful creatives that help allay the negative pre-conceptions around Electric Vehicle ownership, encouraging consumers to make the switch.


One Minute Brief of the Day:

Create posters to help @ClearChannelUK welcome people back to the #GreatOutdoors & you could have your idea shared on billboards around the UK when restrictions are eased next week on March 29th.

We’d like to see simple, impactful and positive ideas that welcome the public back, make them smile and remind them that things are getting better as the days get warmer and we can all get out more!!


  • Social contact

    The evidence shows that it is safer for people to meet outdoors rather than indoors. And this is why from 29 March, when most schools start to break up for the Easter holidays, outdoor gatherings (including in private gardens) of either 6 people (the Rule of 6) or 2 households will also be allowed, making it easier for friends and families to meet outside.

  • Business and activities

    Outdoor sports facilities such as tennis and basketball courts, and open-air swimming pools, will also be allowed to reopen, and people will be able to take part in formally organised outdoor sports.

  • Travel

    The ‘stay at home’ rule will end on 29 March but some restrictions will remain in place.

Remember to tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs and @ClearChannelUK with the hashtag #GreatOutdoors

Please include your Twitter handle in the corner of your poster so we know who you are and feel free to tag in any people/brands that are part of your entries.


- £200 cash prize for today’s winning idea

+ The chance to have your idea featured by Clear Channel on digital OOH billboards across the UK on the 29th March.

About Clear Channel:

At Clear Channel we create the future of media. We love nothing more than being a platform for brands and a platform for good. We’ve been showing posters on our sites for over 50 years now. So we’ve seen one or two good ones, and a fair few bad ones in our time. We love great poster design.

Did you know that the average person looks at a billboard for less than 7 seconds?

That’s why we’re joining forces, once again, with One Minute Briefs to set a brief that challenges the OMBLES to explore capturing peoples imagination in a very short space of time.

Find out more about Clear Channel at:

Feel free to use any of the assets available here if you’d like to mock-up any of your ideas on to one of our billboards.

Full T&Cs here.

One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to advertise your local #ChipShop - in partnership with @TheDrum's Chip Shop Awards

One Minute Briefs has been a big supporter and sponsor of the Chip Shop Awards for a number of years now and we’re delighted to partner with them again on today’s brief. OMB gives people the opportunity to work on big brands that they may not otherwise get the chance to do so and that’s what the Chip Show Awards is all about. Celebrating Creativity Without Limits. Spec-ads welcome.

A great idea is a great idea and they deserve recognition. And this is a place where that can happen. That’s why I’m delighted to be on the judging panel once again this year.

Today’s brief is to celebrate how the Chip Shop Awards was originated and there’s an amazing prize on offer. We can’t wait to see what the OMBLES come up with.


One Minute Brief of the Day:

Create posters to advertise your local #ChipShop - in partnership with @TheDrum's Chip Shop Awards

Tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs & @TheDrum with the hashtag #ChipShop and link to


The winner will receive a special Chip Shop Award at this year’s event ceremony.

The inspiration behind today’s brief and the Awards:

The Drum’s Chip Shop Awards origins come from a true fish tale. Barnacles Fish & Chip Shop in Llandudno, Wales, was once the talk of London’s Soho when its ad campaign scooped a heap of awards. That campaign was the work of an advertising nobody. The client was his mother. His budget? Beer money. Get to know the whole story here and check out the video below.

About the Chip Shop Awards:

The Drum Chip Shop Awards celebrate pure, unadulterated creativity. It's a platform where anything and everything is allowed, an awards show with no rules and no boundaries meaning the possibilities are endless!

The Chip Shop Awards is about fostering and recognising creativity without limits. Offering a rare chance for creatives to show what they’re capable of when ‘a brilliant idea’ is the only brief, the awards call upon entrants to create the campaigns they’ve always wanted to but haven’t yet dared.

Find out more about the awards here:

Deadline to enter is 25th March 2021!

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One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to encourage people to think about what could happen if bulky ‘waste’ was properly recycled #WasteNotWantNot #GlobalRecyclingDay

When it comes to creating campaigns designed to inspire others to take better care of our planet, the OMBLES know how to nail a brief. But what about when tasked with educating others around how even the bulkiest wastes can be recycled with ease?

To mark Global Recycling Day, we’re looking for visuals (be it posters, gifs, or scribbles on paper) to depict how one person’s trash could be another person’s treasure. Think an old lifeless mattress, or a washing machine faulty beyond repair. Such bulky, awkward waste streams could be considered nothing more than rubbish, but they can be broken down into their component parts for reuse and recycling. Valuable materials, from metals to plastics, and fibres to foam, could remain ‘locked’ inside these redundant products, if they’re not shredded and ‘freed’ for future use.

There’s more to the old adage #WasteNotWantNot than people might think.


One Minute Brief of the Day:

Create posters to encourage people to think about what could happen if bulky ‘waste’ was properly recycled.

Tweet entries to @oneminutebriefs, @UnthaUK & @GlbRecyclingDay with the hashtags #WasteNotWantNot #GlobalRecyclingDay.

Prize: £200 cash plus a box of eco goodies.

About today’s brief:

There’s no getting away from the perceived difficulties and costs associated with sending bulkier items for recycling, such as mattresses, old IT equipment and washing machines etc.

It’s this lack of education is what leads to fly tipping. And, if these items are just dumped, such elements are completely lost from the value chain. Within a mattress for instance, is metal, foam, and so much more that can be sent for recycling and reuse if the mattress is broken down and the component parts segregated. In an old laptop which is beyond repair there are various precious metals, plastic and so on. It’s about breaking something down to start again.

 In other words, materials that still have plenty of useful life left in them could simply go to waste if they are thrown away. This is unnecessarily costly, harmful to the environment, and means we have to use needless amounts of raw materials to make new stuff.

That’s why we’re so excited to see all the different interpretations of the brief from the OMBLES in order to share this important message and bring it to life!

The winning entry will highlight how many valuable materials would otherwise remain locked in ‘waste’ if not ‘freed’ for recycling. There’s still life in the old dog yet!

 Get creative and enter as many times as you wish for the chance to win.

What’s the issue?

Part of the problem lies with people not knowing what can and can't be recycled locally, the massive disparities between councils – often resulting in the wheelie bin sticker of shame. 

There’s no getting away from the perceived difficulties and costs associated with sending bulkier items for recycling, such as mattresses, old IT equipment and washing machines etc. 

It’s this lack of education is what leads to fly tipping. And, if these items are just dumped, such elements are completely lost from the value chain and end up in the waste stream unless shredding ensues.

Find out more here:

Who’s setting today’s brief?

UNTHA UK is a manufacturer of industrial shredders that can process almost anything. It’s our mission to ensure valuable resources are recycled or used for energy recovery, rather than ending up as waste. We genuinely care about the environment and want more people to, too.

As a B2B brand which usually only talks to our peers (rather than the public) we feel this is a topic that needs to be discussed about more – hence why we’re enlisting the help of the OMBLES to help us spread the word and make recycling cool. (Which we already know it is, of course). 

Fun fact: UNTHA’s pride and joy ‘Gary the Gobbler’ made a cameo appearance in the recent Channel 4 series, The Fantastical Factory of Curious Craft. No, we’re not joking. 

One Minute Brief of the day: Create posters to promote @FlooglebinderUK’s Sri Lanka trip and inspire others to #TravelWithPurpose

We’ve got an exciting, and very different, One Minute Brief in store today with some incredible prizes to be won. Really looking forward to seeing how creative the OMBLES get with this brief!!

Maybe the next OMBLive event can be in Sri Lanka?! OMBLES ON TOUR!!


One Minute Brief of the day:

Create posters to promote @FlooglebinderUK’s Sri Lanka trip and inspire others to #TravelWithPurpose

Flooglebinder are travel experts and a certified B Corporation with experience in over 75 countries. We curate sustainable bespoke adventures that incorporate sustainability, conservation and wellness. We exist to create change through travel.  All of our projects are designed to create positive impact and travel with purpose. We ensure that everyone who comes away with us not only has the trip of a lifetime, but works with us to create genuine positive change and meet awesome people in the process. 

Immersing yourself in nature not only reduces anxiety and stress, contributing to our physical and mental wellbeing, but it also inspires us and promotes creativity. 

That's why we'd love to offer all the creatives working on this One Minute Brief a chance to win a range of sustainable goodie bags plus vouchers towards our Sri Lanka project, running from the 7th-18th September '21.

This trip is a unique Sri Lankan adventure, carefully crafted to give you everything from culture and conservation to adventure, rest and relaxation - not to mention a group of like-minded individuals who you can connect with through your love for travel and sustainability. It’s a chance to reconnect with nature - and see some pretty epic sunsets along the a few cold beers.

Discover full details about the trip here:

Please tweet your entries to @FlooglebinderUK and @OneMinuteBriefs with the hashtags #TravelWithPurpose & #BCorpMonth + include the link






Feel free to use images below and logos within your entries. You can access our font too here.

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One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to support the launch of Wickes’ Fitted Home Office range #WickesFromHome

At Wickes, we want the nation to feel houseproud. In a recent survey we found that a ⅓ of people still don’t have a dedicated workspace in their home, yet 75% of people believe we’ll still continue to work from home in 2021 and beyond. That’s a lot of people we’d love to help feel proud of their working from home space!

With this in mind, it seemed the right thing to do to launch a fitted home office solution - we’ll help you design, install and add the finishing touches to your home office.

We’re calling on the OMBLES to help bring our new fitted home office ranges to life! You can use the images of our new ranges attached, plus our logo too. 

One Minute Brief of the Day:

Create posters to support the launch of Wickes’ Fitted Home Office range

Wickes Logo.jpg

Inspiration for your #WickesFromHome entries

  • We have 44 new ranges - that’s a lot of different types of home office! Pick your favourite or include a selection, and remember they’re available in a variety of colours too.

  • We can handle any challenge: transform under your stairs? Yes. Add a desk to the end of your kitchen countertop? Yes. Convert your basement into an office? Yes.

  • Creativity in all forms is welcome. Think sketches, illustrations, paintings, gifs, stopmotion, animation, video... let’s get those juices flowing.

  • Think of your own working from home experience. This service is for you and we’d love to see your take on our new range come through.

Link to online office brochure

Tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs and @Wickes with the hashtag #WickesFromHome

You can also share your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs and @Wickes on Instagram within posts or stories.

Submissions could also be shared on the Wickes channels & shortlisted ideas could even be displayed online or in-store!!


1st Place

£200 + £100 Wickes voucher

2nd Place

£150 + £50 Wickes voucher

3rd Place

£75 + £25 Wickes voucher

Web and social links:

Feel free to use the Wickes fonts or logo within your poster designs. You can find them here.

Link to brief T&Cs here.

One Minute Brief of the Day: Create #ThankYouNHS posters/cards to show our gratitude to the NHS staff with @thortful & @LoveYourNHS

Yesterday we thanked our mothers, and people who have played that role for us, on Mother’s Day and today we’ve got a very special brief with thortful where we can show our gratitude to the NHS. Yesterday thortful raised over £130,000 for NHS Charities Together with their Mother's Day cards and flower sales.

And now, as a community, we have the opportunity to be part of a stunning montage of thank you messages to the NHS in the form of an art installation planned by thortful. You can see more about it here.

This can leave a real legacy and this will be displayed outside a hospital to show how much we thank all NHS staff for the work they do. The piece will then be auctioned off to raise money for NHS Charities, so the OMBLES can help raise lots of money for a great cause through their creativity today.

We want to see ‘Thank You Card’ style ideas with impactful headlines, witty copy, scribbles, sketches, designs and more. Be as creative as you like and enter as many times as you like!


Tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs, @LoveYourNHS and @thortful with the hashtag #ThankYouNHS

You can also tag in @NHScharities, who this campaign is supporting.

Feel free to tag in some of the people going above and beyond in healthcare right now…

Deadline 6pm GMT. Please include your Twitter handle in the corner of your entries.



  • The overall winner will receive a year’s supply of cards from and £100 cash prize!!!

  • Plus, the winner and three runners up will become part thortful’s growing community of independent creators.

  • All entries have the opportunity to be featured within the art installation thortful have planned to say thank you to the NHS later this year.

Info about our charity partner is available here:

About thortful:

Not so long ago we found ourselves let down by the lack of creativity, diversity and poor quality of the online greeting card offering. The high street wasn't much better, and we could see people settling for cards that would 'just do' rather than thinking 'this is a beautiful card that sums up my feelings for the recipient'. Enter thortful! We're striving to offer the best card shopping experience with the ability to find the perfect greeting card quickly (and not one that'll just do!).

thortful is a creative card marketplace supporting a community of designers, illustrators and photographers who create beautiful, unique greeting cards (most of which you won't find on the high street!). We believe that our creators should be appropriately rewarded for their creative talents, so we pay them an industry-leading royalty rate too - they deserve nothing less!

We're fuelled by caffeine, passionate about the product we are building and have a shared vision of making the world a more thortful place. Download our app and you’ll have 1000s of cards ready to go, in your pocket, for every occasion. Not only can you save those key dates and schedule card deliveries for the future, you can even upload a message in your own handwriting to print on the inside of your card (no one will ever know you forgot!).

Below are some of the brilliant Thank You cards from to give you some inspiration!

One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to encourage people to celebrate #MothersDay with the perfect blend of a chat and a cuppa in real life, socially distanced or virtually!

One Minute Brief of the Day:

Create posters to encourage people to celebrate #MothersDay with the perfect blend of a chat and a cuppa in real life, socially distanced or virtually!

PG tips is an authentically British brand and this year we are looking to integrate ourselves even further into a selection of cultural moments where we think having #cuppastogether (or at a social distance/virtually) can play a role in that moment. 

That’s why we’re calling on the OMBLES to help us blend these moments through the lenses of having a cuppa and celebrating mothers or even people who have played that role. We’re excited to see all of the creative ways the OMBLES bring this to life ahead of Mother’s Day this Sunday!!

PG tips_2015_Master Logo_4 Col.jpg


At PG Tips, we know a thing or two about bringing people together through the magic of a cuppa and a chat. With the world being so upside down right now, we’re on a mission to get more people to share a cuppa even if it virtually – whether it’s a friend, relative, neighbour or someone new. 

We want to help share more moments that you can have a cuppa! 

The brief is straightforward: Help us to blend PG tips into cultural moments this year with quick-thinking creative designs, notes, sketches, scribbles, GIFs or however else you see fit, that will encourage people to have a good old cuppa and celebrate their mothers or people who have played that role. 

Please tweet your entries to @PGtips & @OneMinuteBriefs with the hashtags #MothersDay & #CuppasTogether



  • £200 cash prize

  • One year’s supply of PG tips!!

  • PG Tips tea with 3 x personalised PG Tips mugs!!


  • Personalised PG Tips mug & Box of Tea!!

3rd Place:

  • PG Tips mug & Box of Tea!!

Social/Web Links:

PG Tips FB Size[2].jpg

One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters to promote @BarnardosRetail and encourage younger audiences to consider it as a destination to purchase quality pre-loved items at amazing prices.

Today’s One Minute Brief is for a brilliant cause and a great way for the OMBLES to get creative and bring to life the good that Barnardo’s do, whilst bringing to life the idea of fashion, style and sustainability. Hopefully one of these ideas can become part of something much bigger in the future too!


One Minute Brief of the Day:

Create posters to promote @BarnardosRetail and encourage younger audiences to consider it as a destination to purchase quality pre-loved items at amazing prices.

Please tweet your entries to @OneMinuteBriefs & @BarnardosRetail with the hashtag #BarnardosRetail


  • Barnardo’s Retail Goodie Bag

  • The winning entry will have the chance to work with the Barnardo’s retail marketing team and have their concepts developed into a nationwide campaign.


Barnardo’s has over 600 retail shops across the UK, selling a vast range of quality pre-loved items and new items from clothing and accessories, to homeware and media, there is always something amazing to be found in one of our stores!

As we are preparing to re-open our shops from April, we’re looking to create an advertising campaign idea that appeals to audiences that may not have considered shopping with us before.

We want to challenge the status quo, appeal to younger audiences whilst positioning our stores as a leading destination to purchase great quality items at amazing prices.

The campaign should be fun, appealing and reflect our current efforts to drive our position as a sustainable fashion retailer within the pre-loved market.

The campaign will not only help us drive footfall into stores, but all sales made will help Barnardo’s continue their work with the UK’s most vulnerable children, young people and families. So what are you waiting for, be part of something amazing today!

Feel free to use our Instagram account @Barnardosretail and our blog, for inspiration!!

Social/Web Links:

You can use some of the images below if you wish but you don’t have to. You can be as creative as you like!

One Minute Brief of the Day: Create posters featuring totally nonsensical packaging designs for @OatlyUK products, without using any similarities or inference to dairy.

Extremely excited to be collaborating with Oatly on today’s One Minute Brief. Oatly’s approach to their recent advertising campaigns is a great fit with OMB and we can’t wait to see what the OMBLES come up for this! Enter as many times as you wish and have fun with it!


One Minute Brief of the Day:

Highlight the absurdity of Amendment 171 by creating posters featuring totally nonsensical packaging designs for @OatlyUK products, without using any similarities, or even inference to dairy. #StopPlantBasedCensorship #StopAM171


About today’s campaign:

EU Amendment 171 would dramatically expand current restrictions that exist around plant-based products, like saying ‘oat milk’ for example, and prohibit any use of ‘evocations’ of dairy products.

This means that describing a delicious oat drink as ‘creamy’ or Oatgurt as ‘an alternative to yoghurt’ would be banned. Using a picture pouring oat drink into your morning cereal or coffee? Banned.

It could even mean that packaging plant-based products in a visually similar way to dairy would be prohibited. 

Sounds ridiculous? Well, we think so too. We’d struggle to say or do pretty much anything. We wouldn’t even be able to say Oatly is ‘not milk’, when it’s, well, not milk. And if it’s hard for us to describe and show our products, it’s going to be much harder for people to find and choose them.

That’s where the OMBLES come in.

How would you create posters and design packaging for Oatly products, without using any ‘evocation’ to dairy? If you need to google ‘evocate’ we won’t blame you, we had to too. If this is all sounds totally bonkers to you too, please sign sign the petition to help #StopAM171 and #StopPlantBasedCensorship. 

AM171 is absurd, so please make your packaging designs as absurd as you’d like! 

Tweet your submissions to @OneMinuteBriefs & @OatlyUK with the hashtags #StopPlantBasedCensorship, #StopAM171 & link to 


  • 1st Place -  £300 cash and a month’s supply of Oatly goodies

  • 2nd place - £200 cash and hamper of Oatly goodies

  • 3rd pace - £100 cash and hamper of Oatly goodies 

About Amendment 171:

Stop AM171 is a European-wide campaign currently running from Oatly, in partnership with ProVeg International and Upfield, to stop plant-based censorship.

On October 23rd 2020, the European Parliament voted yes to Amendment 171. The European plant-based-dairy sector is already prohibited from using terms like ‘oat milk’ and ‘soya yoghurt’. However, not content with this, AM171 would dramatically expand those restrictions by prohibiting any use of ‘evocations’ of dairy products on plant-based packaging or in advertising.

In reality this could mean;

  • Describing a plant-based food, its taste, or function by referring to familiar ‘dairy’ terminology . For example, using wordings such as ‘it’s like milk’, ‘creamy’, or ‘buttery’ to inform the consumer about the purpose, texture, or flavour, either on packaging or advertising. This includes informative descriptions, even if they are purely factual. For instance, using the phrases “does not contain milk”, “suitable for persons suffering from lactose intolerance”, or “plant-based alternative to yoghurt”.

  • Showing climate impact by comparing the carbon footprint of a plant-based food item with its dairy equivalent.

  • Using a picture of a plant-based white beverage being poured at a breakfast table, or white foam swirling into a cappuccino.

  • In its most restrictive interpretation, this could result in bans on plant-based food packaging that looks visually similar to dairy packaging.

For more information, and to sign the petition, go to: 



  • Focus on this being anti-UK government

  • Attack politicians, politics or farmers - focus on highlighting the absurdity of AM171, which is supported by the milk lobby, and directing people to the petition

Winning Criteria

  • The best posters will capture the ridiculousness that not being able to use familiar dairy terms, comparisons or even similar packaging, would mean for Oatly and other plant-based companies. It would do so in a way that drives people to want to sign and share the petition to Stop AM171.

Social Links:

Check out this article from Oatly, which features some of the examples pictured below.