7 Vibrant Programmes a week Jam packed with colour, excitement and opportunity, designed to build skills and provide stimulation. These include; dance, singing, art, music, health & wellbeing, discussion groups, fitness and baking. Activities such as wall climbing, Krav Mega or modelling in our annual fashion show builds confidence and encourages members to go beyond their comfort zone.
100 Volunteers and 50 One-to-one Buddies Enabling us to create a warm and loving community within a community. Volunteers enrich lives by befriending members and helping them integrate into mainstream society. Our inspirational volunteers are experiencing first -hand the diversity of people with disabilities and including them in their lives.
An Inclusive Community People with disabilities have as much to offer as everyone else and we provide them with the opportunity to ‘give back’. Our Volunteering Programme is breaking down barriers, whether delivering parcels for the homeless, visiting the elderly or litter picking with interfaith groups.
Changing Perceptions The Friendship Circle are about putting people with disabilities firmly on the map. We believe that communities are stronger when everyone has the opportunity to be heard on issues that are important to them, which is why we launched our Equal Voices Forum.
Challenging Stereotypes Our Education Programme in Schools teaches children about the beauty of being different and encourages them to think about issues people with disabilities are faced with – building a more inclusive community for the future.
STAYING CONNECTED In March 2020 we launched our STAY CONNECTED campaign and did everything we could to adapt to this new reality. Moving our physical connection to a virtual one, we made sure each and every member had their individual needs met.
5,000 Zoom sign-ins. Daily zoom classes, parties and get-togethers have given structure and stimulation to never ending days.
2,000 Pick-me-up packs lifting spirits and providing endless activities have been delivered.
10,000 Phone Buddy calls, video chats and socially distant walks by over 80 committed volunteers giving emotional and practical support.
90% felt The Friendship Circle helped reduce their anxiety.
80% said The Friendship Circle reduced feelings of loneliness.
90% rated the activity packs as ‘VERY GOOD or EXCELLENT’
92% said they felt supported by their phone buddy during COVID.
Hannah’s Story
Because of The Friendship Circle I have gained so much confidence in myself and I have overcome a lot of obstacles. I’ve come out bigger and stronger and I don’t let people intimidate or bully me anymore, just because of how I look.
Growing up I had very low self-esteem. I was scared of people judging me because I was different. I struggled to make friends and I was often bullied.
When I was 18 I joined The Friendship Circle and my life completely changed - for the better; I made loads of friends and it has made a massive difference to my life.
At the Friendship Circle no one is judged because of their disability, everyone is equal. The Friendship Circle has helped me grow as a person. It has given me the ability to go out and do normal, everyday things, without worrying what other people think of me.
The Friendship Circle is a safe place where me and my friends can be comfortable in our own skin and celebrate who we are.
Without it I wouldn’t be who I am today.
‘The Friendship Circle gets the message across that just because we have special needs, it doesn’t mean we can’t do things that normal people do. It just may take us a little longer.’
Michael & Alayne’s Story
‘Friendship. It’s not a game they play, it’s in their DNA. Friendship - it’s what The Friendship Circle do.’
Hannah is our first child, and when she was born we became familiar with another world that existed in parallel to much of what went on around us. For us, stepping up to our responsibilities took on a different meaning, which meant finding a new type of courage for the lifelong challenges ahead.
There were a number of occasions when people sympathetically said to us, “I’m so sorry,” when telling them about Hannah. Yes - life can catch you unawares. We know that life doesn’t follow a straightforward path and sometimes, not always for the best. But there’s no reason to be sorry.
In those early years, all parents need as much support around them as they can get. And as our children grow, develop, mature and look to find their own path in life, they look for meaning in their lives. They look for friendship.
The Friendship Circle is all about happiness, joy, truth, honesty, love and compassion. They teach us about human dignity, a zest to take enjoyment from whatever life has to offer, an honesty that is pure. The Friendship Circle tell it like it is and the ripple effect of their incredible work helps to make the world a better place
There are so many lessons that Hannah has taught us, there are so many lessons that the members of the FC teach us all such as patience, tolerance, respect and understanding, lessons that mean much more than we realise.